@@ -79,9 +79,6 @@ If \fItoken\fR is given, summarize the staged files associated with the given Ca
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBreinstall\fR \fItoken\fR [ \fItoken\fR \.\.\.] Reinstall the given Cask\.
\fItoken\fR is usually the ID of a Cask as returned by \fBbrew cask search\fR, but see \fIOTHER WAYS TO SPECIFY A CASK\fR for variations\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBsearch\fR or \fB\-S\fR [\fItext\fR | /\fIregexp\fR/]: Without argument, display all Casks available for install, otherwise perform a substring search of known Cask tokens for \fItext\fR or, if the text is delimited by slashes (/\fIregexp\fR/), it is interpreted as a Ruby regular expression\.