Generate a formula for the downloadable file at \fIURL\fR and open it in the editor\. Homebrew will attempt to automatically derive the formula name and version, but if it fails, you\'ll have to make your own template\. The wget formula serves as a simple example\.
Generate a formula for the downloadable file at \fIURL\fR and open it in the editor\. Homebrew will attempt to automatically derive the formula name and version, but if it fails, you\'ll have to make your own template\. The wget formula serves as a simple example\. For a complete cheat\-sheet, have a look at
If \fB\-\-autotools\fR is passed, create a basic template for an Autotools\-style build\. If \fB\-\-cmake\fR is passed, create a basic template for a CMake\-style build\.