diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/brew_doctor.rb b/Library/Homebrew/brew_doctor.rb
index f38bdcb54b428f53323382f9ae1f1eeca245617f..204337754d9de0d49c6cfcd891558534754e293c 100644
--- a/Library/Homebrew/brew_doctor.rb
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/brew_doctor.rb
@@ -445,6 +445,49 @@ def check_for_autoconf
+def __check_linked_brew f
+  links_found = []
+  Pathname.new(f.prefix).find do |src|
+    dst=HOMEBREW_PREFIX+src.relative_path_from(f.prefix)
+    next unless dst.symlink?
+    links_found << dst unless src.directory?
+    Find.prune if src.directory?
+  end
+  return links_found
+def check_for_linked_kegonly_brews
+  require 'formula'
+  warnings = Hash.new
+  Formula.all.each do |f|
+    next unless f.keg_only? and f.installed?
+    links = __check_linked_brew f
+    warnings[f.name] = links unless links.empty?
+  end
+  unless warnings.empty?
+    puts <<-EOS.undent
+    Some keg-only formula are linked into the Cellar.
+    Linking a keg-only formula, such as gettext, into the cellar with
+    `brew link f` will cause other formulae to detect them during the
+    `./configure` step. This may cause problems when compiling those
+    other formulae.
+    Binaries provided by keg-only formulae may override system binaries
+    with other strange results.
+    You may wish to `brew unlink` these brews:
+    EOS
+    puts *warnings.keys.collect { |f| "    #{f}" }
+  end
 def brew_doctor
   read, write = IO.pipe
@@ -473,6 +516,7 @@ def brew_doctor
+    check_for_linked_kegonly_brews
     exit! 0