Features, usage and installation instructions are [summarised on the homepage](http://brew.sh). Terminology (e.g. the difference between a Cellar, Tap, Cask and so forth) is [explained here](docs/Formula-Cookbook.md#homebrew-terminology).
Features, usage and installation instructions are [summarised on the homepage](https://brew.sh). Terminology (e.g. the difference between a Cellar, Tap, Cask and so forth) is [explained here](docs/Formula-Cookbook.md#homebrew-terminology).
## Update Bug
## Update Bug
If Homebrew was updated on Aug 10-11th 2016 and `brew update` always says `Already up-to-date.` you need to run:
If Homebrew was updated on Aug 10-11th 2016 and `brew update` always says `Already up-to-date.` you need to run: