diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5a90bdbe97f8663991c59d855ddc0cd084998042..997ec7c7d032ec011597591fc217659b443bef0e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ If you have set up fzf for Vim, `:FZF` command will be added.
 :FZF ~
 " With options
-:FZF --no-sort -m /tmp
+:FZF --no-sort --reverse --inline-info /tmp
 " Bang version starts in fullscreen instead of using tmux pane or Neovim split
diff --git a/plugin/fzf.vim b/plugin/fzf.vim
index 8e3859dd28544e09730764a150418b1d02fd98a3..2eb98d4715a8e1c05469028eef2e9ab727259039 100644
--- a/plugin/fzf.vim
+++ b/plugin/fzf.vim
@@ -558,11 +558,15 @@ let s:default_action = {
 function! s:cmd(bang, ...) abort
   let args = copy(a:000)
-  let opts = {}
+  let opts = { 'options': '--multi ' }
   if len(args) && isdirectory(expand(args[-1]))
-    let opts.dir = substitute(remove(args, -1), '\\\(["'']\)', '\1', 'g')
+    let opts.dir = substitute(substitute(remove(args, -1), '\\\(["'']\)', '\1', 'g'), '/*$', '/', '')
+    let opts.options .= ' --prompt '.shellescape(opts.dir)
+  else
+    let opts.options .= ' --prompt '.shellescape(pathshorten(getcwd()).'/')
-  call fzf#run(fzf#wrap('FZF', extend({'options': join(args)}, opts), a:bang))
+  let opts.options .= ' '.join(args)
+  call fzf#run(fzf#wrap('FZF', opts, a:bang))
 command! -nargs=* -complete=dir -bang FZF call s:cmd(<bang>0, <f-args>)