Features, usage and installation instructions are summarized on the homepage.
What Packages Are Available?
- You can browse the Formula directory on GitHub.
- Or type
brew search
for a list. - Or visit braumeister.org to browse packages online.
- Or use
brew desc
to browse packages from the command line.
More Documentation
brew help
or man brew
or check our wiki.
First, please run brew update
and brew doctor
Second, read the Troubleshooting Checklist.
If you don't read these it will take us far longer to help you with your problem.
Who Are You?
Homebrew's current maintainers are Misty De Meo, Adam Vandenberg, Jack Nagel, Mike McQuaid, Brett Koonce and Tim Smith.
Homebrew was originally created by Max Howell.
Code is under the BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license.
We accept tips through Gittip.