require "cxxstdlib" require "exceptions" require "formula" require "keg" require "tab" require "utils/bottles" require "caveats" require "cleaner" require "formula_cellar_checks" require "install_renamed" require "cmd/postinstall" require "hooks/bottles" require "debrew" require "sandbox" require "requirements/cctools_requirement" require "emoji" class FormulaInstaller include FormulaCellarChecks def self.mode_attr_accessor(*names) attr_accessor(*names) private(*names) names.each do |name| predicate = "#{name}?" define_method(predicate) { !!send(name) } private(predicate) end end attr_reader :formula attr_accessor :options, :build_bottle mode_attr_accessor :show_summary_heading, :show_header mode_attr_accessor :build_from_source, :force_bottle mode_attr_accessor :ignore_deps, :only_deps, :interactive, :git mode_attr_accessor :verbose, :debug, :quieter def initialize(formula) @formula = formula @show_header = false @ignore_deps = false @only_deps = false @build_from_source = false @build_bottle = false @force_bottle = false @interactive = false @git = false @verbose = false @quieter = false @debug = false @options = @@attempted ||= @poured_bottle = false @pour_failed = false end def skip_deps_check? ignore_deps? end # When no build tools are available and build flags are passed through ARGV, # it's necessary to interrupt the user before any sort of installation # can proceed. Only invoked when the user has no developer tools. def self.prevent_build_flags build_flags = ARGV.collect_build_flags raise unless build_flags.empty? end def build_bottle? !!@build_bottle && !formula.bottle_disabled? end def pour_bottle?(install_bottle_options = { :warn=>false }) return true if Homebrew::Hooks::Bottles.formula_has_bottle?(formula) return false if @pour_failed bottle = formula.bottle return false unless bottle return true if force_bottle? return false if build_from_source? || build_bottle? || interactive? return false if return false unless options.empty? return false if formula.bottle_disabled? return true if formula.local_bottle_path unless formula.pour_bottle? if install_bottle_options[:warn] && formula.pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason opoo <<-EOS.undent Building #{formula.full_name} from source: #{formula.pour_bottle_check_unsatisfied_reason} EOS end return false end unless bottle.compatible_cellar? if install_bottle_options[:warn] opoo <<-EOS.undent Building #{formula.full_name} from source: The bottle needs a #{bottle.cellar} Cellar (yours is #{HOMEBREW_CELLAR}). EOS end return false end true end def install_bottle_for?(dep, build) return pour_bottle? if dep == formula return false if build_from_source? return false unless dep.bottle && dep.pour_bottle? return false unless build.used_options.empty? return false unless dep.bottle.compatible_cellar? true end def prelude Tab.clear_cache verify_deps_exist unless skip_deps_check? lock check_install_sanity end def verify_deps_exist begin compute_dependencies rescue TapFormulaUnavailableError => e if e.tap.installed? raise else e.tap.install retry end end rescue FormulaUnavailableError => e e.dependent = formula.full_name raise end def check_install_sanity raise FormulaInstallationAlreadyAttemptedError, formula if @@attempted.include?(formula) unless skip_deps_check? unlinked_deps = do |dep| dep.installed? && !dep.keg_only? && ! end raise CannotInstallFormulaError, "You must `brew link #{unlinked_deps*" "}` before #{formula.full_name} can be installed" unless unlinked_deps.empty? end end def build_bottle_preinstall @etc_var_glob ||= "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/{etc,var}/**/*" @etc_var_preinstall = Dir[@etc_var_glob] end def build_bottle_postinstall @etc_var_postinstall = Dir[@etc_var_glob] (@etc_var_postinstall - @etc_var_preinstall).each do |file|, formula.bottle_prefix) end end def install # not in initialize so upgrade can unlink the active keg before calling this # function but after instantiating this class so that it can avoid having to # relink the active keg if possible (because it is slow). if # some other version is already installed *and* linked raise CannotInstallFormulaError, <<-EOS.undent #{}-#{formula.linked_keg.resolved_path.basename} already installed To install this version, first `brew unlink #{}` EOS end check_conflicts if !pour_bottle? && !formula.bottle_unneeded? && !DevelopmentTools.installed? raise[formula]) end unless skip_deps_check? deps = compute_dependencies check_dependencies_bottled(deps) if pour_bottle? && !DevelopmentTools.installed? install_dependencies(deps) end return if only_deps? if build_bottle? && (arch = ARGV.bottle_arch) && !Hardware::CPU.optimization_flags.include?(arch) raise "Unrecognized architecture for --bottle-arch: #{arch}" end formula.deprecated_flags.each do |deprecated_option| old_flag = deprecated_option.old_flag new_flag = deprecated_option.current_flag opoo "#{formula.full_name}: #{old_flag} was deprecated; using #{new_flag} instead!" end oh1 "Installing #{}#{formula.full_name}#{Tty.reset}" if show_header? if formula.tap && !formula.tap.private? options = effective_build_options_for(formula).used_options.to_a.join(" ") Utils::Analytics.report_event("install", "#{formula.full_name} #{options}".strip) end @@attempted << formula if pour_bottle?(:warn => true) begin install_relocation_tools unless formula.bottle_specification.skip_relocation? pour rescue Exception => e # any exceptions must leave us with nothing installed ignore_interrupts do formula.prefix.rmtree if formula.rack.rmdir_if_possible end raise if ARGV.homebrew_developer? || e.is_a?(Interrupt) @pour_failed = true onoe e.message opoo "Bottle installation failed: building from source." raise[formula]) unless DevelopmentTools.installed? else @poured_bottle = true end end build_bottle_preinstall if build_bottle? unless @poured_bottle compute_and_install_dependencies if @pour_failed && !ignore_deps? build clean end build_bottle_postinstall if build_bottle? opoo "Nothing was installed to #{formula.prefix}" unless formula.installed? end def check_conflicts return if ARGV.force? conflicts = do |c| begin f = Formulary.factory( rescue TapFormulaUnavailableError # If the formula name is in full-qualified name. Let's silently # ignore it as we don't care about things used in taps that aren't # currently tapped. false else f.linked_keg.exist? && f.opt_prefix.exist? end end raise, conflicts) unless conflicts.empty? end # Compute and collect the dependencies needed by the formula currently # being installed. def compute_dependencies req_map, req_deps = expand_requirements check_requirements(req_map) deps = expand_dependencies(req_deps + formula.deps) deps end # Check that each dependency in deps has a bottle available, terminating # abnormally with a BuildToolsError if one or more don't. # Only invoked when the user has no developer tools. def check_dependencies_bottled(deps) unbottled = deps.reject do |dep, _| dep_f = dep.to_formula dep_f.pour_bottle? || dep_f.bottle_unneeded? end raise unless unbottled.empty? end def compute_and_install_dependencies deps = compute_dependencies install_dependencies(deps) end def check_requirements(req_map) fatals = [] req_map.each_pair do |dependent, reqs| reqs.each do |req| puts "#{dependent}: #{req.message}" fatals << req if req.fatal? end end raise unless fatals.empty? end def install_requirement_default_formula?(req, dependent, build) return false unless req.default_formula? return true unless req.satisfied? return false if install_bottle_for?(dependent, build) || build_bottle? end def expand_requirements unsatisfied_reqs = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } deps = [] formulae = [formula] while f = formulae.pop f.recursive_requirements do |dependent, req| build = effective_build_options_for(dependent) if (req.optional? || req.recommended?) && build.without?(req) Requirement.prune elsif && install_bottle_for?(dependent, build) Requirement.prune elsif install_requirement_default_formula?(req, dependent, build) dep = req.to_dependency deps.unshift(dep) formulae.unshift(dep.to_formula) Requirement.prune elsif req.satisfied? Requirement.prune else unsatisfied_reqs[dependent] << req end end end # Merge the repeated dependencies, which may have different tags. deps = Dependency.merge_repeats(deps) [unsatisfied_reqs, deps] end def expand_dependencies(deps) inherited_options = { |hash, key| hash[key] = } expanded_deps = Dependency.expand(formula, deps) do |dependent, dep| inherited_options[] |= inherited_options_for(dep) build = effective_build_options_for( dependent, inherited_options.fetch(, []) ) if (dep.optional? || dep.recommended?) && build.without?(dep) Dependency.prune elsif && install_bottle_for?(dependent, build) Dependency.prune elsif dep.satisfied?(inherited_options[]) Dependency.skip end end { |dep| [dep, inherited_options[]] } end def effective_build_options_for(dependent, inherited_options = []) args = args |= dependent == formula ? options : inherited_options args |= Tab.for_formula(dependent).used_options args &= dependent.options, dependent.options) end def inherited_options_for(dep) inherited_options = u ="universal") if (options.include?(u) || formula.require_universal_deps?) && ! && dep.to_formula.option_defined?(u) inherited_options << u end inherited_options end def install_dependencies(deps) if deps.empty? && only_deps? puts "All dependencies for #{formula.full_name} are satisfied." else oh1 "Installing dependencies for #{formula.full_name}: #{}#{*", "}#{Tty.reset}" unless deps.empty? deps.each { |dep, options| install_dependency(dep, options) } end @show_header = true unless deps.empty? end # Installs the relocation tools (as provided by the cctools formula) as a hard # dependency for every formula installed from a bottle when the user has no # developer tools. Invoked unless the formula explicitly sets # :any_skip_relocation in its bottle DSL. def install_relocation_tools cctools = dependency = cctools.to_dependency formula = dependency.to_formula return if cctools.satisfied? || @@attempted.include?(formula) install_dependency(dependency, inherited_options_for(cctools)) end class DependencyInstaller < FormulaInstaller def skip_deps_check? true end end def install_dependency(dep, inherited_options) df = dep.to_formula tab = Tab.for_formula(df) if linked_keg = linked_keg.unlink end if df.installed? installed_keg = tmp_keg ="#{installed_keg}.tmp") installed_keg.rename(tmp_keg) end fi = fi.options |= tab.used_options fi.options |= Tab.remap_deprecated_options(df.deprecated_options, dep.options) fi.options |= inherited_options fi.build_from_source = ARGV.build_formula_from_source?(df) fi.verbose = verbose? && !quieter? fi.debug = debug? fi.prelude oh1 "Installing #{formula.full_name} dependency: #{}#{}#{Tty.reset}" fi.install fi.finish rescue Exception ignore_interrupts do tmp_keg.rename(installed_keg) if tmp_keg && ! if linked_keg end raise else ignore_interrupts { tmp_keg.rmtree if tmp_keg && } end def caveats return if only_deps? audit_installed if ARGV.homebrew_developer? && !formula.keg_only? c = unless c.empty? @show_summary_heading = true ohai "Caveats", c.caveats end end def finish return if only_deps? ohai "Finishing up" if verbose? install_plist keg = link(keg) unless @poured_bottle && formula.bottle_specification.skip_relocation? fix_install_names(keg) end if formula.post_install_defined? if build_bottle? ohai "Not running post_install as we're building a bottle" puts "You can run it manually using `brew postinstall #{formula.full_name}`" else post_install end end caveats ohai "Summary" if verbose? || show_summary_heading? puts summary # let's reset Utils.git_available? if we just installed git Utils.clear_git_available_cache if == "git" ensure unlock end def summary s = "" s << "#{Emoji.install_badge} " if Emoji.enabled? s << "#{formula.prefix}: #{formula.prefix.abv}" s << ", built in #{pretty_duration build_time}" if build_time s end def build_time @build_time ||= - @start_time if @start_time && !interactive? end def sanitized_ARGV_options args = [] args << "--ignore-dependencies" if ignore_deps? if build_bottle? args << "--build-bottle" args << "--bottle-arch=#{ARGV.bottle_arch}" if ARGV.bottle_arch end args << "--git" if git? args << "--interactive" if interactive? args << "--verbose" if verbose? args << "--debug" if debug? args << "--cc=#{}" if args << "--default-fortran-flags" if ARGV.include? "--default-fortran-flags" args << "--keep-tmp" if ARGV.keep_tmp? if ARGV.env args << "--env=#{ARGV.env}" elsif formula.env.std? || formula.recursive_dependencies.any? { |d| == "scons" } args << "--env=std" end if formula.head? args << "--HEAD" elsif formula.devel? args << "--devel" end formula.options.each do |opt| name =[/^([^=])+=$/, 1] value = ARGV.value(name) if name args << "--#{name}=#{value}" if value end args end def build_argv sanitized_ARGV_options + options.as_flags end def build FileUtils.rm_rf(formula.logs) @start_time = # 1. formulae can modify ENV, so we must ensure that each # installation has a pristine ENV when it starts, forking now is # the easiest way to do this args = %W[ nice #{RUBY_PATH} -W0 -I #{HOMEBREW_LOAD_PATH} -- #{HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH}/build.rb #{formula.path} ].concat(build_argv) if Sandbox.available? && ARGV.sandbox? Sandbox.print_sandbox_message end Utils.safe_fork do # Invalidate the current sudo timestamp in case a build script calls sudo system "/usr/bin/sudo", "-k" if Sandbox.available? && ARGV.sandbox? sandbox = formula.logs.mkpath sandbox.record_log(formula.logs/"") sandbox.allow_write_temp_and_cache sandbox.allow_write_log(formula) sandbox.allow_write_xcode sandbox.allow_write_cellar(formula) sandbox.exec(*args) else exec(*args) end end if ! || raise "Empty installation" end rescue Exception ignore_interrupts do # any exceptions must leave us with nothing installed formula.prefix.rmtree if formula.rack.rmdir_if_possible end raise end def link(keg) if formula.keg_only? begin keg.optlink rescue Keg::LinkError => e onoe "Failed to create #{formula.opt_prefix}" puts "Things that depend on #{formula.full_name} will probably not build." puts e Homebrew.failed = true end return end if keg.linked? opoo "This keg was marked linked already, continuing anyway" keg.remove_linked_keg_record end link_overwrite_backup = {} # Hash: conflict file -> backup file backup_dir = HOMEBREW_CACHE/"Backup" begin rescue Keg::ConflictError => e conflict_file = e.dst if formula.link_overwrite?(conflict_file) && !link_overwrite_backup.key?(conflict_file) backup_file = backup_dir/conflict_file.relative_path_from(HOMEBREW_PREFIX).to_s backup_file.parent.mkpath conflict_file.rename backup_file link_overwrite_backup[conflict_file] = backup_file retry end onoe "The `brew link` step did not complete successfully" puts "The formula built, but is not symlinked into #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" puts e puts puts "Possible conflicting files are:" mode = => true, :overwrite => true) @show_summary_heading = true Homebrew.failed = true rescue Keg::LinkError => e onoe "The `brew link` step did not complete successfully" puts "The formula built, but is not symlinked into #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" puts e puts puts "You can try again using:" puts " brew link #{}" @show_summary_heading = true Homebrew.failed = true rescue Exception => e onoe "An unexpected error occurred during the `brew link` step" puts "The formula built, but is not symlinked into #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" puts e puts e.backtrace if debug? @show_summary_heading = true ignore_interrupts do keg.unlink link_overwrite_backup.each do |origin, backup| origin.parent.mkpath backup.rename origin end end Homebrew.failed = true raise end unless link_overwrite_backup.empty? opoo "These files were overwritten during `brew link` step:" puts link_overwrite_backup.keys puts puts "They have been backed up in #{backup_dir}" @show_summary_heading = true end end def install_plist return unless formula.plist formula.plist_path.atomic_write(formula.plist) formula.plist_path.chmod 0644 log = formula.var/"log" log.mkpath if formula.plist.include? log.to_s rescue Exception => e onoe "Failed to install plist file" ohai e, e.backtrace if debug? Homebrew.failed = true end def fix_install_names(keg) keg.fix_install_names rescue Exception => e onoe "Failed to fix install names" puts "The formula built, but you may encounter issues using it or linking other" puts "formula against it." ohai e, e.backtrace if debug? Homebrew.failed = true @show_summary_heading = true end def clean ohai "Cleaning" if verbose? rescue Exception => e opoo "The cleaning step did not complete successfully" puts "Still, the installation was successful, so we will link it into your prefix" ohai e, e.backtrace if debug? Homebrew.failed = true @show_summary_heading = true end def post_install Homebrew.run_post_install(formula) rescue Exception => e opoo "The post-install step did not complete successfully" puts "You can try again using `brew postinstall #{formula.full_name}`" ohai e, e.backtrace if debug? Homebrew.failed = true @show_summary_heading = true end def pour if Homebrew::Hooks::Bottles.formula_has_bottle?(formula) return if Homebrew::Hooks::Bottles.pour_formula_bottle(formula) end if (bottle_path = formula.local_bottle_path) downloader = else downloader = formula.bottle downloader.verify_download_integrity(downloader.fetch) end do downloader.stage end keg = unless formula.bottle_specification.skip_relocation? keg.relocate_install_names Keg::PREFIX_PLACEHOLDER, HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s, Keg::CELLAR_PLACEHOLDER, HOMEBREW_CELLAR.to_s end keg.relocate_text_files Keg::PREFIX_PLACEHOLDER, HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s, Keg::CELLAR_PLACEHOLDER, HOMEBREW_CELLAR.to_s Pathname.glob("#{formula.bottle_prefix}/{etc,var}/**/*") do |path| path.extend(InstallRenamed) path.cp_path_sub(formula.bottle_prefix, HOMEBREW_PREFIX) end FileUtils.rm_rf formula.bottle_prefix tab = Tab.for_keg(formula.prefix) CxxStdlib.check_compatibility( formula, formula.recursive_dependencies,, tab.compiler ) tab.tap = formula.tap tab.poured_from_bottle = true tab.time = tab.head = HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY.git_head tab.write end def audit_check_output(output) if output opoo output @show_summary_heading = true end end def audit_installed audit_check_output(check_PATH(formula.bin)) audit_check_output(check_PATH(formula.sbin)) super end private def hold_locks? @hold_locks || false end def lock if (@@locked ||= []).empty? formula.recursive_dependencies.each do |dep| @@locked << dep.to_formula end unless ignore_deps? @@locked.unshift(formula) @@locked.uniq! @@locked.each(&:lock) @hold_locks = true end end def unlock if hold_locks? @@locked.each(&:unlock) @@locked.clear @hold_locks = false end end end