final ISegment seg = ISegment.COMPLEX.factory.create(tokenizerEntry.getConfig(), tokenizerEntry.getDict());
final TextRankSummaryExtractor extractor = new TextRankSummaryExtractor(seg, new SentenceSeg());
long s_time = System.nanoTime();
final List<String> sentence = extractor.getKeySentenceFromString(text);
double c_time = (System.nanoTime() - s_time)/1E9;
final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00000");
//response the request
response(STATUS_OK, map);
This is a Java method that takes in a string parameter "method" and an integer parameter "number" with a default value of 6. The method uses the JcsegGlobalResource class to obtain a tokenizer instance called "extractor" and a segment object called "seg". The method then creates an instance of TextRankSummaryExtractor, which uses the given segment object and sentence segmentation algorithm to extract the most important sentences from the given text. The number of sentences to be extracted is determined by the "number" parameter, which has a default value of 6. The method also calculates the time taken to execute the extraction process and stores the result in a map. Finally, the method returns a response indicating the success of the process.