Install the given Cask\. With \fB\-\-force\fR, re\-install even if the Cask appears to be already present\. With \fB\-\-skip\-cask\-deps\fR, skip any Cask dependencies\. \fB\-\-require\-sha\fR will abort installation if the Cask does not have a checksum defined\.
\fItoken\fR is usually the ID of a Cask as returned by \fBbrew cask search\fR, but see \fIOTHER WAYS TO SPECIFY A CASK\fR for variations\.
\fBlist\fR or \fBls\fR [\-1 | \-l] [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\. ]
Without any arguments, list all installed Casks\. With \fB\-1\fR, always format the output in a single column\. With \fB\-l\fR, give a more detailed listing\.
\fBlist\fR or \fBls\fR [\-1] [\-\-versions] [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\. ]
Without any arguments, list all installed Casks\. With \fB\-1\fR, always format the output in a single column\. With \fB\-\-versions\fR, show all installed versions\.
If \fItoken\fR is given, summarize the staged files associated with the given Cask\.
\fBsearch\fR or \fB\-S\fR
Display all Casks available for install\.
\fBsearch\fR or \fB\-S\fR \fItext\fR | /\fIregexp\fR/
Perform a substring search of known Cask tokens for \fItext\fR\. If the text is delimited by slashes, it is interpreted as a Ruby regular expression\.
\fBsearch\fR or \fB\-S\fR [\fItext\fR | /\fIregexp\fR/]
Without argument, display all Casks available for install, otherwise perform a substring search of known Cask tokens for \fItext\fR or, if the text is delimited by slashes (/\fIregexp\fR/), it is interpreted as a Ruby regular expression\.
\fBstyle\fR [\-\-fix] [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\. ]
Check the given Casks for correct style using RuboCop Cask \fIhttps://github\.com/caskroom/rubocop\-cask\fR\. If no tokens are given on the command line, all Casks are checked\. With \fB\-\-fix\fR, auto\-correct any style errors if possible\.
\fBuninstall [\-\-force]\fR or \fBrm\fR or \fBremove\fR \fItoken\fR [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\. ]
\fBuninstall\fR or \fBrm\fR or \fBremove\fR [\-\-force] \fItoken\fR [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\. ]
Uninstall the given Cask\. With \fB\-\-force\fR, uninstall even if the Cask does not appear to be present\.
Note that \fBuninstall \-\-force\fR is currently imperfect\. It will follow the \fBuninstall\fR instructions from \fInewest\fR Cask definition, even if the given Cask has changed since you installed it\. The result is that \fBuninstall \-\-force\fR will always succeed in removing relevant files under \fB<Caskroom_path>\fR, but will sometimes fail to remove relevant installed files outside of it\. This issue is being addressed\.
\fBuninstall\fR without \fB\-\-force\fR is also imperfect\. It may be unable to perform an \fBuninstall\fR operation if the given Cask has changed since you installed it\. This issue is being addressed\.
For convenience\. \fBbrew cask update\fR is a synonym for \fBbrew update\fR\.