In this note, you will know how to inference, test, and train predefined models with customized datasets. We use the [ballon dataset]( as an example to describe the whole process.
In this note, you will know how to inference, test, and train predefined models with customized datasets. We use the [balloon dataset]( as an example to describe the whole process.
The basic steps are as below:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ categories = [{
Assume we use the ballon dataset.
Assume we use the balloon dataset.
After downloading the data, we need to implement a function to convert the annotation format into the COCO format. Then we can use implemented COCODataset to load the data and perform training and evaluation.
If you take a look at the dataset, you will find the dataset format is as below:
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ If you take a look at the dataset, you will find the dataset format is as below:
The annotation is a JSON file where each key indicates an image's all annotations.
The code to convert the ballon dataset into coco format is as below.
The code to convert the balloon dataset into coco format is as below.
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Using the function above, users can successfully convert the annotation file int
## Prepare a config
The second step is to prepare a config thus the dataset could be successfully loaded. Assume that we want to use Mask R-CNN with FPN, the config to train the detector on ballon dataset is as below. Assume the config is under directory `configs/ballon/` and named as ``, the config is as below.
The second step is to prepare a config thus the dataset could be successfully loaded. Assume that we want to use Mask R-CNN with FPN, the config to train the detector on balloon dataset is as below. Assume the config is under directory `configs/balloon/` and named as ``, the config is as below.
# The new config inherits a base config to highlight the necessary modification