\fIformula\fR is usually the name of the formula to install, but it can be specified several different ways\. See \fISPECIFYING FORMULAE\fR\.
If \fB\-\-debug\fR is passed and brewing fails, open a shell inside the temporary directory used for compiling\.
If \fB\-\-debug\fR is passed and brewing fails, open an interactive debugging session with access to IRB, ruby\-debug, or a shell inside the temporary build directory\.
If \fB\-\-env=std\fR is passed, use the standard build environment instead of superenv\.
If \fB\-\-env=super\fR is passed, use superenv even if the formula specifies the standard build environment\.
If \fB\-\-ignore\-dependencies\fR is passed, skip installing any dependencies of any kind\. If they are not already present, the formula will probably fail to install\.
@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ If \fB\-\-unbrewed\fR is passed, list all files in the Homebrew prefix not insta
If \fB\-\-versions\fR is passed, show the version number for installed formulae, or only the specified formulae if \fIformulae\fR are given\.
If \fB\-\-pinned\fR is passed, show the versions of pinned formulae, or only the specified (pinned) formulae if \fIformulae\fR are given\. See also [\fBpin\fR][], [\fBunpin\fR][]\.
If \fB\-\-pinned\fR is passed, show the versions of pinned formulae, or only the specified (pinned) formulae if \fIformulae\fR are given\. See also \fBpin\fR, \fBunpin\fR\.
@@ -269,7 +275,7 @@ If \fB\-\-quiet\fR is passed, list only the names of outdated brews\. Otherwise,
\fBpin\fR \fIformulae\fR
Pin the specified \fIformulae\fR, preventing them from being upgraded when issuing the \fBbrew upgrade\fR command without arguments\. See also [\fBunpin\fR][]\.
Pin the specified \fIformulae\fR, preventing them from being upgraded when issuing the \fBbrew upgrade\fR command without arguments\. See also \fBunpin\fR\.
@@ -320,7 +326,7 @@ Unsymlink \fIformula\fR from the Homebrew prefix\. This can be useful for tempor
\fBunpin\fR \fIformulae\fR
Unpin \fIformulae\fR, allowing them to be upgraded by \fBbrew upgrade\fR\. See also [\fBpin\fR][]\.
Unpin \fIformulae\fR, allowing them to be upgraded by \fBbrew upgrade\fR\. See also \fBpin\fR\.
\fBuntap\fR \fItap\fR
@@ -334,11 +340,14 @@ Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae from GitHub using \fBgit\f
If \fB\-\-rebase\fR is specified then \fBgit pull \-\-rebase\fR is used\.
\fBupgrade\fR [\fIformulae\fR]
Upgrade outdated, non\-pinned brews\.
\fBupgrade [install\-options]\fR [\fIformulae\fR]
Upgrade outdated, unpinned brews\.
Options for the \fBinstall\fR command are also valid here\.
If \fIformulae\fR are given, upgrade only the specified brews (but do so even if they are pinned; see [\fBpin\fR][], [\fBunpin\fR][])\.
If \fIformulae\fR are given, upgrade only the specified brews (but do so even if they are pinned; see \fBpin\fR, \fBunpin\fR)\.