}```待评审函数结束This is a Java method that performs a keyword extraction task using the TextRank algorithm. The method takes four parameters: a string `text` that contains the text to be processed, an integer `number` that specifies the number of keywords to extract, an integer `maxCombineLength` that specifies the maximum length of each keyword, and an integer `autoMinLength` that specifies the minimum length of each keyword.
The method first checks if the input `text` is null or empty, and if so, it returns an error response. Otherwise, it creates a `JcsegTokenizerEntry` object using a `JcsegGlobalResource` object, which is a global resource pool that provides access to a tokenizer. The method then creates an `ISegment` object using the `complex` factory and the `tokenizerEntry` object, and it creates a `TextRankKeyphraseExtractor` object using the `ISegment` object.
The method sets the number of keywords to extract, the maximum number of words per keyword, and the auto minimum length for each keyword using the `setKeywordsNum`, `setMaxWordsNum`, and `setAutoMinLength` methods of the `TextRankKeyphraseExtractor` object, respectively. The method then extracts the keywords from the input `text` using the `getKeyphraseFromString` method of the `TextRankKeyphraseExtractor` object.
The method calculates the time taken to extract the keywords using the `System.nanoTime()` method and returns the extracted keywords and the time taken as a JSON response.