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Commit 84033006 authored by Ben Heasly's avatar Ben Heasly
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write and render factoid scene files

parent bb8f4a64
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function [factoids, exrOutput] = rtbRenderMitsubaFactoids(sceneFile, varargin)
% Obtain ground truth "factoids" about a Mitsuba scene.
% [factoids, exrOutput] = rtbRenderMitsubaFactoids(sceneFile) invokes
% Mitsuba to obtain ground truth scene "factoids". Returns a struct array
% of ground truth images, with one field per ground truth factoid.
% The given sceneFile must specify a "multichannel" integrator with one or
% more nested "field" integrators. You can create such scenes with
% rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene().
% rtbRenderMitsubaFactoids( ... 'mitsuba', mitsuba) specify a struct of
% info about the installed Mitsuba renderer. For some factoids, this must
% be a version of Mistuba compiled for RGB rendering, not spectral
% rendering. The default is taken from getpref('Mitsuba').
% rtbRenderMitsubaFactoids(... 'hints', hints)
% Specify a struct of RenderToolbox options. If hints is omitted, values
% are taken from rtbDefaultHints().
%%% RenderToolbox4 Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The RenderToolbox Team.
%%% About Us://
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.addRequired('sceneFile', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('mitsuba', [], @(m) isempty(m) || isstruct(m));
parser.addParameter('hints', rtbDefaultHints(), @isstruct);
parser.parse(sceneFile, varargin{:});
sceneFile = parser.Results.sceneFile;
mitsuba = parser.Results.mitsuba;
hints = rtbDefaultHints(parser.Results.hints);
if isempty(mitsuba)
% modify default mitsuba config to look for rgb
mitsuba = getpref('Mitsuba');
mitsuba.dockerImage = 'ninjaben/mitsuba-rgb';
mitsuba.kubernetesPodSelector = 'app=mitsuba-spectral';
if ismac() = '/Applications/';
mitsuba.executable = 'mitusba-rgb';
%% Render the factoid scene.renderer = RtbMitsubaRenderer(hints);
renderer = RtbMitsubaRenderer(hints);
renderer.mitsuba = mitsuba;
[~, ~, exrOutput] = renderer.renderToExr(sceneFile);
[sliceInfo, data] = ReadMultichannelEXR(exrOutput);
%% Group data slices by factoid name.
factoids = struct();
factoidSize = size(data);
for ii = 1:numel(sliceInfo)
% factoid channels have names like albedo.R, albedo.G, albedo.B
split = find(sliceInfo(ii).name == '.');
factoidName = sliceInfo(ii).name(1:split-1);
channelName = sliceInfo(ii).name(split+1:end);
% initialize factoid output with data array and channel names
if ~isfield(factoids, factoidName)
factoids.(factoidName).data = ...
zeros(factoidSize(1), factoidSize(2), 0);
factoids.(factoidName).channels = {};
% insert data and channel name into output for this factoid
slice = data(:,:,ii);
factoids.(factoidName).data(:,:,end+1) = slice;
factoids.(factoidName).channels{end+1} = channelName;
function factoidFile = rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene(originalFile, varargin)
% Convert the given scene to get factoids instead of ray tracing.
% factoidFile = rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene(originalFile) copies and
% modifies the given originalFile so that it will produce Mitsuba ground
% truth "factoids" instead of ray tracing data. Returns a new Mitsuba
% scene file based on the given originalFile.
% The returned sceneFile woill specify a "multichannel" integrator with one
% or more nested "field" integrators. You can pass this file to
% rtbRenderMitsubaFactoids() to obtain the factoid data.
% rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene( ... 'factoids', factoids) specify a cell
% array of ground truth factoid names to be obtained. The default includes
% all available factoids:
% - 'position' - absolute position of the object under each pixel
% - 'relPosition' - camera-relative position of the object under each pixel
% - 'distance' - distance to camera of the object under each pixel
% - 'geoNormal' - surface normal at the surface under each pixel
% - 'shNormal' - surface normal at the surface under each pixel, interpolated for shading
% - 'uv' - texture mapping UV coordinates at the surface under each pixel
% - 'albedo' - diffuse reflectance of the object under each pixel
% - 'shapeIndex' - integer identifier for the object under each pixel
% - 'primIndex' - integer identifier for the triangle or other primitive under each pixel
% rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene( ... 'factoidFormat', factoidFormat) specify
% a mitsuba pixel format to use for formatting the output, like 'rgb' or
% 'spectrum'. The default is 'rgb'.
% rtbWriteMitsubaFactoidScene( ... 'singleSampling', singleSampling)
% whether or not to do a simplified rendering with one sample per pixel and
% a narrow "box" reconstruction filder. This is useful for labeling
% factoids like shapeIndex, where it doesn't make sense to average across
% multiple ray samples. The default is true, do a simplified rendering.
%%% RenderToolbox4 Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The RenderToolbox Team.
%%% About Us://
%%% RenderToolbox4 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
parser = inputParser();
parser.addRequired('originalFile', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('factoidFile', '', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('factoids', ...
{'position', 'relPosition', 'distance', 'geoNormal', 'shNormal', ...
'uv', 'albedo', 'shapeIndex', 'primIndex'}, ...
parser.addParameter('factoidFormat', 'rgb', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('singleSampling', true, @islogical);
parser.parse(originalFile, varargin{:});
originalFile = parser.Results.originalFile;
factoidFile = parser.Results.factoidFile;
factoids = parser.Results.factoids;
factoidFormat = parser.Results.factoidFormat;
singleSampling = parser.Results.singleSampling;
% default output like the input
if isempty(factoidFile)
[factoidPath, factoidBase] = fileparts(originalFile);
factoidFile = fullfile(factoidPath, [factoidBase '-factoids.xml']);
%% Read the in the scene xml document.
sceneDocument = xml2struct(originalFile);
%% Replace the integrator for multiple "fields".
% "multichannel" integrator to hold several "fields" = 'integrator';
integrator.Attributes.type = 'multichannel';
sceneDocument.scene.integrator = integrator;
% nested "field" for each factoid
nFactoids = numel(factoids);
fieldIntegrators = cell(1, nFactoids);
for ff = 1:nFactoids
factoidName = factoids{ff};
fieldIntegrator = struct(); = factoidName;
fieldIntegrator.Attributes.type = 'field'; = 'field';
fieldIntegrator.string.Attributes.value = factoidName;
fieldIntegrators{ff} = fieldIntegrator;
sceneDocument.scene.integrator.integrator = fieldIntegrators;
%% Replace the film for exr and factoid formats. = 'hdrfilm';
filmStrings = cell(1, 4);
filmStrings{1} = 'componentFormat';
filmStrings{1}.Attributes.value = 'float16';
filmStrings{2} = 'fileFormat';
filmStrings{2}.Attributes.value = 'openexr';
[formatCell{1:nFactoids}] = deal(factoidFormat);
formatList = sprintf('%s, ', formatCell{:});
filmStrings{3} = 'pixelFormat';
filmStrings{3}.Attributes.value = formatList(1:end-2);
nameList = sprintf('%s, ', factoids{:});
filmStrings{4} = 'channelNames';
filmStrings{4}.Attributes.value = nameList(1:end-2); = filmStrings;
%% Replace the filter and sampler for simplified rendering?
if singleSampling = 'sampler';
sampler.Attributes.type = 'ldsampler'; = 'sampleCount';
sampler.integer.Attributes.value = 1;
sceneDocument.scene.sensor.sampler = sampler; = 'rfilter';
rfilter.Attributes.type = 'box'; = 'radius';
rfilter.float.Attributes.value= 0.5; = rfilter;
%% Write back the scene document.
struct2xml(sceneDocument, factoidFile);
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