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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \end{macrocode}
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \begin{macrocode}
% 研究生封面
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    {\zihao{1}\bf{\kaishu{(申请\c_@@_name_degree_tl 学位)}}}
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    \makebox[6em][s]{\bf\kaishu 论文答辩日期}:\l_@@_defend_date_tl
    \makebox[6em][s]{\bf\kaishu 指\hfill 导\hfill 教\hfill 师}:\hspace{50mm}(签字)
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    \normalfont\rmfamily\zihao{4}{Supervised by}
    \vskip 3pt
      A dissertation submitted to\\
      the graduate school of Nanjing University\\
      in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of\\
    \includegraphics[width=2.5cm]{njulogo} \\
    \vskip 3mm
    {Nanjing University}
    \vskip 30pt
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \end{macrocode}
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \begin{macrocode}
% 重定义maketitle生成封面
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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \end{macrocode}
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
% \subsection{摘要绘制}
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \begin{macrocode}
\str_if_eq:NNTF {\l_@@_info_degree_tl} { ug } 
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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
      \tl_set:Nn \tabcolsep {0pt}
      \tl_set:Nn \arraystretch {0.8}
      题目: \l_@@_info_title_tl \\
      院系: \l_@@_info_dept_tl \\
      专业: \l_@@_major_tl \\
      本科生姓名: \l_@@_info_author_tl \\
      指导教师(姓名、职称):\l_@@_info_supv_full_tl \\

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    \pdfbookmark[0]{英文摘要}{英文摘要} % 将摘要插入pdf书签,与上一行不可共存
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
      THESIS: ~~\l_@@_info_title_en_tl \\
      DEPARTMENT: ~~\l_@@_info_dept_en_tl \\
      SPECIALIZATION: ~~\l_@@_major_en_tl \\
      UNDERGRADUATE:~~\l_@@_info_author_en_tl \\
      MENTOR:~~\l_@@_info_supv_full_tl_en \\

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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \end{macrocode}
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
%    \begin{macrocode}
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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
    \tl_set:Nn \tabcolsep {0pt}
    \tl_set:Nn \arraystretch {0.8}
    毕业论文题目:\hspace{0.5em}\nju_underline:n {\l_@@_info_title_tl\hfill}\\    
    \str_if_eq:NNTF {\l_@@_info_degree_tl} { phd } {博}{硕}
    士生姓名:\uline{\hfill\l_@@_info_author_tl\hfill} \\
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    \pdfbookmark[0]{英文摘要}{英文摘要} % 将摘要插入pdf书签,与上一行不可共存
Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
      THESIS: ~~\l_@@_info_title_en_tl \\
      SPECIALIZATION: ~~\l_@@_major_en_tl \\
      POSTGRADUATE:~~\l_@@_info_author_en_tl \\
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Yu Xiong's avatar
Yu Xiong committed
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