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  • Sagar Vemuri's avatar
    Auto enable Periodic Compactions if a Compaction Filter is used (#5865) · 4c9aa30a
    Sagar Vemuri authored
    - Periodic compactions are auto-enabled if a compaction filter or a compaction filter factory is set, in Level Compaction.
    - The default value of `periodic_compaction_seconds` is changed to UINT64_MAX, which lets RocksDB auto-tune periodic compactions as needed. An explicit value of 0 will still work as before ie. to disable periodic compactions completely. For now, on seeing a compaction filter along with a UINT64_MAX value for `periodic_compaction_seconds`, RocksDB will make SST files older than 30 days to go through periodic copmactions.
    Some RocksDB users make use of compaction filters to control when their data can be deleted, usually with a custom TTL logic. But it is occasionally possible that the compactions get delayed by considerable time due to factors like low writes to a key range, data reaching bottom level, etc before the TTL expiry. Periodic Compactions feature was originally built to help such cases. Now periodic compactions are auto enabled by default when compaction filters or compaction filter factories are used, as it is generally helpful to all cases to collect garbage.
    `periodic_compaction_seconds` is set to a large value, 30 days, in `SanitizeOptions` when RocksDB sees that a `compaction_filter` or `compaction_filter_factory` is used.
    This is done only for Level Compaction style.
    Pull Request resolved:
    Test Plan:
    - Added a new test `DBCompactionTest.LevelPeriodicCompactionWithCompactionFilters` to make sure that `periodic_compaction_seconds` is set if either `compaction_filter` or `compaction_filter_factory` options are set.
    - `COMPILE_WITH_ASAN=1 make check`
    Differential Revision: D17659180
    Pulled By: sagar0
    fbshipit-source-id: 4887b9cf2e53cf2dc93a7b658c6b15e1181217ee