@@ -44,12 +44,18 @@ Shows Homebrew and system configuration useful for debugging\. If you file a bug
Performs a substring search of formula names for \fItext\fR\. If \fItext\fR is surrounded with slashes, then it is interpreted as a regular expression\. If no search term is given, all available formula are displayed\.
If \fB\-\-debug\fR is passed and brewing fails, opens a shell inside the temporary folder used for compiling\.
If \fB\-\-use\-llvm\fR is passed, attempt to compile using the LLVM front\-end to GCC\. \fINOTE\fR: Not all formulae are compatible with LLVM, especially C++\-based ones\.
If \fB\-\-ignore\-dependencies\fR is passed, skip installing any dependencies of any kind\. If they are not already present, the formula will probably fail to install\.
Downloads and patches \fIformula\fR, and then opens a shell\. This allows the user to run \fB\./configure \-\-help\fR and otherwise determine how to turn the software package into a Homebrew formula\.