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Commit 7c695b92 authored by Qiang Lu's avatar Qiang Lu Committed by Martins Mozeiko
Browse files

Add junctions to opendrive map exporter

parent 0e809810
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......@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
using UnityEngine;
using Simulator.Map;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using Schemas;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Utility = Simulator.Utilities.Utility;
......@@ -439,6 +441,35 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
Map.junction = AddJunctions(roadId);
// Update road links and lane links
foreach (var NLSLIdxList in neighborLaneSectionLanesIdx)
var roadBeforeLanes = new HashSet<MapLane>(); // lanes before current road
var roadAfterLanes = new HashSet<MapLane>();
// One way road
if (NLSLIdxList.Count == 1)
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]]);
// Two way Roads
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]]);
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[1]]);
var curRoadId = Lane2RoadId[neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]][0]];
UpdateRoadLink(roadBeforeLanes, roadAfterLanes, curRoadId);
Map.road = Roads;
OpenDRIVEJunction[] AddJunctions(uint roadId)
uint firstJunctionId = roadId;
uint junctionId = firstJunctionId;
var junctions = new OpenDRIVEJunction[Intersections.Count];
......@@ -453,44 +484,78 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
var intersectionLanes = mapIntersection.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<MapLane>();
var updatedRoadIds = new HashSet<uint>();
Debug.LogWarning($"intersectionLanes length {intersectionLanes.Length}");
// Tuple: (incomingRoadId, connectingRoadId, contactPoint)
var connections2LaneLink = new Dictionary<Tuple<uint, uint, contactPoint>, List<OpenDRIVEJunctionConnectionLaneLink>>();
foreach (var lane in intersectionLanes)
Lane2JunctionId[lane] = junctionId;
var connectingRoadId = Lane2RoadId[lane];
var connectingLaneId = Lane2LaneId[lane];
var incomingLanes = lane.befores;
// Check whether lane has same direction with its road
if (connectingLaneId > 0)
incomingLanes = lane.afters;
foreach (var incomingLane in incomingLanes)
var incomingRoadId = Lane2RoadId[incomingLane];
var key = Tuple.Create(incomingRoadId, connectingRoadId, GetContactPoint(incomingRoadId, lane));
if (connections2LaneLink.ContainsKey(key))
new OpenDRIVEJunctionConnectionLaneLink()
from = Lane2LaneId[incomingLane],
to = connectingLaneId,
fromSpecified = true,
toSpecified = true,
connections2LaneLink[key] = new List<OpenDRIVEJunctionConnectionLaneLink>()
new OpenDRIVEJunctionConnectionLaneLink()
from = Lane2LaneId[incomingLane],
to = connectingLaneId,
fromSpecified = true,
toSpecified = true,
// Update corresponding road header's junctionId
roadId = Lane2RoadId[lane];
if (updatedRoadIds.Contains(roadId)) continue;
Roads[roadId].junction = junctionId.ToString();
junctions[junctionId-firstJunctionId] = junction;
junctionId += 1;
Map.junction = junctions;
// Update road links and lane links
foreach (var NLSLIdxList in neighborLaneSectionLanesIdx)
var roadBeforeLanes = new HashSet<MapLane>(); // lanes before current road
var roadAfterLanes = new HashSet<MapLane>();
// One way road
if (NLSLIdxList.Count == 1)
var connections = new OpenDRIVEJunctionConnection[connections2LaneLink.Keys.Count];
var index = 0;
foreach (var entry in connections2LaneLink)
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]]);
// Two way Roads
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]]);
UpdateLaneLink(ref roadBeforeLanes, ref roadAfterLanes, neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[1]]);
var laneLinks = entry.Value.ToArray();
connections[index++] = new OpenDRIVEJunctionConnection()
laneLink = laneLinks,
id = index.ToString(),
incomingRoad = entry.Key.Item1.ToString(),
connectingRoad = entry.Key.Item2.ToString(),
contactPoint = entry.Key.Item3,
contactPointSpecified = true,
var curRoadId = Lane2RoadId[neighborForwardLaneSectionLanes[NLSLIdxList[0]][0]];
UpdateRoadLink(roadBeforeLanes, roadAfterLanes, curRoadId);
// TODO update road link for junction and road header association with junction.
junction.connection = connections;
junctions[junctionId-firstJunctionId] = junction;
junctionId += 1;
Map.road = Roads;
return junctions;
void UpdateRoadLink(HashSet<MapLane> roadBeforeLanes, HashSet<MapLane> roadAfterLanes, uint curRoadId)
......@@ -510,11 +575,8 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
var roadStartPoint = new Vector3((float)Roads[curRoadId].planView[0].x, (float)Roads[curRoadId].elevationProfile.elevation[0].a, (float)Roads[curRoadId].planView[0].y);
uint? preRoadId = null;
uint? sucRoadId = null;
contactPoint preContact = contactPoint.start;
contactPoint sucContact = contactPoint.start;
var roadPredecessor = new OpenDRIVERoadLinkPredecessor();
var roadSuccessor = new OpenDRIVERoadLinkSuccessor();
......@@ -535,22 +597,11 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
preRoadId = Lane2RoadId[curBeforeLane];
// Use curBeforeLane to compute contactPoint
var preRoadPositions = curBeforeLane.mapWorldPositions;
if (Lane2LaneId[curBeforeLane] > 0)
// if the lane is a left lane in the road, reference line is opposite with the lane
if ((roadStartPoint - preRoadPositions.First()).magnitude > (roadStartPoint - preRoadPositions.Last()).magnitude)
preContact = contactPoint.end;
roadPredecessor = new OpenDRIVERoadLinkPredecessor()
elementType = elementType.road,
elementId = preRoadId.ToString(),
contactPoint = preContact,
contactPoint = GetContactPoint(curRoadId, curBeforeLane),
elementTypeSpecified = true,
contactPointSpecified = true,
......@@ -577,22 +628,11 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
sucRoadId = Lane2RoadId[curAfterLane];
// use curAfterLane positions to represent successor road compute contactPoint
var sucRoadPositions = curAfterLane.mapWorldPositions;
if (Lane2LaneId[curAfterLane] > 0)
if ((roadStartPoint - sucRoadPositions.First()).magnitude > (roadStartPoint - sucRoadPositions.Last()).magnitude)
sucContact = contactPoint.end;
roadSuccessor = new OpenDRIVERoadLinkSuccessor()
elementType = elementType.road,
elementId = sucRoadId.ToString(),
contactPoint = sucContact,
contactPoint = GetContactPoint(curRoadId, curAfterLane),
elementTypeSpecified = true,
contactPointSpecified = true,
......@@ -626,6 +666,23 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
// Given current road and any lane of predecessor/successor road, get contactPoint of the predecessor/successor road
contactPoint GetContactPoint(uint curRoadId, MapLane linkRoadLane)
var roadStartPoint = new Vector3((float)Roads[curRoadId].planView[0].x, (float)Roads[curRoadId].elevationProfile.elevation[0].a, (float)Roads[curRoadId].planView[0].y);
var positions = linkRoadLane.mapWorldPositions;
if (Lane2LaneId[linkRoadLane] > 0)
// if the lane is a left lane in the road, reference line is opposite with the lane
if ((roadStartPoint - positions.First()).magnitude > (roadStartPoint - positions.Last()).magnitude)
return contactPoint.end;
return contactPoint.start;
string GetJunctionId(HashSet<uint> roadIds)
var junctionIds = new HashSet<string>();
......@@ -1083,9 +1140,10 @@ namespace Simulator.Editor
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OpenDRIVE));
using (var fs = File.Create(filePath))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(writer, new XmlWriterSettings {Indent = true, IndentChars = " "}))
serializer.Serialize(fs, Map);
serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, Map);
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