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# Lint as: python3
# Copyright 2018, The TensorFlow Federated Authors.
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"""Anonymous named tuples to represent generic tuple values in computations."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections

from six.moves import zip
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_federated.python.common_libs import py_typecheck

  """Represents an anonymous named tuple.

  Anonymous tuples are similar to named tuples, in that their elements can be
  accessed by name or by index, but unlike `collections.namedtuple`, they can
  be instantiated without having to explicitly construct a new class for each
  instance, which incurs unnecessary overhead. Anonymous tuples are thus
  related to `collections.namedtuples` much in the same way anonymous lambdas
  are related to named functions explicitly declared with `def`. One of the
  intended uses of anonymous tuples is to represent structured parameters in
  computations defined as Python functions or TF defuns.


  x = AnonymousTuple([('foo', 10), (None, 20), ('bar', 30)])
  len(x) == 3
  x[0] == 10
  x[1] == 20
  x[2] == 30
  list(iter(x)) == [10, 20, 30]
  sorted(dir(x)) == ['bar', 'foo'] == 10 == 30

  Note that in general, naming the members of these tuples is optional. Thus,
  an `AnonymousTuple` can be used just like an ordinary positional tuple.

  Also note that the user will not be creating such tuples. They are a hidden
  part of the impementation designed to work together with function decorators.
  __slots__ = ('_hash', '_element_array', '_name_to_index', '_name_array')

  # TODO(b/113112108): Define more magic methods for convenience in handling
  # anonymous tuples. Possibly move out to a more generic location or replace
  # with pre-existing type if a sufficiently widely used one can be found.
  def __init__(self, elements):
    """Constructs a new anonymous named tuple with the given elements.

      elements: A list of element specifications, each being a pair consisting
        of the element name (either a string, or None), and the element value.
        The order is significant.

      TypeError: if the `elements` are not a list, or if any of the items on
        the list is not a pair with a string at the first position.
    py_typecheck.check_type(elements, list)
      if not py_typecheck.is_name_value_pair(e, name_required=False):
        raise TypeError(
            'Expected every item on the list to be a pair in which the first '
            'element is a string, found {!r}.'.format(e))

    self._element_array = tuple(e[1] for e in elements)
    self._name_array = []
    reserved_names = ('_asdict',) + AnonymousTuple.__slots__
    for idx, e in enumerate(elements):
      name = e[0]
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        raise ValueError(
            'The names in {} are reserved. You passed the name {}.'.format(
                reserved_names, name))
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        raise ValueError(
            'AnonymousTuple does not support duplicated names, but found {}'
            .format([e[0] for e in elements]))

  def __len__(self):
    return len(self._element_array)

  def __iter__(self):
    return iter(self._element_array)

  def __dir__(self):
    """The list of names.

    IMPORTANT: `len(self)` may be greater than `len(dir(self))`, since field
    names are not required by AnonymousTuple.

      A `list` of `str`.
    return list(self._name_to_index.keys())
    py_typecheck.check_type(key, (int, slice))
    if isinstance(key, int):
      if key < 0 or key >= len(self._element_array):
        raise IndexError(
            'Element index {} is out of range, tuple has {} elements.'.format(
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                key, len(self._element_array)))
    return self._element_array[key]

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    if name not in self._name_to_index:
      raise AttributeError(
          'The tuple of length {:d} does not have named field "{!s}". '
          'Fields (up to first 10): {!s}'.format(
              len(self._element_array), name,
    return self._element_array[self._name_to_index[name]]

  def __eq__(self, other):
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return (isinstance(other, AnonymousTuple) and
            (self._element_array == other._element_array) and
            (self._name_array == other._name_array))
    # pylint: enable=protected-access
  def __repr__(self):
    return 'AnonymousTuple([{}])'.format(', '.join(
        '({!r}, {!r})'.format(n, v) for n, v in to_elements(self)))

    def _element_str(element):
      name, value = element
      if name is not None:
        return '{}={}'.format(name, value)
      return str(value)

    return '<{}>'.format(','.join(_element_str(e) for e in to_elements(self)))
  def __hash__(self):
    if self._hash is None:
      self._hash = hash((
          'anonymous_tuple',  # salting to avoid type mismatch.
  def _asdict(self, recursive=False):
    """Returns an OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

      recursive: Whether to convert nested AnonymousTuples recursively.

      An `OrderedDict`.
    return to_odict(self, recursive=recursive)

def to_elements(an_anonymous_tuple):
  """Retrieves the list of (name, value) pairs from an anonymous tuple.

  Modeled as a module function rather than a method of `AnonymousTuple` to avoid
  naming conflicts with the tuple attributes, and so as not to expose the user
  to this implementation-oriented functionality.

    an_anonymous_tuple: An instance of `AnonymousTuple`.

    The list of (name, value) pairs in which names can be None. Identical to
    the format that's accepted by the tuple constructor.

    TypeError: if the argument is not an `AnonymousTuple`.
  py_typecheck.check_type(an_anonymous_tuple, AnonymousTuple)
  return list(
      zip(an_anonymous_tuple._name_array, an_anonymous_tuple._element_array))
def iter_elements(an_anonymous_tuple):
  """Generates the list of (name, value) pairs from an anonymous tuple.

  Modeled as a module function rather than a method of `AnonymousTuple` to avoid
  naming conflicts with the tuple attributes, and so as not to expose the user
  to this implementation-oriented functionality.

    an_anonymous_tuple: An instance of `AnonymousTuple`.

    A 2-tuple of name, value pairs, representing the elements of

    TypeError: if the argument is not an `AnonymousTuple`.
  py_typecheck.check_type(an_anonymous_tuple, AnonymousTuple)
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  for name, val in zip(an_anonymous_tuple._name_array,
    yield (name, val)
  # pylint: enable=protected-access

def to_odict(anon_tuple, recursive=False):
  """Returns anon_tuple as an `OrderedDict`, if possible.

    anon_tuple: An `AnonymousTuple`.
    recursive: Whether to convert nested AnonymousTuples recursively.

    ValueError: If the anonymous tuple contains unnamed elements.

    An `OrderedDict`.
  py_typecheck.check_type(anon_tuple, AnonymousTuple)

  def _to_odict(elements):
    for name, _ in elements:
      if name is None:
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        raise ValueError(
            'Can\'t convert an AnonymousTuple with unnamed entries to an '
            'OrderedDict: {}'.format(anon_tuple))
    return collections.OrderedDict(elements)

  if recursive:
    return to_container_recursive(anon_tuple, _to_odict)
    return _to_odict(to_elements(anon_tuple))
def flatten(structure):
  """Returns a list of values in a possibly recursively nested tuple.

  N.B. This implementation is not compatible with the approach of
  `tf.nest.flatten`, which enforces lexical order for `OrderedDict`s.
    structure: An anonymous tuple, possibly recursively nested, or a non-tuple
      element that is packed as a singleton list.

    The list of values in the tuple (or the singleton argument if not a tuple).
  if not isinstance(structure, AnonymousTuple):
    result = []
    for _, v in to_elements(structure):
    return result

def pack_sequence_as(structure, flat_sequence):
  """Returns a list of values in a possibly recursively nested tuple.

    structure: An anonymous tuple, possibly recursively nested, or a non-tuple
      argument to match a singleton sequence.
    flat_sequence: A flat Python list of values.

    An anonymous tuple nested the same way as `structure`, but with leaves
    replaced with `flat_sequence` such that when flatten, it yields a list
    with the same contents as `flat_sequence`.
  py_typecheck.check_type(flat_sequence, list)

  def _pack(structure, flat_sequence, position):
    if not isinstance(structure, AnonymousTuple):
      return flat_sequence[position], position + 1
      elements = []
      for k, v in to_elements(structure):
        packed_v, position = _pack(v, flat_sequence, position)
        elements.append((k, packed_v))
      return AnonymousTuple(elements), position

  result, _ = _pack(structure, flat_sequence, 0)
  return result

def is_same_structure(a, b):
  """Compares whether `a` and `b` have the same nested structure.

  This method is analogous to `tf.nest.assert_same_structure`,
  but returns a boolean rather than throwing an exception.

    a: an `AnonymousTuple` object.
    b: an `AnonymousTuple` object.

    True iff `a` and `b` have the same nested structure.

    TypeError: if `a` or `b` are not of type AnonymousTuple.
  py_typecheck.check_type(a, AnonymousTuple)
  py_typecheck.check_type(b, AnonymousTuple)
  elems_a = to_elements(a)
  elems_b = to_elements(b)
  if len(elems_a) != len(elems_b):
    return False
  for elem_a, elem_b in zip(elems_a, elems_b):
    val_a = elem_a[1]
    val_b = elem_b[1]
    if elem_a[0] != elem_b[0]:
      return False
    if isinstance(val_a, AnonymousTuple) and isinstance(val_b, AnonymousTuple):
      return is_same_structure(val_a, val_b)
    elif isinstance(val_a, AnonymousTuple) or isinstance(val_b, AnonymousTuple):
      return False
        tf.nest.assert_same_structure(val_a, val_b, check_types=True)
def map_structure(fn, *structure):
  """Applies `fn` to each entry in `structure` and returns a new structure.
  This is a special implementation of `tf.nest.map_structure`
    fn: a callable that accepts as many arguments as there are structures.
    *structure: a scalar, tuple, or list of constructed scalars and/or
      tuples/lists, or scalars. Note: numpy arrays are considered scalars.

    A new structure with the same arity as `structure` and same type as
    `structure[0]`, whose values correspond to `fn(x[0], x[1], ...)` where
    `x[i]` is a value in the corresponding location in `structure[i]`.

    TypeError: if `fn` is not a callable, or *structure contains types other
      than AnonymousTuple.
    ValueError: if `*structure` is empty.
  if not structure:
    raise ValueError('Must provide at least one structure')

  py_typecheck.check_type(structure[0], AnonymousTuple)
  for i, other in enumerate(structure[1:]):
    if not is_same_structure(structure[0], other):
      raise TypeError('Structure at position {} is not the same '

  flat_structure = [flatten(s) for s in structure]
  entries = zip(*flat_structure)
  s = [fn(*x) for x in entries]
def from_container(value, recursive=False):
  """Creates an instance of `AnonymousTuple` from a Python container.

  By default, this conversion is only performed at the top level for Python
  dictionaries, `collections.OrderedDict`s, `namedtuple`s, `list`s and
  `tuple`s. Elements of these structures are not recursively converted.

    value: The Python container to convert.
    recursive: Whether to convert elements recursively (`False` by default).

    The corresponding instance of `AnonymousTuple`.

    TypeError: If the `value` is not of one of the supported container types.

  def _convert(value, recursive, must_be_container=False):
    """The actual conversion function.

      value: Same as in `from_container`.
      recursive: Same as in `from_container`.
      must_be_container: When set to `True`, causes an exception to be raised if
        `value` is not a container.

      The result of conversion.

      TypeError: If `value` is not a container and `must_be_container` has
        been set to `True`.
    if isinstance(value, AnonymousTuple):
      if recursive:
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        return AnonymousTuple([
            (k, _convert(v, True)) for k, v in to_elements(value)
    elif py_typecheck.is_attrs(value):
      return _convert(
              value, dict_factory=collections.OrderedDict, recurse=False),
          recursive, must_be_container)
    elif py_typecheck.is_named_tuple(value):
      return _convert(value._asdict(), recursive, must_be_container)
    elif isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict):
      items = six.iteritems(value)
      if recursive:
        return AnonymousTuple([(k, _convert(v, True)) for k, v in items])
        return AnonymousTuple(list(items))
    elif isinstance(value, dict):
      items = sorted(list(six.iteritems(value)))
      if recursive:
        return AnonymousTuple([(k, _convert(v, True)) for k, v in items])
        return AnonymousTuple(items)
    elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
      if recursive:
        return AnonymousTuple([(None, _convert(v, True)) for v in value])
        return AnonymousTuple([(None, v) for v in value])
    elif must_be_container:
      raise TypeError('Unable to convert a Python object of type {} into '
                      'an `AnonymousTuple`.'.format(
      return value

  return _convert(value, recursive, must_be_container=True)

def to_container_recursive(value, container_fn):
  """Recursively converts the AnonymousTuple `value` to a new container type.

  This function is always recursive, since the non-recursive version would
  be just `container_fn(value)`.

  Note this function will only recurse through `AnonymousTuple`s, so if called
  on the input
  `AnonymousTuple([('a', 1), ('b', {'c': AnonymousTuple(...)})])`
  the inner `AnonymousTuple` will not be converted, because we do not
  recurse through Python dictionaries.

    value: An `AnonymousTuple`, possibly nested.
    container_fn: A function that takes a `list` of `(name, value)` tuples ( the
      elements of an `AnonymousTuple`), and returns a new container holding the
      same values.

    A nested container of the type returned by `container_fn`.
  py_typecheck.check_type(value, AnonymousTuple)

  def recurse(v):
    if isinstance(v, AnonymousTuple):
      return to_container_recursive(v, container_fn)
      return v

  return container_fn([(k, recurse(v)) for k, v in to_elements(value)])