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Commit d75db7c6 authored by Ben Heasly's avatar Ben Heasly
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refactor match renderings between folders to separate function

parent da568546
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function [comparisons, matchInfo] = rtbCompareManyRenderings(folderA, folderB, varargin)
%% Compare paris of renderings across two folders.
% comparisons = rtbCompareManyRenderings(folderA, folderB) finds rendering
% data files in the given folderA and folderB and attempts to match up
% pairs of renderings that came from the same recipe and renderer.
% For each pair, computes difference images and statistics.
% Returns a struct array of image comparisons, as returned from
% rtbCompareRenderings().
% rtbCompareManyRenderings( ... 'fetchReferenceData', fetchReferenceData)
% specify whether to use Remote Data Toolbox to fetch reference data for
% comparison. The default is true, fetch reference data when there is a
% recipe in folderA that was not found in folderB, and cache the fetched
% data in folderB.
%%% RenderToolbox4 Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The RenderToolbox Team.
%%% About Us://
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('folderA', @ischar);
parser.addRequired('folderB', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('fetchReferenceData', true, @islogical);
parser.parse(folderA, folderB, varargin{:});
folderA = parser.Results.folderA;
folderB = parser.Results.folderB;
fetchReferenceData = parser.Results.fetchReferenceData;
%% Identify renderings and recipes to compare.
renderingsA = rtbFindRenderings(folderA, varargin{:});
recipeNames = unique({renderingsA.recipeName});
nRecipes = numel(recipeNames);
renderingsB = rtbFindRenderings(folderB, varargin{:});
%% Compare one recipe at a time, fetch data as necessary.
comparisonsCell = cell(1, nRecipes);
matchInfoCell = cell(1, nRecipes);
for rr = 1:nRecipes
recipeName = recipeNames{rr};
fprintf('Comparing renderings for recipe <%s>.\n', recipeName);
isRecipeA = strcmp({renderingsA.recipeName}, recipeName);
recipeRenderingsA = renderingsA(isRecipeA);
% fetch missing recipe for B?
isRecipeB = strcmp({renderingsB.recipeName}, recipeName);
if any(isRecipeB)
recipeRenderingsB = renderingsB(isRecipeB);
elseif fetchReferenceData
recipeRenderingsB = rtbFetchReferenceData(recipeName, varargin{:});
if isempty(recipeRenderingsB)
fprintf(' Could not fetch reference data for set B, skipping this recipe.\n');
fprintf(' Could not find local data for set B. Skipping this recipe.\n');
% match pairs of renderings for recipes A and B
info = matchRenderingPairs(recipeRenderingsA, recipeRenderingsB);
fprintf(' Found %d matched pairs of renderings.\n', info.nPairs);
% run a comparison for each matched pair
pairsCell = cell(1, info.nPairs);
for pp = 1:info.nPairs
fprintf(' %s.\n', info.matchedA(pp).identifier);
pairsCell{pp} = rtbCompareRenderings(info.matchedA(pp), info.matchedB(pp), varargin{:});
comparisonsCell{rr} = [pairsCell{:}];
matchInfoCell{rr} = info;
% report on unmatched renderings
if ~isempty(info.unmatchedA)
nUnmatched = info.unmatchedA;
fprintf(' %d renderings in A were not matched in B:\n', nUnmatched);
for uu = 1:nUnmatched
fprintf(' %s\n',;
if ~isempty(info.unmatchedB)
nUnmatched = info.unmatchedB;
fprintf(' %d renderings in B were not matched in A:\n', nUnmatched);
for uu = 1:nUnmatched
fprintf(' %s\n',;
comparisons = [comparisonsCell{:}];
matchInfo = [matchInfoCell{:}];
%% For pairs of comparable renderings from two sets.
function info = matchRenderingPairs(renderingsA, renderingsB)
identifiersA = {renderingsA.identifier};
identifiersB = {renderingsB.identifier};
[~, indexA, indexB] = intersect(identifiersA, identifiersB, 'stable');
[~, unmatchedIndexA] = setdiff(identifiersA, identifiersB);
[~, unmatchedIndexB] = setdiff(identifiersB, identifiersA);
info.nPairs = numel(indexA);
info.matchedA = renderingsA(indexA);
info.matchedB = renderingsB(indexB);
info.unmatchedA = renderingsA(unmatchedIndexA);
info.unmatchedB = renderingsB(unmatchedIndexB);
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ function comparison = rtbCompareRenderings(renderingA, renderingB, varargin)
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('renderingA', @isstruct);
parser.addRequired('renderingB', @isstruct);
parser.addParameter('denominatorThreshold', 0.2, @isnumeric);
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ function [renderings, referenceRoot, artifact] = rtbFetchReferenceData(recipeNam
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('recipeName', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('rdtConfig', 'render-toolbox');
parser.addParameter('remotePath', 'reference-data', @ischar);
......@@ -42,12 +43,17 @@ remotePath = parser.Results.remotePath;
referenceVersion = parser.Results.referenceVersion;
referenceRoot = parser.Results.referenceRoot;
%% Get a whole recipe from the server.
artifactPath = fullfile(remotePath, recipeName);
[fileName, artifact] = rdtReadArtifact(rdtConfig, artifactPath, recipeName, ...
'version', referenceVersion, ...
'type', 'zip');
[fileName, artifact] = rdtReadArtifact(rdtConfig, artifactPath, recipeName, ...
'version', referenceVersion, ...
'type', 'zip');
catch err
renderings = [];
artifact = [];
if isempty(fileName)
renderings = [];
......@@ -58,6 +64,9 @@ end
%% Explode renderings it into the destination folder.
destination = fullfile(referenceRoot, recipeName);
if 7 ~= exist(destination, 'dir')
unzip(fileName, destination);
% scan for rendering records
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ function renderings = rtbFindRenderings(rootFolder, varargin)
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('rootFolder', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('filter', '\.mat$', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('renderingsFolderName', 'renderings', @ischar);
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ function fig = rtbPlotRenderingComparison(comparison, varargin)
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('comparison', @isstruct);
parser.addParameter('isScale', true, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('toneMapFactor', 0, @isnumeric);
......@@ -34,7 +35,10 @@ rgbBminusA = rtbMultispectralToSRGB(comparison.bMinusA, S, ...
%% Make the plot.
name = sprintf('RGB isScale %d toneMapFactor %.2f', isScale, toneMapFactor);
name = sprintf('%s isScale %d toneMapFactor %.2f', ...
comparison.renderingA.identifier, ...
isScale, ...
set(fig, 'Name', name, ...
'NumberTitle', 'off');
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