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  • anand76's avatar
    Check iterator status BlockBasedTableReader::VerifyChecksumInBlocks() (#6909) · 402fe7d4
    anand76 authored
    The ```for``` loop in ```VerifyChecksumInBlocks``` only checks ```index_iter->Valid()``` which could be ```false``` either due to reaching the end of the index or, in case of partitioned index, it could be due to a checksum mismatch error when reading a 2nd level index block. Instead of throwing away the index iterator status, we need to return any errors back to the caller.
    Add a test in
    Pull Request resolved:
    Reviewed By: pdillinger
    Differential Revision: D21833922
    Pulled By: anand1976
    fbshipit-source-id: bc778ebf1121dbbdd768689de5183f07a9f0beae
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