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Last successful update .
  1. Oct 26, 2015
  2. Oct 23, 2015
  3. Oct 13, 2015
  4. Oct 12, 2015
  5. Oct 11, 2015
  6. Oct 09, 2015
  7. Oct 05, 2015
    • Junegunn Choi's avatar
      0.10.7 · 1da065e5
      Junegunn Choi authored
    • Junegunn Choi's avatar
      Fix invalid interrupt handler during execute action · 86bc9d50
      Junegunn Choi authored
      Interrupt handling during execute action was not serialized and often
      caused crash, failed to restore the terminal state.
    • Junegunn Choi's avatar
      [completion] Revamp completion API · eee45a95
      Junegunn Choi authored
      * _fzf_complete is the helper function for custom completion
          * _fzf_complete FZF_OPTS ARGS
          * Reads the output of the source command instead of the command string
          * In zsh, you can use pipe to feed the data into the function, but
            it's not possible in bash as by doing so COMPREPLY is set from the
            subshell and thus nullified
      * Change the naming convention for consistency:
          * _fzf_complete_COMMAND
        # pass completion suggested by @d4ndo (#362)
        _fzf_complete_pass() {
          _fzf_complete '+m' "$@" < <(
            local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
            local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
            find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print |
                cut -c "$((stringsize + 1))"-  |
                sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
        # Only in bash
        complete -F _fzf_complete_pass -o default -o bashdefault pass
    • Junegunn Choi's avatar
    • Junegunn Choi's avatar
      [zsh-completion] Allow custom completion function · 8fa9e859
      Junegunn Choi authored
      While in bash you can externally register custom completion functions
      using `complete` command, it was not possible to do so in zsh without
      changing completion.zsh as the name of the supported commands are
      hard-coded within the code (See #362). With this commit, fzf-completion
      of zsh will first look if `_fzf_COMMAND_completion` exists and calls the
      function, so one can externally define completion functions for specific
      This commit also tries to make the interface of (yet undocumented)
      _fzf_list_completion helper function consistent across bash and zsh.
      So the following code works both on bash and zsh.
          _fzf_pass_completion() {
            local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
            local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
            let "stringsize+=1"
            _fzf_list_completion '+m' "$@" << "EOF"
              find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print | cut -c "$stringsize"- | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
          # Only on bash
          complete -F _fzf_pass_completion -o default -o bashdefault pass
      Note that the suggested convention and the interface are not yet final
      and subject to change.
      /cc @d4ndo
  8. Oct 02, 2015
  9. Sep 30, 2015
  10. Sep 27, 2015
  11. Sep 26, 2015
  12. Sep 24, 2015
  13. Sep 22, 2015
  14. Sep 20, 2015
  15. Sep 19, 2015
  16. Sep 18, 2015