A notebook demo can be found in [demo/inference_demo.ipynb](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/demo/inference_demo.ipynb).
#### Asynchronous interface - supported for Python 3.7+
Async interface allows not to block CPU on GPU bound inference code and enables better CPU/GPU utilization for single threaded application. Inference can be done concurrently either between different input data samples or between different models of some inference pipeline.
See `tests/async_benchmark.py` to compare the speed of synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.
-`RESULT_FILE`: Filename of the output results in pickle format. If not specified, the results will not be saved to a file.
-`EVAL_METRICS`: Items to be evaluated on the results. Allowed values depend on the dataset, e.g., `proposal_fast`, `proposal`, `bbox`, `segm` are available for COCO, `mAP`, `recall` for PASCAL VOC. Cityscapes could be evaluated by `cityscapes` as well as all COCO metrics.
-`--show`: If specified, detection results will be plotted on the images and shown in a new window. It is only applicable to single GPU testing and used for debugging and visualization. Please make sure that GUI is available in your environment, otherwise you may encounter the error like `cannot connect to X server`.
-`--show-dir`: If specified, detection results will be plotted on the images and saved to the specified directory. It is only applicable to single GPU testing and used for debugging and visualization. You do NOT need a GUI available in your environment for using this option.
-`--show-score-thr`: If specified, detections with score below this threshold will be removed.
Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory `checkpoints/`.
1. Test Faster R-CNN and visualize the results. Press any key for the next image.
The generated png and txt would be under `./mask_rcnn_cityscapes_test_results` directory.
## Train with pre-configured models with standard datasets
## Train a model
MMDetection implements distributed training and non-distributed training,
which uses `MMDistributedDataParallel` and `MMDataParallel` respectively.
All outputs (log files and checkpoints) will be saved to the working directory,
which is specified by `work_dir` in the config file.
By default we evaluate the model on the validation set after each epoch, you can change the evaluation interval by adding the interval argument in the training config.
evaluation=dict(interval=12)# This evaluate the model per 12 epoch.
**\*Important\***: The default learning rate in config files is for 8 GPUs and 2 img/gpu (batch size = 8*2 = 16).
According to the [Linear Scaling Rule](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677), you need to set the learning rate proportional to the batch size if you use different GPUs or images per GPU, e.g., lr=0.01 for 4 GPUs * 2 img/gpu and lr=0.08 for 16 GPUs \* 4 img/gpu.
-`--no-validate` (**not suggested**): By default, the codebase will perform evaluation at every k (default value is 1, which can be modified like [this](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/configs/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py#L174)) epochs during the training. To disable this behavior, use `--no-validate`.
-`--work-dir ${WORK_DIR}`: Override the working directory specified in the config file.
-`--resume-from ${CHECKPOINT_FILE}`: Resume from a previous checkpoint file.
-`--options 'Key=value'`: Overide some settings in the used config.
Difference between `resume-from` and `load-from`:
`resume-from` loads both the model weights and optimizer status, and the epoch is also inherited from the specified checkpoint. It is usually used for resuming the training process that is interrupted accidentally.
`load-from` only loads the model weights and the training epoch starts from 0. It is usually used for finetuning.
### Train with multiple machines
If you run MMDetection on a cluster managed with [slurm](https://slurm.schedmd.com/), you can use the script `slurm_train.sh`. (This script also supports single machine training.)
Here is an example of using 16 GPUs to train Mask R-CNN on the dev partition.
GPUS=16 ./tools/slurm_train.sh dev mask_r50_1x configs/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py /nfs/xxxx/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x
You can check [slurm_train.sh](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/tools/slurm_train.sh) for full arguments and environment variables.
If you have just multiple machines connected with ethernet, you can refer to