# frozen_string_literal: true require "formula" require "erb" require "ostruct" require "cli/parser" # Require all commands Dir.glob("#{HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH}/{dev-,}cmd/*.rb").sort.each { |cmd| require cmd } module Homebrew module_function SOURCE_PATH = (HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH/"manpages").freeze TARGET_MAN_PATH = (HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/"manpages").freeze TARGET_DOC_PATH = (HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/"docs").freeze def man_args Homebrew::CLI::Parser.new do usage_banner <<~EOS `man` [<options>] Generate Homebrew's manpages. EOS switch "--fail-if-changed", description: "Return a failing status code if changes are detected in the manpage outputs. This "\ "can be used to notify CI when the manpages are out of date. Additionally, "\ "the date used in new manpages will match those in the existing manpages (to allow "\ "comparison without factoring in the date)." switch "--link", description: "This is now done automatically by `brew update`." max_named 0 end end def man man_args.parse odie "`brew man --link` is now done automatically by `brew update`." if args.link? regenerate_man_pages if system "git", "-C", HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY, "diff", "--quiet", "docs/Manpage.md", "manpages" puts "No changes to manpage output detected." elsif args.fail_if_changed? Homebrew.failed = true end end def regenerate_man_pages Homebrew.install_bundler_gems! markup = build_man_page convert_man_page(markup, TARGET_DOC_PATH/"Manpage.md") convert_man_page(markup, TARGET_MAN_PATH/"brew.1") cask_markup = (SOURCE_PATH/"brew-cask.1.md").read convert_man_page(cask_markup, TARGET_MAN_PATH/"brew-cask.1") end def build_man_page template = (SOURCE_PATH/"brew.1.md.erb").read variables = OpenStruct.new variables[:commands] = generate_cmd_manpages("#{HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH}/cmd/*.{rb,sh}") variables[:developer_commands] = generate_cmd_manpages("#{HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH}/dev-cmd/{*.rb,sh}") variables[:global_options] = global_options_manpage readme = HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/"README.md" variables[:lead] = readme.read[/(Homebrew's \[Project Leader.*\.)/, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') variables[:plc] = readme.read[/(Homebrew's \[Project Leadership Committee.*\.)/, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') variables[:tsc] = readme.read[/(Homebrew's \[Technical Steering Committee.*\.)/, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') variables[:linux] = readme.read[%r{(Homebrew/brew's Linux maintainers .*\.)}, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') variables[:maintainers] = readme.read[/(Homebrew's other current maintainers .*\.)/, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') variables[:alumni] = readme.read[/(Former maintainers .*\.)/, 1] .gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, '\1') ERB.new(template, trim_mode: ">").result(variables.instance_eval { binding }) end def sort_key_for_path(path) # Options after regular commands (`~` comes after `z` in ASCII table). path.basename.to_s.sub(/\.(rb|sh)$/, "").sub(/^--/, "~~") end def convert_man_page(markup, target) manual = target.basename(".1") organisation = "Homebrew" # Set the manpage date to the existing one if we're checking for changes. # This avoids the only change being e.g. a new date. date = if args.fail_if_changed? && target.extname == ".1" && target.exist? /"(\d{1,2})" "([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d{4})" "#{organisation}" "#{manual}"/ =~ target.read Date.parse("#{Regexp.last_match(1)} #{Regexp.last_match(2)} #{Regexp.last_match(3)}") else Date.today end date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") shared_args = %W[ --pipe --organization=#{organisation} --manual=#{target.basename(".1")} --date=#{date} ] format_flag, format_desc = target_path_to_format(target) puts "Writing #{format_desc} to #{target}" Utils.popen(["ronn", format_flag] + shared_args, "rb+") do |ronn| ronn.write markup ronn.close_write ronn_output = ronn.read odie "Got no output from ronn!" if ronn_output.blank? if format_flag == "--markdown" ronn_output = ronn_output.gsub(%r{<var>(.*?)</var>}, "*`\\1`*") .gsub(/\n\n\n+/, "\n\n") elsif format_flag == "--roff" ronn_output = ronn_output.gsub(%r{<code>(.*?)</code>}, "\\fB\\1\\fR") .gsub(%r{<var>(.*?)</var>}, "\\fI\\1\\fR") .gsub(/(^\[?\\fB.+): /, "\\1\n ") end target.atomic_write ronn_output end end def target_path_to_format(target) case target.basename when /\.md$/ then ["--markdown", "markdown"] when /\.\d$/ then ["--roff", "man page"] else odie "Failed to infer output format from '#{target.basename}'." end end def generate_cmd_manpages(glob) cmd_paths = Pathname.glob(glob).sort man_page_lines = [] man_args = Homebrew.args # preserve existing manpage order cmd_paths.sort_by(&method(:sort_key_for_path)) .each do |cmd_path| cmd_args_method_name = cmd_arg_parser(cmd_path) cmd_man_page_lines = begin cmd_parser = Homebrew.send(cmd_args_method_name) next if cmd_parser.hide_from_man_page cmd_parser_manpage_lines(cmd_parser).join rescue NoMethodError => e raise if e.name != cmd_args_method_name nil end cmd_man_page_lines ||= cmd_comment_manpage_lines(cmd_path) man_page_lines << cmd_man_page_lines end Homebrew.args = man_args man_page_lines.compact.join("\n") end def cmd_arg_parser(cmd_path) "#{cmd_path.basename.to_s.gsub(".rb", "").tr("-", "_")}_args".to_sym end def cmd_parser_manpage_lines(cmd_parser) lines = [format_usage_banner(cmd_parser.usage_banner_text)] lines += cmd_parser.processed_options.map do |short, long, _, desc| next if !long.nil? && cmd_parser.global_option?(cmd_parser.option_to_name(long), desc) generate_option_doc(short, long, desc) end.reject(&:blank?) lines end def cmd_comment_manpage_lines(cmd_path) comment_lines = cmd_path.read.lines.grep(/^#:/) return if comment_lines.empty? return if comment_lines.first.include?("@hide_from_man_page") lines = [format_usage_banner(comment_lines.first).chomp] comment_lines.slice(1..-1) .each do |line| line = line.slice(4..-2) unless line lines.last << "\n" next end # Omit the common global_options documented separately in the man page. next if line.match?(/--(debug|force|help|quiet|verbose) /) # Format one option or a comma-separated pair of short and long options. lines << line.gsub(/^ +(-+[a-z-]+), (-+[a-z-]+) +/, "* `\\1`, `\\2`:\n ") .gsub(/^ +(-+[a-z-]+) +/, "* `\\1`:\n ") end lines.last << "\n" lines end def global_options_manpage lines = ["These options are applicable across all sub-commands.\n"] lines += Homebrew::CLI::Parser.global_options.values.map do |names, _, desc| short, long = names generate_option_doc(short, long, desc) end lines.join("\n") end def generate_option_doc(short, long, desc) comma = (short && long) ? ", " : "" "* #{format_short_opt(short)}" + comma + "#{format_long_opt(long)}:" + "\n " + desc + "\n" end def format_short_opt(opt) "`#{opt}`" unless opt.nil? end def format_long_opt(opt) "`#{opt}`" unless opt.nil? end def format_usage_banner(usage_banner) usage_banner&.sub(/^(#: *\* )?/, "### ") end end