// +build !windows
// +build !tcell

package tui

#include <ncurses.h>
#include <locale.h>
#cgo !static LDFLAGS: -lncurses
#cgo static LDFLAGS: -l:libncursesw.a -l:libtinfo.a -l:libgpm.a -ldl
#cgo android static LDFLAGS: -l:libncurses.a -fPIE -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -mhard-float -Wl,--no-warn-mismatch

SCREEN *c_newterm () {
	return newterm(NULL, stderr, stdin);
import "C"

import (

type ColorPair int16
type Attr C.int
type WindowImpl C.WINDOW

const (
	Bold      = C.A_BOLD
	Dim       = C.A_DIM
	Blink     = C.A_BLINK
	Reverse   = C.A_REVERSE
	Underline = C.A_UNDERLINE

const (
	AttrRegular Attr = 0

// Pallete
const (
	ColDefault ColorPair = iota
	ColUser // Should be the last entry

var (
	_in       *os.File
	_screen   *C.SCREEN
	_colorMap map[int]ColorPair
	_colorFn  func(ColorPair, Attr) C.int

func init() {
	_colorMap = make(map[int]ColorPair)

func (a Attr) Merge(b Attr) Attr {
	return a | b

func DefaultTheme() *ColorTheme {
	if C.tigetnum(C.CString("colors")) >= 256 {
		return Dark256
	return Default16

func Init(theme *ColorTheme, black bool, mouse bool) {
		in, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/tty", syscall.O_RDONLY, 0)
		if err != nil {
			panic("Failed to open /dev/tty")
		_in = in
		// Break STDIN
		// syscall.Dup2(int(in.Fd()), int(os.Stdin.Fd()))

	C.setlocale(C.LC_ALL, C.CString(""))
	_screen = C.c_newterm()
	if _screen == nil {
		fmt.Println("Invalid $TERM: " + os.Getenv("TERM"))
	if mouse {
		C.mousemask(C.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, nil)
	C.raw() // stty dsusp undef

	_color = theme != nil
	if _color {
		InitTheme(theme, black)
		_colorFn = attrColored
	} else {
		_colorFn = attrMono

func initPairs(theme *ColorTheme) {
	C.assume_default_colors(C.int(theme.Fg), C.int(theme.Bg))
	initPair := func(group ColorPair, fg Color, bg Color) {
		C.init_pair(C.short(group), C.short(fg), C.short(bg))
	initPair(ColNormal, theme.Fg, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColPrompt, theme.Prompt, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColMatch, theme.Match, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColCurrent, theme.Current, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColCurrentMatch, theme.CurrentMatch, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColSpinner, theme.Spinner, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColInfo, theme.Info, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColCursor, theme.Cursor, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColSelected, theme.Selected, theme.DarkBg)
	initPair(ColHeader, theme.Header, theme.Bg)
	initPair(ColBorder, theme.Border, theme.Bg)

func Pause() {

func Resume() bool {
	return false

func Close() {

func NewWindow(top int, left int, width int, height int, border bool) *Window {
	win := C.newwin(C.int(height), C.int(width), C.int(top), C.int(left))
	if _color {
		C.wbkgd(win, C.chtype(C.COLOR_PAIR(C.int(ColNormal))))
	if border {
		attr := _colorFn(ColBorder, 0)
		C.wattron(win, attr)
		C.box(win, 0, 0)
		C.wattroff(win, attr)

	return &Window{
		impl:   (*WindowImpl)(win),
		Top:    top,
		Left:   left,
		Width:  width,
		Height: height,

func attrColored(pair ColorPair, a Attr) C.int {
	var attr C.int
	if pair > 0 {
		attr = C.COLOR_PAIR(C.int(pair))
	return attr | C.int(a)

func attrMono(pair ColorPair, a Attr) C.int {
	var attr C.int
	switch pair {
	case ColCurrent:
		if C.int(a)&C.A_BOLD == C.A_BOLD {
			attr = C.A_REVERSE
	case ColMatch:
		attr = C.A_UNDERLINE
	case ColCurrentMatch:
	if C.int(a)&C.A_BOLD == C.A_BOLD {
		attr = attr | C.A_BOLD
	return attr

func MaxX() int {
	return int(C.COLS)

func MaxY() int {
	return int(C.LINES)

func (w *Window) win() *C.WINDOW {
	return (*C.WINDOW)(w.impl)

func (w *Window) Close() {

func (w *Window) Enclose(y int, x int) bool {
	return bool(C.wenclose(w.win(), C.int(y), C.int(x)))

func (w *Window) Move(y int, x int) {
	C.wmove(w.win(), C.int(y), C.int(x))

func (w *Window) MoveAndClear(y int, x int) {
	w.Move(y, x)

func (w *Window) Print(text string) {
	C.waddstr(w.win(), C.CString(strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
		if r < 32 {
			return -1
		return r
	}, text)))

func (w *Window) CPrint(pair ColorPair, a Attr, text string) {
	attr := _colorFn(pair, a)
	C.wattron(w.win(), attr)
	C.wattroff(w.win(), attr)

func Clear() {

func Refresh() {

func (w *Window) Erase() {

func (w *Window) Fill(str string) bool {
	return C.waddstr(w.win(), C.CString(str)) == C.OK

func (w *Window) CFill(str string, fg Color, bg Color, a Attr) bool {
	attr := _colorFn(PairFor(fg, bg), a)
	C.wattron(w.win(), attr)
	ret := w.Fill(str)
	C.wattroff(w.win(), attr)
	return ret

func RefreshWindows(windows []*Window) {
	for _, w := range windows {

func PairFor(fg Color, bg Color) ColorPair {
	key := (int(fg) << 8) + int(bg)
	if found, prs := _colorMap[key]; prs {
		return found

	id := ColorPair(len(_colorMap) + int(ColUser))
	C.init_pair(C.short(id), C.short(fg), C.short(bg))
	_colorMap[key] = id
	return id

func getch(nonblock bool) int {
	b := make([]byte, 1)
	syscall.SetNonblock(int(_in.Fd()), nonblock)
	_, err := _in.Read(b)
	if err != nil {
		return -1
	return int(b[0])

func GetBytes() []byte {
	c := getch(false)
	_buf = append(_buf, byte(c))

	for {
		c = getch(true)
		if c == -1 {
		_buf = append(_buf, byte(c))

	return _buf

// 27 (91 79) 77 type x y
func mouseSequence(sz *int) Event {
	if len(_buf) < 6 {
		return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
	*sz = 6
	switch _buf[3] {
	case 32, 36, 40, 48, // mouse-down / shift / cmd / ctrl
		35, 39, 43, 51: // mouse-up / shift / cmd / ctrl
		mod := _buf[3] >= 36
		down := _buf[3]%2 == 0
		x := int(_buf[4] - 33)
		y := int(_buf[5] - 33)
		double := false
		if down {
			now := time.Now()
			if now.Sub(_prevDownTime) < doubleClickDuration {
				_clickY = append(_clickY, y)
			} else {
				_clickY = []int{y}
			_prevDownTime = now
		} else {
			if len(_clickY) > 1 && _clickY[0] == _clickY[1] &&
				time.Now().Sub(_prevDownTime) < doubleClickDuration {
				double = true
		return Event{Mouse, 0, &MouseEvent{y, x, 0, down, double, mod}}
	case 96, 100, 104, 112, // scroll-up / shift / cmd / ctrl
		97, 101, 105, 113: // scroll-down / shift / cmd / ctrl
		mod := _buf[3] >= 100
		s := 1 - int(_buf[3]%2)*2
		x := int(_buf[4] - 33)
		y := int(_buf[5] - 33)
		return Event{Mouse, 0, &MouseEvent{y, x, s, false, false, mod}}
	return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}

func escSequence(sz *int) Event {
	if len(_buf) < 2 {
		return Event{ESC, 0, nil}
	*sz = 2
	switch _buf[1] {
	case 13:
		return Event{AltEnter, 0, nil}
	case 32:
		return Event{AltSpace, 0, nil}
	case 47:
		return Event{AltSlash, 0, nil}
	case 98:
		return Event{AltB, 0, nil}
	case 100:
		return Event{AltD, 0, nil}
	case 102:
		return Event{AltF, 0, nil}
	case 127:
		return Event{AltBS, 0, nil}
	case 91, 79:
		if len(_buf) < 3 {
			return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
		*sz = 3
		switch _buf[2] {
		case 68:
			return Event{Left, 0, nil}
		case 67:
			return Event{Right, 0, nil}
		case 66:
			return Event{Down, 0, nil}
		case 65:
			return Event{Up, 0, nil}
		case 90:
			return Event{BTab, 0, nil}
		case 72:
			return Event{Home, 0, nil}
		case 70:
			return Event{End, 0, nil}
		case 77:
			return mouseSequence(sz)
		case 80:
			return Event{F1, 0, nil}
		case 81:
			return Event{F2, 0, nil}
		case 82:
			return Event{F3, 0, nil}
		case 83:
			return Event{F4, 0, nil}
		case 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54:
			if len(_buf) < 4 {
				return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
			*sz = 4
			switch _buf[2] {
			case 50:
				if len(_buf) == 5 && _buf[4] == 126 {
					*sz = 5
					switch _buf[3] {
					case 48:
						return Event{F9, 0, nil}
					case 49:
						return Event{F10, 0, nil}
				// Bracketed paste mode \e[200~ / \e[201
				if _buf[3] == 48 && (_buf[4] == 48 || _buf[4] == 49) && _buf[5] == 126 {
					*sz = 6
					return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
				return Event{Invalid, 0, nil} // INS
			case 51:
				return Event{Del, 0, nil}
			case 52:
				return Event{End, 0, nil}
			case 53:
				return Event{PgUp, 0, nil}
			case 54:
				return Event{PgDn, 0, nil}
			case 49:
				switch _buf[3] {
				case 126:
					return Event{Home, 0, nil}
				case 53, 55, 56, 57:
					if len(_buf) == 5 && _buf[4] == 126 {
						*sz = 5
						switch _buf[3] {
						case 53:
							return Event{F5, 0, nil}
						case 55:
							return Event{F6, 0, nil}
						case 56:
							return Event{F7, 0, nil}
						case 57:
							return Event{F8, 0, nil}
					return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
				case 59:
					if len(_buf) != 6 {
						return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
					*sz = 6
					switch _buf[4] {
					case 50:
						switch _buf[5] {
						case 68:
							return Event{Home, 0, nil}
						case 67:
							return Event{End, 0, nil}
					case 53:
						switch _buf[5] {
						case 68:
							return Event{SLeft, 0, nil}
						case 67:
							return Event{SRight, 0, nil}
					} // _buf[4]
				} // _buf[3]
			} // _buf[2]
		} // _buf[2]
	} // _buf[1]
	if _buf[1] >= 'a' && _buf[1] <= 'z' {
		return Event{AltA + int(_buf[1]) - 'a', 0, nil}
	return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}

func GetChar() Event {
	if len(_buf) == 0 {
		_buf = GetBytes()
	if len(_buf) == 0 {
		panic("Empty _buffer")

	sz := 1
	defer func() {
		_buf = _buf[sz:]

	switch _buf[0] {
	case CtrlC:
		return Event{CtrlC, 0, nil}
	case CtrlG:
		return Event{CtrlG, 0, nil}
	case CtrlQ:
		return Event{CtrlQ, 0, nil}
	case 127:
		return Event{BSpace, 0, nil}
	case ESC:
		return escSequence(&sz)

	if _buf[0] <= CtrlZ {
		return Event{int(_buf[0]), 0, nil}
	r, rsz := utf8.DecodeRune(_buf)
	if r == utf8.RuneError {
		return Event{ESC, 0, nil}
	sz = rsz
	return Event{Rune, r, nil}