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  1. Nov 29, 2020
    • qiaofl's avatar
      Supports for DETR in MMDetection. (#4201) · 8179440e
      qiaofl authored
      * supports for DETR transformer
      * unit test with small data to avoid out of memory in CI
      * use batch size 1 for unit test to avoid out of memory
      * move transformer into utils folder and use more small data for unit test
      * reformat docstring
      * add more detailed docstring
      * reforamt
      * reformat and add build_transformer (#3866)
      * Supports for DETR position embedding (#3850)
      * supports for DETR position embedding
      * reformat docstring
      * reformat
      * move transformer_head folder into utils
      * remove unnecessary comments
      * reformat
      * reformat
      * reformat docstring
      * reformat
      * add optional for default parameters
      * add comments for unit test
      * avoid inplace in MultiheadAttention and add optional add_residual for FFN
      * Supports for DETR inference (#3941)
      * fix forward in FFN
      * supports detr inference mode with batchsize 1
      * add docstring for DETR in
      * reformat and add doctest for TransformerHead
      * reformat, and move the mask construction from simple_test in to the forward process of transformer_head
      * rename detr_r50_1x_coco as detr_r50_8x4_1x_coco in config
      * reformat
      * mask input_img_shape in img_meta as a general modification of base_detector forward_test
      * reformat
      * Supports for DETR hungarian matcher. (#3929)
      * Add doc of modify loss (#3777)
      * add doc of modify loss
      * minor fix
      * change name
      * improve the function of simple_test_bboxes (#3853)
      * update
      * fix lint error
      * add bbox_pred_split in sabl_head
      * fix lint error
      * fix yapf
      * fix build error
      * fix yapf
      * Clean background_labels in the dense heads (#3221)
      * Clean background_labels in the dense heads
      * clean format
      * Reformat
      * Fix CI bug
      * fix fsaf and the comments
      * fix newly added heads
      * fix yolact
      * complete comments
      * fix rpn transforming bug in two stage networks (#3754)
      * fix rpn transforming bug in two_stage
      * [Refactor] refactor get_subset_by_classes in dataloader for training with empty-GT images (#3695)
      * Add regression test and test data
      * Add fix for empty gt images
      * Trigger CI build
      * refactor get_subset_by_classes
      * reformat and fix docstring
      * [refactor]: move get_subset_by_classes to _filter_imgs
      * make img_ids consistent
      * resolve comments
      * simplify logics
      * add warning
      * add warning
      * add warning
      Co-authored-by: default avatarmmeendez8 <>
      * Fix nonzero in NMS for PyTorch 1.6.0 (#3867)
      * Support TTA of ATSS, FCOS, YOLOv3 (#3844)
      * Support TTA of ATSS, FCOS, YOLOv3
      * Add comment
      * [Docs] Fix typo in docs/tutorials/ (#3876)
      * [Docs] Remove duplicate content in docs/ (#3875)
      * [Enhance]: Convert mask to bool before using it as img's index for robustness and speedup (#3870)
      * Convert mask to bool before using it as img's index
      * lint
      * Rewrite code in more concise way
      * Fix typo in bbox_flip (#3886)
      * fix the API change bug of PAA (#3883)
      * fix cv2 import error of (#3891)
      * [enhance]: Improve documentation of modules and dataset customization (#3821)
      * update tutorials for changing training settings
      * update
      * Update details of hook
      * resolve comments
      * reformat
      * Update module documentations
      * add notes for classes specification
      * support to use pytorch 1.6 in docker (#3905)
      * support to use pytorch 1.6 in docker
      * update mmcv requirement
      * update docs
      * Add missing notes in data customization (#3906)
      * [Fix]: fix mask rcnn training stuck problem when there is no positive rois (#3713)
      * Fix mask rcnn stuck problem when there is no positive rois
      * support non pos inference in cascade methods, link CU-49tawu
      * print mmcv version in CI
      * use mmcv repo to check wrappers
      * change cpu build
      * upgrade mmcv requirements and change ci back
      * use pre-built whl in CI
      * Bump to v2.5.0 (#3879)
      * bump to v2.5.0
      * update PR
      * resolve comments
      * clean unnecessary modification
      * update bc breaking
      * rephrase bc-breaking
      * rephrase
      * Added `generate_inputs_and_wrap_model` function for pytorch2onnx (#3857)
      * added `generate_inputs_and_wrap_model` function for pytorch2onnx
      * undo debugging changes
      * added model.cpu().eval()
      * refactored onnx
      * fix verify
      * move `generate_inputs_and_wrap_model` into mmdet.core.export
      * use `generate_inputs_and_wrap_model` in tools/
      * typo (#3917)
      * Edit mmdet.core.export docstring (#3912)
      * edit mmdet.core.export docstring
      * update doctest
      * fix small bugs
      * supports for HungarianMatchAssigner, add bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy and bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh for bbox transform
      * format box-wise related giou calculating as a function and implement it in
      * supports for BboxGIoU2D and re-implements giou_loss using bbox_gious
      * remove unnecessary
      * reformat
      * reformat docstring
      * reformat
      * rename
      * supports for giou calculating in BboxOverlaps2D, and re-implements giou_loss using bbox_overlaps
      * fix sabl validating bug in cascade_rcnn (#3913)
      * reformat
      * move giou related unit test from to
      * reformat
      * Avoid division by zero in PAA head when num_pos=0
      * [Fix]: Avoid division by zero in PAA head when num_pos=0 (#3938)
      * explicitly add mode in giou_loss
      * Add supports for giou calculation in BboxOverlaps2D, and re-implements giou_loss using bbox_overlaps (#3936)
      * supports for BboxGIoU2D and re-implements giou_loss using bbox_gious
      * remove unnecessary
      * reformat
      * reformat docstring
      * reformat
      * rename
      * supports for giou calculating in BboxOverlaps2D, and re-implements giou_loss using bbox_overlaps
      * reformat
      * move giou related unit test from to
      * reformat
      * Avoid division by zero in PAA head when num_pos=0
      * explicitly add mode in giou_loss
      * Add supports for giou calculation in BboxOverlaps2D, and add iou_calculator in hungarian_assigner
      * rename hungarian_match_assigner as hungarian_assigner
      * fix init
      * reformat docstring
      * Avoid division by zero in PAA head when num_pos=0
      * fix cpu (#3948)
      * add mode for iou_calculator and make giou cost as a default case
      * make mode as a param in iou_calculator
      * reformat docsting
      * make iou_mode outside of iou_calculator
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCao Yuhang <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataryuzhj <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarWenwei Zhang <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarmmeendez8 <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarYosuke Shinya <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLabMemNo003 <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarYe Liu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataraboettcher <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRyan Li <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJiangmiao Pang <>
      * Re-implements RandomCrop to support different crop_type (#4093)
      * re-implements RandomCrop to support different crop_type
      * add assertion for relative related crop_type
      * reformat, and add image shape assertion for unit test
      * reformat
      * Supports for DETR training mode in process. (#3963)
      * add input_img_shape in img_meta, and supports training mode toy
      * toy commit
      * toy commit
      * re-organize and support for detr training mode
      * add unit test for detr training, testing, and transformer_head
      * add more unit test for transformer
      * reformat
      * remove unnecessary
      * use small transformer model for unit test
      * reformat docstring
      * reformat
      * reformat
      * Supports DETR e150 config (#4197)
      * rename e300 config as e150 config
      * reformat
      * add comments on override option in Resize
      * add comments on override option in Resize
      * position embeddingto positional encoding
      * fix unit tests
      * fix registry name bug
      * rename file
      * remove unnecessary
      Co-authored-by: default avatarZwwWayne <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCao Yuhang <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataryuzhj <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarWenwei Zhang <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarmmeendez8 <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarYosuke Shinya <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLabMemNo003 <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarYe Liu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataraboettcher <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRyan Li <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJiangmiao Pang <>
  2. Sep 17, 2020
  3. Aug 05, 2020
    • robin Han's avatar
      Pytorch2onnx (#3075) · 2f32a47a
      robin Han authored
      * Update which using new logic to convert pytorch to ONNX
      * use standard API to check whether in ONNX convert process
      * only compare the score value while verifying results between ONNX and pytorch
      * move import onnx before import torch, or something weird will happen
      * use real images for input
      * modifying the way of calling nms
      * modify docstring for bbox2result, and remove unnecessary part for onnx exporting
      * modify the 'Convert to ONNX' part in docs
      * replace or to | in docstring
      * update according to the latest mmcv
      * add normalize part
      * raise error while using low version mmcv
      * minor update
      * minor update
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJiarui XU <>
  4. Jul 20, 2020
  5. Jul 10, 2020
    • Cao Yuhang's avatar
      clean op (#3232) · 5f2cdedd
      Cao Yuhang authored
      * clean op
      * clean
      * update build.yml
      * fix setup
      * change ci mmcv version
      * change ci mmcv version
      * add install pre-build mmcv instructions
      * update mmcv url, move some unnit tests to mmcv
      * update ci mmcv
      * test
      * test
      * test
      * fix unit test
      * fix unit test
      * fix onnx script
      * update mmcv url
      * fix typo
      * fix some doc
      * Bump version
      * resolve comments
      * Fix version bug
      Co-authored-by: default avatarZwwWayne <>
  6. Jul 09, 2020
  7. Jul 07, 2020
  8. Jul 04, 2020
  9. Jul 03, 2020
  10. Jun 08, 2020
  11. May 03, 2020
  12. Mar 28, 2020
  13. Mar 19, 2020
  14. Mar 01, 2020
    • Jerry Jiarui XU's avatar
      reimplement cityscapes (#2089) · e27046d8
      Jerry Jiarui XU authored
      * reimplement cityscapes
      * fixed gt bbox mode
      * convert cityscapes to coco style, add cityscapes eval
      * add cityscapes convert script
      * add doc
      * Update
      * Update
      * update fater rcnn
      * fix cityscapes eval
      * support format only in cityscapes
      * add docs
      * remove redundancy
      * resolve eval
      * update cityscapes md
      * more doc and rename
      * update doc and cfg
      * change to test set
  15. Feb 12, 2020
  16. Jan 28, 2020
  17. Dec 22, 2019
  18. Dec 14, 2019
  19. Oct 15, 2019
  20. Jul 31, 2019