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  • Yanqin Jin's avatar
    Attempt to recover from db with missing table files (#6334) · fb09ef05
    Yanqin Jin authored
    There are situations when RocksDB tries to recover, but the db is in an inconsistent state due to SST files referenced in the MANIFEST being missing. In this case, previous RocksDB will just fail the recovery and return a non-ok status.
    This PR enables another possibility. During recovery, RocksDB checks possible MANIFEST files, and try to recover to the most recent state without missing table file. `VersionSet::Recover()` applies version edits incrementally and "materializes" a version only when this version does not reference any missing table file. After processing the entire MANIFEST, the version created last will be the latest version.
    `DBImpl::Recover()` calls `VersionSet::Recover()`. Afterwards, WAL replay will *not* be performed.
    To use this capability, set `options.best_efforts_recovery = true` when opening the db. Best-efforts recovery is currently incompatible with atomic flush.
    Test plan (on devserver):
    $make check
    $COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make all && make check
    Pull Request resolved:
    Reviewed By: anand1976
    Differential Revision: D19778960
    Pulled By: riversand963
    fbshipit-source-id: c27ea80f29bc952e7d3311ecf5ee9c54393b40a8