\fBbrew\fR \- The missing package manager for OS X
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ If \fB\-\-ignore\-dependencies\fR is passed, skip installing any dependencies of
If \fB\-\-fresh\fR is passed, the installation process will not re\-use any options from previous installs\.
If \fB\-\-cc=<compiler>\fR is passed, attempt to compile using the specified compiler\. The specified argument should be the name of the compiler\'s executable, for instance \fBgcc\-4\.2\fR for Apple\'s GCC 4\.2\.
If \fB\-\-cc=<compiler>\fR is passed, attempt to compile using the specified compiler\. The specified argument should be the name of the compiler\'s executable, for instance \fBgcc\-4\.2\fR for Apple\'s GCC 4\.2\. This option is the only way to select a non\-Apple compiler; for instance, to build using a Homebrew\-provided GCC 4\.8, use \fB\-\-cc=gcc\-4\.8\fR
If \fB\-\-use\-clang\fR is passed, attempt to compile using clang\.