diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/pr-pull.rb b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/pr-pull.rb
index 052e5dbdbc50ca7e9f7e6821860690d0870847c8..0b0951c8b4567a23794b8a32f1f8545a1a9985cc 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/pr-pull.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/pr-pull.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ module Homebrew
              description: "Print what would be done rather than doing it."
       switch "--clean",
              description: "Do not amend the commits from pull requests."
+      switch "--keep-old",
+             description: "If the formula specifies a rebuild version, " \
+                          "attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL."
       switch "--branch-okay",
              description: "Do not warn if pulling to a branch besides master (useful for testing)."
       switch "--resolve",
@@ -262,8 +265,9 @@ module Homebrew
           upload_args << "--verbose" if args.verbose?
           upload_args << "--no-publish" if args.no_publish?
           upload_args << "--dry-run" if args.dry_run?
+          upload_args << "--keep-old" if args.keep_old?
           upload_args << "--warn-on-upload-failure" if args.warn_on_upload_failure?
-          upload_args << "--root_url=#{args.root_url}" if args.root_url
+          upload_args << "--root-url=#{args.root_url}" if args.root_url
           upload_args << "--bintray-org=#{bintray_org}"
           safe_system HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, *upload_args
diff --git a/docs/Manpage.md b/docs/Manpage.md
index 81b707e25b3d45ffb08405297fd8f2c0e3d7e68c..a3a741ae70b5739f439b27588ce9c457ccf2adc7 100644
--- a/docs/Manpage.md
+++ b/docs/Manpage.md
@@ -1034,6 +1034,8 @@ Requires write access to the repository.
   Print what would be done rather than doing it.
 * `--clean`:
   Do not amend the commits from pull requests.
+* `--keep-old`:
+  If the formula specifies a rebuild version, attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL.
 * `--branch-okay`:
   Do not warn if pulling to a branch besides master (useful for testing).
 * `--resolve`:
diff --git a/manpages/brew.1 b/manpages/brew.1
index 57599f62e3362e5c86a01e8ea2eaf9e9c9a61430..f1915f3b3770f04bb3c6c43cc04621ee4b9b7cfd 100644
--- a/manpages/brew.1
+++ b/manpages/brew.1
@@ -1424,6 +1424,10 @@ Print what would be done rather than doing it\.
 Do not amend the commits from pull requests\.
+If the formula specifies a rebuild version, attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL\.
 Do not warn if pulling to a branch besides master (useful for testing)\.