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Commit 61fd01dc authored by Ben Heasly's avatar Ben Heasly
Browse files

refactor rtbRunEpicComparison around new, smaller functions

parent f3e508bc
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......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ parser = inputParser();
parser.KeepUnmatched = true;
parser.addRequired('comparisons', @isstruct);
parser.addParameter('fig', figure());
parser.addParameter('figureWidth', 1000, @isnumeric);
parser.addParameter('nRows', 25, @isnumeric);
parser.addParameter('correlationMin', 0.8, @isnumeric);
parser.addParameter('correlationStep', 0.05, @isnumeric);
......@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ parser.addParameter('errorStep', 0.5, @isnumeric);
parser.parse(comparisons, varargin{:});
comparisons = parser.Results.comparisons;
fig = parser.Results.fig;
figureWidth = parser.Results.figureWidth;
nRows = parser.Results.nRows;
correlationMin = parser.Results.correlationMin;
correlationStep = parser.Results.correlationStep;
......@@ -28,22 +30,26 @@ errorMax = parser.Results.errorMax;
errorStep = parser.Results.errorStep;
%% Summarize only good comparisons.
%% Sort the summary by size of error.
goodComparisons = comparisons([comparisons.isGoodComparison]);
relNormDiff = [goodComparisons.relNormDiff];
errorStat = [relNormDiff.max];
[~, order] = sort(errorStat);
goodComparisons = goodComparisons(order);
%% Set up the figure.
figureName = sprintf('Summary of %d rendering comparisons', ...
set(fig, ...
'Name', figureName, ...
'NumberTitle', 'off');
%% Sort the summary by size of error.
relNormDiff = [goodComparisons.relNormDiff];
errorStat = [relNormDiff.max];
[~, order] = sort(errorStat);
goodComparisons = goodComparisons(order);
position = get(fig, 'Position');
if position(3) < figureWidth
position(3) = figureWidth;
set(fig, 'Position', position);
%% Summary of correlation coefficients.
correlationTicks = correlationMin : correlationStep : 1;
......@@ -68,7 +74,14 @@ line(correlation, 1:nLines, ...
'LineStyle', 'none', ...
'Marker', 'o', ...
'Color', [0 0 1])
title(ax(1), 'correlation');
xlabel(ax(1), 'correlation');
%% Overall title.
name = sprintf('%s vs %s', ...
goodComparisons(1).renderingA.sourceFolder, ...
title(ax(1), name, 'Interpreter', 'none');
%% Summary of mean and max subpixel differences.
......@@ -101,7 +114,7 @@ line(means, 1:nLines, ...
'Marker', 'o', ...
'Color', [0 0 0])
legend(ax(2), 'max', 'mean', 'Location', 'northeast');
title(ax(2), 'relative diff');
xlabel(ax(2), 'relative diff');
%% Let the user scroll both axes at the same time.
......@@ -46,10 +46,14 @@ set(fig, ...
ax = subplot(2, 2, 2, 'Parent', fig);
imshow(uint8(rgbA), 'Parent', ax);
title(ax, 'A');
xlabel(ax, comparison.renderingA.sourceFolder, ...
'Interpreter', 'none');
ax = subplot(2, 2, 3, 'Parent', fig);
imshow(uint8(rgbB), 'Parent', ax);
title(ax, 'B');
xlabel(ax, comparison.renderingB.sourceFolder, ...
'Interpreter', 'none');
ax = subplot(2, 2, 1, 'Parent', fig);
imshow(uint8(rgbAminusB), 'Parent', ax);
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ parser.addRequired('folderB', @ischar);
parser.addParameter('plotSummary', true, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('closeSummary', false, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('plotImages', false, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('closeImages', true, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('closeImages', false, @islogical);
parser.addParameter('figureFolder', '', @ischar);
parser.parse(folderA, folderB, varargin{:});
folderA = parser.Results.folderA;
......@@ -56,11 +56,55 @@ plotImages = parser.Results.plotImages;
closeImages = parser.Results.closeImages;
figureFolder = parser.Results.figureFolder;
matchInfo = [];
unmatchedA = {};
unmatchedB = {};
figs = [];
%% Run the grand comparison.
[comparisons, matchInfo] = rtbCompareManyRecipes(folderA, folderB, ...
%% Plot the summary.
if plotSummary
summaryFig = rtbPlotManyRecipeComparisons(comparisons, ...
if ~isempty(figureFolder);
imageFileName = fullfile(figureFolder, 'epic-summary');
saveFigure(summaryFig, imageFileName);
if closeSummary
figs = [figs summaryFig];
%% Plot the detail images for each rendering.
if plotImages
nComparisons = numel(comparisons);
imageFigs = cell(1, nComparisons);
for cc = 1:nComparisons
imageFig = rtbPlotRenderingComparison(comparisons(cc), ...
if ~isempty(figureFolder);
identifier = comparisons(cc).renderingA.identifier;
imageFileName = fullfile(figureFolder, identifier);
saveFigure(imageFig, imageFileName);
if closeImages
imageFigs{cc} = imageFig;
figs = [figs imageFigs{:}];
%% Save a figure to file, watch out for things like uicontrols.
function saveFigure(fig, fileName)
......@@ -79,10 +123,10 @@ if 7 ~= exist(filePath, 'dir')
% save a png and a figure
figName = fullfile(imageCompPath, [fileName '.fig']);
figName = fullfile(filePath, [fileName '.fig']);
saveas(fig, figName, 'fig');
pngName = fullfile(imageCompPath, [fileName '.png']);
pngName = fullfile(filePath, [fileName '.png']);
set(fig, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');
saveas(fig, pngName, 'png');
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