unless ENV["HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE"] raise "HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE was not exported! Please call bin/brew directly!" end std_trap = trap("INT") { exit! 130 } # no backtrace thanks # check ruby version before requiring any modules. RUBY_TWO = RUBY_VERSION.split(".").first.to_i >= 2 raise "Homebrew must be run under Ruby 2!" unless RUBY_TWO require "pathname" HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.parent $:.unshift(HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH.to_s) require "global" require "tap" if ARGV == %w[--version] || ARGV == %w[-v] puts "Homebrew #{HOMEBREW_VERSION}" puts "Homebrew/homebrew-core #{CoreTap.instance.version_string}" exit 0 end def require?(path) return false if path.nil? require path rescue LoadError => e # we should raise on syntax errors but not if the file doesn't exist. raise unless e.message.include?(path) end begin trap("INT", std_trap) # restore default CTRL-C handler empty_argv = ARGV.empty? help_flag_list = %w[-h --help --usage -?] help_flag = !ENV["HOMEBREW_HELP"].nil? internal_cmd = true cmd = nil ARGV.dup.each_with_index do |arg, i| break if help_flag && cmd if arg == "help" && !cmd # Command-style help: `help <cmd>` is fine, but `<cmd> help` is not. help_flag = true elsif !cmd && !help_flag_list.include?(arg) cmd = ARGV.delete_at(i) end end path = PATH.new(ENV["PATH"]) # Add contributed commands to PATH before checking. path.append(Pathname.glob(Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"*/*/cmd")) # Add SCM wrappers. path.append(HOMEBREW_SHIMS_PATH/"scm") ENV["PATH"] = path if cmd internal_cmd = require? HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH.join("cmd", cmd) unless internal_cmd internal_cmd = require? HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH.join("dev-cmd", cmd) if internal_cmd && !ARGV.homebrew_developer? system "git", "config", "--file=#{HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/.git/config", "--replace-all", "homebrew.devcmdrun", "true" ENV["HOMEBREW_DEV_CMD_RUN"] = "1" end end end # Usage instructions should be displayed if and only if one of: # - a help flag is passed AND a command is matched # - a help flag is passed AND there is no command specified # - no arguments are passed if empty_argv || help_flag require "cmd/help" Homebrew.help cmd, empty_argv: empty_argv # `Homebrew.help` never returns, except for external/unknown commands. end # Migrate LinkedKegs/PinnedKegs if update didn't already do so migrate_legacy_keg_symlinks_if_necessary # Uninstall old brew-cask if it's still around; we just use the tap now. if cmd == "cask" && (HOMEBREW_CELLAR/"brew-cask").exist? system(HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, "uninstall", "--force", "brew-cask") end if internal_cmd Homebrew.send cmd.to_s.tr("-", "_").downcase elsif which "brew-#{cmd}" %w[CACHE LIBRARY_PATH].each do |e| ENV["HOMEBREW_#{e}"] = Object.const_get("HOMEBREW_#{e}").to_s end exec "brew-#{cmd}", *ARGV elsif (path = which("brew-#{cmd}.rb")) && require?(path) exit Homebrew.failed? ? 1 : 0 else require "tap" possible_tap = OFFICIAL_CMD_TAPS.find { |_, cmds| cmds.include?(cmd) } possible_tap = Tap.fetch(possible_tap.first) if possible_tap if possible_tap && !possible_tap.installed? brew_uid = HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE.stat.uid tap_commands = [] if Process.uid.zero? && !brew_uid.zero? tap_commands += %W[/usr/bin/sudo -u ##{brew_uid}] end tap_commands += %W[#{HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE} tap #{possible_tap}] safe_system(*tap_commands) exec HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, cmd, *ARGV else odie "Unknown command: #{cmd}" end end rescue UsageError => e require "cmd/help" Homebrew.help cmd, usage_error: e.message rescue SystemExit => e onoe "Kernel.exit" if ARGV.verbose? && !e.success? $stderr.puts e.backtrace if ARGV.debug? raise rescue Interrupt $stderr.puts # seemingly a newline is typical exit 130 rescue BuildError => e Utils::Analytics.report_exception(e) e.dump exit 1 rescue RuntimeError, SystemCallError => e Utils::Analytics.report_exception(e) raise if e.message.empty? onoe e $stderr.puts e.backtrace if ARGV.debug? exit 1 rescue MethodDeprecatedError => e Utils::Analytics.report_exception(e) onoe e if e.issues_url $stderr.puts "If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):" $stderr.puts " #{Formatter.url(e.issues_url)}" end exit 1 rescue Exception => e Utils::Analytics.report_exception(e) onoe e if internal_cmd && defined?(OS::ISSUES_URL) $stderr.puts "#{Tty.bold}Please report this bug:#{Tty.reset}" $stderr.puts " #{Formatter.url(OS::ISSUES_URL)}" end $stderr.puts e.backtrace exit 1 else exit 1 if Homebrew.failed? end