The LGSVL Simulator teams has created sample Python scripts that use the LGSVL Simulator Python API to test specific scenarios or perform certain tasks. These example scripts can be found on our Github [here](
The LGSVL Simulator teams has created sample Python scripts that use the LGSVL Simulator Python API to test specific scenarios or perform certain tasks. These example scripts can be found on our Github [here](
Please [contact]( us if you would like to [contribute]( examples that you are using, or submit a [pull request](
Please [contact]( us if you would like to [contribute]( examples that you are using, or submit a [pull request](
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ The below scenarios assume that the simulator can be connected to an instance of
It is recommended to start Apollo and the modules before running a scenario. Apollo's destination can be set after Localization and Routing have been started.
### Vehicle Following <sub><sup>[top](#top)</sup></sub> {: #vehicle-following data-toc-label='Vehicle Following'}
* This scenario simulates the EGO vehicle approaching a slower NPC from behind. The EGO is expected to accelerate up to the speed limit and catch up to the NPC.
* Scripts: [Detect and Respond to Encroaching Oncoming Vehicle](
* Scripts: [Detect and Respond to Encroaching Oncoming Vehicle](
* This scenario simulates the EGO vehicle approaching an oncoming NPC that is half in the EGO's lane making a collision imminent. The EGO is expected to avoid a collision.
* Here the NPC uses the waypoint system to define its path. With waypoints, the NPC ignores other traffic and does not attempt to avoid collisions.
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ For this scenario, the destinaion is the end of the lane. The same destination c
### Collecting data in KITTI format <sub><sup>[top](#top)</sup></sub> {: #collecting-data-in-kitti-format data-toc-label='Collecting data in KITTI format'}
* This script shows an example of collecting data in the KITTI format. This data can be used to train for detecting vehicles in images.
* This script spawns the ego vehicle in a random position in the San Francisco map. Then a number of NPC vehicles are randomly spawned in front of the ego vehicle. Camera and ground truth data is saved in the KITTI format. This data can be used to train for detecting vehicles in images.
* For more information on KITTI please see: []( The data format is defined in a README file downloadable from: [](
### Automated Driving System Test Cases <sub><sup>[top](#top)</sup></sub> {: #automated-driving-system-test-cases data-toc-label='Automated Driving System Test Cases'}
* The United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report describing a framework for establishing sample preliminary tests. The report is available online: [A Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases and Scenarios](
* We created several of the described tests available here: [NHTSA-sample-tests](
* We created several of the described tests available here: [NHTSA-sample-tests](
* These tests run the ADS at different speeds. To accomplish this with Apollo, the speed limit in the HD map of the appropriate lanes needs to be adjusted and the planning configuration should also be changed to limit Apollo's top speed.
* The ADS destination is described in the report. For our implementation of the Perform Lane Change tests, the same destination as the above Overtaker and Traffic Jam scenarios is used.
This document describes the example Python scripts that use the LGSVL Simulator Python API. These scripts are located [here]( You can find the documentation on the API [here](
This document describes the example Python scripts that use the LGSVL Simulator Python API. These scripts are located [here]( You can find the documentation on the API [here](
*[]( How to connect to an already running instance of the simulator and some information you can get about the instance
*[]( How to load a scene and get the scene's predefined spawn transforms
*[]( How to create an EGO vehicle and do raycasting from a point
*[]( How to create an agent with a velocity and then run the simulator for a set amount of time
*[]( How to apply control to an EGO vehicle and then run the simulator indefinitely
*[]( How to save a camera image in different formats and with various settings
*[]( How to save a LIDAR point cloud
*[]( How to create several types of NPC vehicles and spawn them in different positions
*[]( How to empty the scene of all EGOs, NPCs, and Pedestrians, but keep the scene loaded
*[]( How to create NPCs and then let them drive in the nearest annotated lane
*[]( How to setup the simulator so that whenever the 3 created agents collide with anything, the name of the agent and the collision point is printed
*[]( How to create NPC vehicles in random position in a radius around the EGO vehicle, but the NPCs are placed on the nearest lane to the initial random position
*[]( How to create a list of waypoints with fixed wait times and direct an NPC to follow them
*[]( How to create pedestrians in rows in front of the spawn position
*[]( How to start and stop a pedestrian walking randomly on the sidewalk
*[]( How to create a list of waypoints and direct a pedestrian to follow them
*[]( How to generate an army of pedestrians and have them walk back and forth
*[]( How to get the current weather state of the simulator and how to adjust the various settings
*[]( How to get the time of date in the simulator and how to set it to a fixed time and a moving time
*[]( How to enable a specific sensor so that it can send data over a bridge
*[]( How to convert from simulator coordinates to GPS coordinates and back. Latitude/Longitude and Northing/Easting are supported along with altitude and orientation
*[]( How to command an EGO vehicle to connect to a bridge at a specific IP address and port and then wait for the connection to be established
*[]( How to setup the simulator so that whenever an NPC reaches a stopline or changes lane, the name of the npc is printed
*[]( How to run the simulator at non-realtime.
*[]( How to use waypoints to define customized motion for npc.
*[]( How to use trigger waypoints that pause npc motion until an ego vehicle approaches.
*[]( How to use several of the utility scripts to transform an arbitrary point to the coordinate system of a local transform (relative to sensor)
*[]( How to connect to an already running instance of the simulator and some information you can get about the instance
*[]( How to load a scene and get the scene's predefined spawn transforms
*[]( How to create an EGO vehicle and do raycasting from a point
*[]( How to create an agent with a velocity and then run the simulator for a set amount of time
*[]( How to apply control to an EGO vehicle and then run the simulator indefinitely
*[]( How to save a camera image in different formats and with various settings
*[]( How to save a LIDAR point cloud
*[]( How to create several types of NPC vehicles and spawn them in different positions
*[]( How to empty the scene of all EGOs, NPCs, and Pedestrians, but keep the scene loaded
*[]( How to create NPCs and then let them drive in the nearest annotated lane
*[]( How to setup the simulator so that whenever the 3 created agents collide with anything, the name of the agent and the collision point is printed
*[]( How to create NPC vehicles in random position in a radius around the EGO vehicle, but the NPCs are placed on the nearest lane to the initial random position
*[]( How to create a list of waypoints with fixed wait times and direct an NPC to follow them
*[]( How to create pedestrians in rows in front of the spawn position
*[]( How to start and stop a pedestrian walking randomly on the sidewalk
*[]( How to create a list of waypoints and direct a pedestrian to follow them
*[]( How to generate an army of pedestrians and have them walk back and forth
*[]( How to get the current weather state of the simulator and how to adjust the various settings
*[]( How to get the time of date in the simulator and how to set it to a fixed time and a moving time
*[]( How to enable a specific sensor so that it can send data over a bridge
*[]( How to convert from simulator coordinates to GPS coordinates and back. Latitude/Longitude and Northing/Easting are supported along with altitude and orientation
*[]( How to command an EGO vehicle to connect to a bridge at a specific IP address and port and then wait for the connection to be established
*[]( How to setup the simulator so that whenever an NPC reaches a stopline or changes lane, the name of the npc is printed
*[]( How to run the simulator at non-realtime.
*[]( How to use waypoints to define customized motion for npc.
*[]( How to use trigger waypoints that pause npc motion until an ego vehicle approaches.
*[]( How to use several of the utility scripts to transform an arbitrary point to the coordinate system of a local transform (relative to sensor)