`tools/analysis_tools/analyze_results.py` calculates single image mAP and saves or shows the topk images with the highest and lowest scores based on prediction results.
python tools/analysis_tools/analyze_results.py \
Description of all arguments:
-`config` : The path of a model config file.
-`prediction_path`: Output result file in pickle format from `tools/test.py`
-`show_dir`: Directory where painted GT and detection images will be saved
-`--show`:Determines whether to show painted images, If not specified, it will be set to `False`
-`--wait-time`: The interval of show (s), 0 is block
-`--topk`: The number of saved images that have the highest and lowest `topk` scores after sorting. If not specified, it will be set to `20`.
-`--show-score-thr`: Show score threshold. If not specified, it will be set to `0`.
-`--cfg-options`: If specified, the key-value pair optional cfg will be merged into config file
Assume that you have got result file in pickle format from `tools/test.py` in the path './result.pkl'.
1. Test Faster R-CNN and visualize the results, save images to the directory `results/`