@@ -125,4 +124,5 @@ If you use this toolbox or benchmark in your research, please cite this project.
## Contact
This repo is currently maintained by Kai Chen ([@hellock](http://github.com/hellock)), Yuhang Cao ([@yhcao6](https://github.com/yhcao6)), Wenwei Zhang ([@ZwwWayne](https://github.com/ZwwWayne)), Jiangmiao Pang ([@OceanPang](https://github.com/OceanPang)) and Jiaqi Wang ([@myownskyW7](https://github.com/myownskyW7)).
This repo is currently maintained by Kai Chen ([@hellock](http://github.com/hellock)), Yuhang Cao ([@yhcao6](https://github.com/yhcao6)), Wenwei Zhang ([@ZwwWayne](https://github.com/ZwwWayne)),
Jiarui Xu ([@xvjiarui](https://github.com/xvjiarui)). Other core developers include Jiangmiao Pang ([@OceanPang](https://github.com/OceanPang)) and Jiaqi Wang ([@myownskyW7](https://github.com/myownskyW7)).
- Dataset evaluation is rewritten with a unified api, which is used by both evaluation hooks and test scripts.
- Support new methods: [CARAFE](https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02188).
**Breaking Changes**
- The new MMDDP inherits from the official DDP, thus the `__init__` api is changed to be the same as official DDP.
- The `mask_head` field in HTC config files is modified.
- The evaluation and testing script is updated.
- In all transforms, instance masks are stored as a numpy array shaped (n, h, w) instead of a list of (h, w) arrays, where n is the number of instances.
**Bug Fixes**
- Fix IOU assigners when ignore_iof_thr > 0 and there is no pred boxes. (#2135)
- Fix mAP evaluation when there are no ignored boxes. (#2116)
- Fix the empty RoI input for Deformable RoI Pooling. (#2099)
- Fix the dataset settings for multiple workflows. (#2103)
- Fix the warning related to `torch.uint8` in PyTorch 1.4. (#2105)
- Fix the inference demo on devices other than gpu:0. (#2098)
- Fix Dockerfile. (#2097)
- Fix the bug that `pad_val` is unused in Pad transform. (#2093)
- Fix the albumentation transform when there is no ground truth bbox. (#2032)
- Use torch instead of numpy for random sampling. (#2094)
- Migrate to the new MMDDP implementation in MMCV v0.3. (#2090)
- Add meta information in logs. (#2086)
- Rewrite Soft NMS with pytorch extension and remove cython as a dependency. (#2056)