@@ -530,10 +530,7 @@ Use the standard \fBPATH\fR instead of superenv\'s when \fBstd\fR is passed\.
Print export statements\. When run in a shell, this installation of Homebrew will be added to your \fBPATH\fR, \fBMANPATH\fR, and \fBINFOPATH\fR\.
The variables \fBHOMEBREW_PREFIX\fR, \fBHOMEBREW_CELLAR\fR and \fBHOMEBREW_REPOSITORY\fR are also exported to avoid querying them multiple times\.
Consider adding evaluation of this command\'s output to your dotfiles (e\.g\. \fB~/\.profile\fR) with: \fBeval $(brew shellenv)\fR
The variables \fBHOMEBREW_PREFIX\fR, \fBHOMEBREW_CELLAR\fR and \fBHOMEBREW_REPOSITORY\fR are also exported to avoid querying them multiple times\. Consider adding evaluation of this command\'s output to your dotfiles (e\.g\. \fB~/\.profile\fR or \fB~/\.zprofile\fR) with: \fBeval $(brew shellenv)\fR