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  • Akanksha Mahajan's avatar
    Allow sst_dump to check size of different compression levels and report time (#6634) · 75b13ea9
    Akanksha Mahajan authored
    Summary : 1. Add two arguments --compression_level_from and --compression_level_to to check
    	  the compression size with different compression level in the given range. Users must
              specify one compression type else it will error out. Both from and to levels must
    	  also be specified together.
    	  2. Display the time taken to compress each file with different compressions by default.
    Test Plan : make -j64 check
    Pull Request resolved:
    Test Plan: make -j64 check
    Reviewed By: anand1976
    Differential Revision: D20810282
    Pulled By: akankshamahajan15
    fbshipit-source-id: ac9098d3c079a1fad098f6678dbedb4d888a791b
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