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    Create a BlockCacheLookupContext to enable fine-grained block cache tracing. (#5421) · 5efa0d6b
    haoyuhuang authored
    BlockCacheLookupContext only contains the caller for now.
    We will trace block accesses at five places:
    1. BlockBasedTable::GetFilter.
    2. BlockBasedTable::GetUncompressedDict.
    3. BlockBasedTable::MaybeReadAndLoadToCache. (To trace access on data, index, and range deletion block.)
    4. BlockBasedTable::Get. (To trace the referenced key and whether the referenced key exists in a fetched data block.)
    5. BlockBasedTable::MultiGet. (To trace the referenced key and whether the referenced key exists in a fetched data block.)
    We create the context at:
    1. BlockBasedTable::Get. (kUserGet)
    2. BlockBasedTable::MultiGet. (kUserMGet)
    3. BlockBasedTable::NewIterator. (either kUserIterator, kCompaction, or external SST ingestion calls this function.)
    4. BlockBasedTable::Open. (kPrefetch)
    5. Index/Filter::CacheDependencies. (kPrefetch)
    6. BlockBasedTable::ApproximateOffsetOf. (kCompaction or kUserApproximateSize).
    I loaded 1 million key-value pairs into the database and ran the readrandom benchmark with a single thread. I gave the block cache 10 GB to make sure all reads hit the block cache after warmup. The throughput is comparable.
    Throughput of this PR: 231334 ops/s.
    Throughput of the master branch: 238428 ops/s.
    Experiment setup:
    RocksDB:    version 6.2
    Date:       Mon Jun 10 10:42:51 2019
    CPU:        24 * Intel Core Processor (Skylake)
    CPUCache:   16384 KB
    Keys:       20 bytes each
    Values:     100 bytes each (100 bytes after compression)
    Entries:    1000000
    Prefix:    20 bytes
    Keys per prefix:    0
    RawSize:    114.4 MB (estimated)
    FileSize:   114.4 MB (estimated)
    Write rate: 0 bytes/second
    Read rate: 0 ops/second
    Compression: NoCompression
    Compression sampling rate: 0
    Memtablerep: skip_list
    Perf Level: 1
    Load command: ./db_bench --benchmarks="fillseq" --key_size=20 --prefix_size=20 --keys_per_prefix=0 --value_size=100 --statistics --cache_index_and_filter_blocks --cache_size=10737418240 --disable_auto_compactions=1 --disable_wal=1 --compression_type=none --min_level_to_compress=-1 --compression_ratio=1 --num=1000000
    Run command: ./db_bench --benchmarks="readrandom,stats" --use_existing_db --threads=1 --duration=120 --key_size=20 --prefix_size=20 --keys_per_prefix=0 --value_size=100 --statistics --cache_index_and_filter_blocks --cache_size=10737418240 --disable_auto_compactions=1 --disable_wal=1 --compression_type=none --min_level_to_compress=-1 --compression_ratio=1 --num=1000000 --duration=120
    1. Create a caller for external SST file ingestion and differentiate the callers for iterator.
    2. Integrate tracer to trace block cache accesses.
    Pull Request resolved:
    Differential Revision: D15704258
    Pulled By: HaoyuHuang
    fbshipit-source-id: 4aa8a55f8cb1576ffb367bfa3186a91d8f06d93a