diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/cli/named_args.rb b/Library/Homebrew/cli/named_args.rb
index 4f245e974485fa1ad9b527c0a5dfc90bafbc6f2b..fa63db0dfed646fc24333e88ef5ddff3eced8d93 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/cli/named_args.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/cli/named_args.rb
@@ -74,8 +74,33 @@ module Homebrew
       def to_formulae_paths
-        @to_formulae_paths ||= (downcased_unique_named - homebrew_tap_cask_names).map do |name|
-          Formulary.path(name)
+        to_paths(only: :formulae)
+      end
+      # Keep existing paths and try to convert others to tap, formula or cask paths.
+      # If a cask and formula with the same name exist, includes both their paths
+      # unless `only` is specified.
+      def to_paths(only: nil)
+        @to_paths ||= {}
+        @to_paths[only] ||= downcased_unique_named.flat_map do |name|
+          if File.exist?(name)
+            Pathname(name)
+          elsif name.count("/") == 1
+            Tap.fetch(name).path
+          else
+            next Formulary.path(name) if only == :formulae
+            next Cask::CaskLoader.path(name) if only == :casks
+            formula_path = Formulary.path(name)
+            cask_path = Cask::CaskLoader.path(name)
+            paths = []
+            paths << formula_path if formula_path.exist?
+            paths << cask_path if cask_path.exist?
+            paths.empty? ? name : paths
+          end
diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/style.rb b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/style.rb
index 7ae81cb0fcbd70dd03dab4ec002047059a0ae397..26da075aa8f6815c5c0c9681db8b08683c8c71e6 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/style.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/style.rb
@@ -39,12 +39,8 @@ module Homebrew
     target = if args.no_named?
-    elsif args.named.any? { |file| File.exist? file }
-      args.named
-    elsif args.named.any? { |tap| tap.count("/") == 1 }
-      args.named.map { |tap| Tap.fetch(tap).path }
-      args.named.to_formulae_paths
+      args.named.to_paths
     only_cops = args.only_cops
diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/style.rb b/Library/Homebrew/style.rb
index 506fcf127f9575e2f0ee8217901c2dd4b3f046b9..ea3abd0ea5ceddacb1187040f5f6414ee6ff4e95 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/style.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/style.rb
@@ -133,10 +133,9 @@ module Homebrew
       when :print
         args << "--debug" if debug
-        if ENV["CI"]
-          # Don't show the default formatter's progress dots on CI.
-          args << "--format" << "clang"
-        end
+        # Don't show the default formatter's progress dots
+        # on CI or if only checking a single file.
+        args << "--format" << "clang" if ENV["CI"] || files.count { |f| !f.directory? } == 1
         args << "--color" if Tty.color?
diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/test/cli/named_args_spec.rb b/Library/Homebrew/test/cli/named_args_spec.rb
index 10856882a4e01a85168c8aaf9fedf7a12dfc9730..b70a67acc36ebe67109cc904a241fc7ce8dc8523 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/test/cli/named_args_spec.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/test/cli/named_args_spec.rb
@@ -120,4 +120,45 @@ describe Homebrew::CLI::NamedArgs do
       expect(described_class.new("foo").homebrew_tap_cask_names).to be_empty
+  describe "#to_paths" do
+    let(:existing_path) { mktmpdir }
+    let(:formula_path) { Pathname("/path/to/foo.rb") }
+    let(:cask_path) { Pathname("/path/to/baz.rb") }
+    before do
+      allow(formula_path).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true)
+      allow(cask_path).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true)
+      allow(Formulary).to receive(:path).and_call_original
+      allow(Cask::CaskLoader).to receive(:path).and_call_original
+    end
+    it "returns taps, cask formula and existing paths" do
+      expect(Formulary).to receive(:path).with("foo").and_return(formula_path)
+      expect(Cask::CaskLoader).to receive(:path).with("baz").and_return(cask_path)
+      expect(described_class.new("homebrew/core", "foo", "baz", existing_path.to_s).to_paths)
+        .to eq [Tap.fetch("homebrew/core").path, formula_path, cask_path, existing_path]
+    end
+    it "returns both cask and formula paths if they exist" do
+      expect(Formulary).to receive(:path).with("foo").and_return(formula_path)
+      expect(Cask::CaskLoader).to receive(:path).with("baz").and_return(cask_path)
+      expect(described_class.new("foo", "baz").to_paths).to eq [formula_path, cask_path]
+    end
+    it "returns only formulae when `only: :formulae` is specified" do
+      expect(Formulary).to receive(:path).with("foo").and_return(formula_path)
+      expect(described_class.new("foo", "baz").to_paths(only: :formulae)).to eq [formula_path, Formulary.path("baz")]
+    end
+    it "returns only casks when `only: :casks` is specified" do
+      expect(Cask::CaskLoader).to receive(:path).with("foo").and_return(cask_path)
+      expect(described_class.new("foo", "baz").to_paths(only: :casks)).to eq [cask_path, Cask::CaskLoader.path("baz")]
+    end
+  end