@@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ If \fB\-\-ignore\-dependencies\fR is passed, skip installing any dependencies of
If \fB\-\-fresh\fR is passed, the installation process will not re\-use any options from previous installs\.
If \fB\-\-cc=<compiler>\fR is passed, attempt to compile using the specified compiler\. The specified argument should be the name of the compiler\'s executable, for instance \fBgcc\-4\.2\fR for Apple\'s GCC 4\.2\.
If \fB\-\-use\-clang\fR is passed, attempt to compile using clang\.
@@ -552,18 +555,6 @@ If set, instructs Homebrew to use \fBHOMEBREW_TEMP\fR as the temporary directory
This issue typically occurs when using FileVault or custom SSD configurations\.
If set, forces Homebrew to compile using clang\.
If set, forces Homebrew to compile using gcc\.
If set, forces Homebrew to compile using LLVM\.
If set, Homebrew always assumes \fB\-\-verbose\fR when running commands\.