From 3dcbb84fb5fd1601e669ea15c9ddb1056c839325 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Reiter <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 23:07:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Convert Tap test to spec.

 Library/Homebrew/test/tap_spec.rb | 346 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Library/Homebrew/test/tap_test.rb | 319 ---------------------------
 2 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Library/Homebrew/test/tap_spec.rb
 delete mode 100644 Library/Homebrew/test/tap_test.rb

diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_spec.rb b/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0ad1506d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :have_formula_file, :be_formula_file
+RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :have_custom_remote, :be_custom_remote
+describe Tap do
+  include FileUtils
+  subject {"Homebrew", "foo") }
+  let(:path) { Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"homebrew/homebrew-foo" }
+  let(:formula_file) { path/"Formula/foo.rb" }
+  let(:alias_file) { path/"Aliases/bar" }
+  let(:cmd_file) { path/"cmd/brew-tap-cmd.rb" }
+  let(:manpage_file) { path/"manpages/brew-tap-cmd.1" }
+  let(:bash_completion_file) { path/"completions/bash/brew-tap-cmd" }
+  let(:zsh_completion_file) { path/"completions/zsh/_brew-tap-cmd" }
+  let(:fish_completion_file) { path/"completions/fish/" }
+  before(:each) do
+    path.mkpath
+  end
+  def setup_tap_files
+    formula_file.write <<-EOS.undent
+      class Foo < Formula
+        url ""
+      end
+    EOS
+    alias_file.parent.mkpath
+    ln_s formula_file, alias_file
+    (path/"formula_renames.json").write <<-EOS.undent
+      { "oldname": "foo" }
+    EOS
+    (path/"tap_migrations.json").write <<-EOS.undent
+      { "removed-formula": "homebrew/foo" }
+    EOS
+    [
+      cmd_file,
+      manpage_file,
+      bash_completion_file,
+      zsh_completion_file,
+      fish_completion_file,
+    ].each do |f|
+      f.parent.mkpath
+      touch f
+    end
+    chmod 0755, cmd_file
+  end
+  def setup_git_repo
+ do
+      shutup do
+        system "git", "init"
+        system "git", "remote", "add", "origin", ""
+        system "git", "add", "--all"
+        system "git", "commit", "-m", "init"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  specify "::fetch" do
+    begin
+      expect(described_class.fetch("Homebrew", "homebrew")).to be_kind_of(CoreTap)
+      tap = described_class.fetch("Homebrew", "foo")
+      expect(tap).to be_kind_of(Tap)
+      expect( eq("homebrew/foo")
+      expect {
+        described_class.fetch("foo")
+      }.to raise_error(/Invalid tap name/)
+      expect {
+        described_class.fetch("homebrew/homebrew/bar")
+      }.to raise_error(/Invalid tap name/)
+      expect {
+        described_class.fetch("homebrew", "homebrew/baz")
+      }.to raise_error(/Invalid tap name/)
+    ensure
+      described_class.clear_cache
+    end
+  end
+  specify "#names" do
+    expect(described_class.names.sort).to eq(["homebrew/core", "homebrew/foo"])
+  end
+  specify "attributes" do
+    expect(subject.user).to eq("Homebrew")
+    expect(subject.repo).to eq("foo")
+    expect( eq("homebrew/foo")
+    expect(subject.path).to eq(path)
+    expect(subject).to be_installed
+    expect(subject).to be_official
+    expect(subject).not_to be_a_core_tap
+  end
+  specify "#issues_url" do
+    begin
+      t ="someone", "foo")
+      path = Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"someone/homebrew-foo"
+      path.mkpath
+      cd path do
+        shutup { system "git", "init" }
+        system "git", "remote", "add", "origin",
+          ""
+      end
+      expect(t.issues_url).to eq("")
+      expect(subject.issues_url).to eq("")
+      (Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"someone/homebrew-no-git").mkpath
+      expect("someone", "no-git").issues_url).to be nil
+    ensure
+      path.parent.rmtree
+    end
+  end
+  specify "files" do
+    setup_tap_files
+    expect(subject.formula_files).to eq([formula_file])
+    expect(subject.formula_names).to eq(["homebrew/foo/foo"])
+    expect(subject.alias_files).to eq([alias_file])
+    expect(subject.aliases).to eq(["homebrew/foo/bar"])
+    expect(subject.alias_table).to eq("homebrew/foo/bar" => "homebrew/foo/foo")
+    expect(subject.alias_reverse_table).to eq("homebrew/foo/foo" => ["homebrew/foo/bar"])
+    expect(subject.formula_renames).to eq("oldname" => "foo")
+    expect(subject.tap_migrations).to eq("removed-formula" => "homebrew/foo")
+    expect(subject.command_files).to eq([cmd_file])
+    expect(subject.to_hash).to be_kind_of(Hash)
+    expect(subject).to have_formula_file(formula_file)
+    expect(subject).to have_formula_file("Formula/foo.rb")
+    expect(subject).not_to have_formula_file("bar.rb")
+    expect(subject).not_to have_formula_file("Formula/")
+  end
+  describe "#remote" do
+    it "returns the remote URL" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      expect(subject.remote).to eq("")
+      expect {"Homebrew", "bar").remote }.to raise_error(TapUnavailableError)
+      expect(subject).not_to have_custom_remote
+      services_tap ="Homebrew", "services")
+      services_tap.path.mkpath
+ do
+        shutup do
+          system "git", "init"
+          system "git", "remote", "add", "origin", ""
+        end
+      end
+      expect(services_tap).not_to be_private
+    end
+    it "returns nil if the Tap is not a Git repo" do
+      expect(subject.remote).to be nil
+    end
+    it "returns nil if Git is not available" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      allow(Utils).to receive(:git_available?).and_return(false)
+      expect(subject.remote).to be nil
+    end
+  end
+  specify "Git variant" do
+    touch path/"README"
+    setup_git_repo
+    expect(subject.git_head).to eq("0453e16c8e3fac73104da50927a86221ca0740c2")
+    expect(subject.git_short_head).to eq("0453")
+    expect(subject.git_last_commit).to match(/\A\d+ .+ ago\Z/)
+    expect(subject.git_last_commit_date).to eq("2017-01-22")
+  end
+  specify "#private?" do
+    skip "HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN is required" unless GitHub.api_credentials
+    expect(subject).to be_private
+  end
+  describe "#install" do
+    it "raises an error when the Tap is already tapped" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
+      expect(already_tapped_tap).to be_installed
+      expect { already_tapped_tap.install }.to raise_error(TapAlreadyTappedError)
+    end
+    it "raises an error when the Tap is already tapped with the right remote" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
+      expect(already_tapped_tap).to be_installed
+      right_remote = subject.remote
+      expect { already_tapped_tap.install clone_target: right_remote }.to raise_error(TapAlreadyTappedError)
+    end
+    it "raises an error when the remote doesn't match" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
+      touch subject.path/".git/shallow"
+      expect(already_tapped_tap).to be_installed
+      wrong_remote = "#{subject.remote}-oops"
+      expect { already_tapped_tap.install clone_target: wrong_remote, full_clone: true }.to raise_error(TapRemoteMismatchError)
+    end
+    it "raises an error when the Tap is already unshallow" do
+      setup_git_repo
+      already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
+      expect { already_tapped_tap.install full_clone: true }.to raise_error(TapAlreadyUnshallowError)
+    end
+    specify "Git error" do
+      tap ="user", "repo")
+      expect {
+        shutup { tap.install clone_target: "file:///not/existed/remote/url" }
+      }.to raise_error(ErrorDuringExecution)
+      expect(tap).not_to be_installed
+      expect(Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"user").not_to exist
+    end
+  end
+  describe "#uninstall" do
+    it "raises an error if the Tap is not available" do
+      tap ="Homebrew", "bar")
+      expect { tap.uninstall }.to raise_error(TapUnavailableError)
+    end
+  end
+  specify "#install and #uninstall" do
+    begin
+      setup_tap_files
+      setup_git_repo
+      tap ="Homebrew", "bar")
+      shutup do
+        tap.install clone_target: subject.path/".git"
+      end
+      expect(tap).to be_installed
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/").to be_a_file
+      shutup do
+        tap.uninstall
+      end
+      expect(tap).not_to be_installed
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1").not_to exist
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1").not_to exist
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd").not_to exist
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd").not_to exist
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/").not_to exist
+    ensure
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").exist?
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").exist?
+    end
+  end
+  specify "#link_completions_and_manpages" do
+    begin
+      setup_tap_files
+      setup_git_repo
+      tap ="Homebrew", "baz")
+      shutup { tap.install clone_target: subject.path/".git" }
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1").delete
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd").delete
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd").delete
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/").delete
+      shutup { tap.link_completions_and_manpages }
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd").to be_a_file
+      expect(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/").to be_a_file
+      shutup { tap.uninstall }
+    ensure
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").exist?
+      (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").exist?
+    end
+  end
+  specify "#pin and #unpin" do
+    expect(subject).not_to be_pinned
+    expect { subject.unpin }.to raise_error(TapPinStatusError)
+    expect(subject).to be_pinned
+    expect { }.to raise_error(TapPinStatusError)
+    subject.unpin
+    expect(subject).not_to be_pinned
+  end
+  specify "#config" do
+    setup_git_repo
+    expect(subject.config["foo"]).to be nil
+    subject.config["foo"] = "bar"
+    expect(subject.config["foo"]).to eq("bar")
+    subject.config["foo"] = nil
+    expect(subject.config["foo"]).to be nil
+  end
+describe CoreTap do
+  include FileUtils
+  specify "attributes" do
+    expect(subject.user).to eq("Homebrew")
+    expect(subject.repo).to eq("core")
+    expect( eq("homebrew/core")
+    expect(subject.command_files).to eq([])
+    expect(subject).to be_installed
+    expect(subject).not_to be_pinned
+    expect(subject).to be_official
+    expect(subject).to be_a_core_tap
+  end
+  specify "forbidden operations" do
+    expect { subject.uninstall }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+    expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+    expect { subject.unpin }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+  end
+  specify "files" do
+    formula_file = subject.formula_dir/"foo.rb"
+    formula_file.write <<-EOS.undent
+      class Foo < Formula
+        url ""
+      end
+    EOS
+    alias_file = subject.alias_dir/"bar"
+    alias_file.parent.mkpath
+    ln_s formula_file, alias_file
+    expect(subject.formula_files).to eq([formula_file])
+    expect(subject.formula_names).to eq(["foo"])
+    expect(subject.alias_files).to eq([alias_file])
+    expect(subject.aliases).to eq(["bar"])
+    expect(subject.alias_table).to eq("bar" => "foo")
+    expect(subject.alias_reverse_table).to eq("foo" => ["bar"])
+  end
diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_test.rb b/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ecb5b74f..0000000000
--- a/Library/Homebrew/test/tap_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-require "testing_env"
-class TapTest < Homebrew::TestCase
-  include FileUtils
-  def setup
-    super
-    @path = Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"homebrew/homebrew-foo"
-    @path.mkpath
-    @tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
-  end
-  def setup_tap_files
-    @formula_file = @path/"Formula/foo.rb"
-    @formula_file.write <<-EOS.undent
-      class Foo < Formula
-        url ""
-      end
-    EOS
-    @alias_file = @path/"Aliases/bar"
-    @alias_file.parent.mkpath
-    ln_s @formula_file, @alias_file
-    (@path/"formula_renames.json").write <<-EOS.undent
-     { "oldname": "foo" }
-    EOS
-    (@path/"tap_migrations.json").write <<-EOS.undent
-     { "removed-formula": "homebrew/foo" }
-    EOS
-    @cmd_file = @path/"cmd/brew-tap-cmd.rb"
-    @cmd_file.parent.mkpath
-    touch @cmd_file
-    chmod 0755, @cmd_file
-    @manpage_file = @path/"manpages/brew-tap-cmd.1"
-    @manpage_file.parent.mkpath
-    touch @manpage_file
-    @bash_completion_file = @path/"completions/bash/brew-tap-cmd"
-    @bash_completion_file.parent.mkpath
-    touch @bash_completion_file
-    @zsh_completion_file = @path/"completions/zsh/_brew-tap-cmd"
-    @zsh_completion_file.parent.mkpath
-    touch @zsh_completion_file
-    @fish_completion_file = @path/"completions/fish/"
-    @fish_completion_file.parent.mkpath
-    touch @fish_completion_file
-  end
-  def setup_git_repo
- do
-      shutup do
-        system "git", "init"
-        system "git", "remote", "add", "origin", ""
-        system "git", "add", "--all"
-        system "git", "commit", "-m", "init"
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_fetch
-    assert_kind_of CoreTap, Tap.fetch("Homebrew", "homebrew")
-    tap = Tap.fetch("Homebrew", "foo")
-    assert_kind_of Tap, tap
-    assert_equal "homebrew/foo",
-    assert_match "Invalid tap name",
-                 assert_raises { Tap.fetch("foo") }.message
-    assert_match "Invalid tap name",
-                 assert_raises { Tap.fetch("homebrew/homebrew/bar") }.message
-    assert_match "Invalid tap name",
-                 assert_raises { Tap.fetch("homebrew", "homebrew/baz") }.message
-  ensure
-    Tap.clear_cache
-  end
-  def test_names
-    assert_equal ["homebrew/core", "homebrew/foo"], Tap.names.sort
-  end
-  def test_attributes
-    assert_equal "Homebrew", @tap.user
-    assert_equal "foo", @tap.repo
-    assert_equal "homebrew/foo",
-    assert_equal @path, @tap.path
-    assert_predicate @tap, :installed?
-    assert_predicate @tap, :official?
-    refute_predicate @tap, :core_tap?
-  end
-  def test_issues_url
-    t ="someone", "foo")
-    path = Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"someone/homebrew-foo"
-    path.mkpath
-    cd path do
-      shutup { system "git", "init" }
-      system "git", "remote", "add", "origin",
-        ""
-    end
-    assert_equal "", t.issues_url
-    assert_equal "", @tap.issues_url
-    (Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"someone/homebrew-no-git").mkpath
-    assert_nil"someone", "no-git").issues_url
-  ensure
-    path.parent.rmtree
-  end
-  def test_files
-    setup_tap_files
-    assert_equal [@formula_file], @tap.formula_files
-    assert_equal ["homebrew/foo/foo"], @tap.formula_names
-    assert_equal [@alias_file], @tap.alias_files
-    assert_equal ["homebrew/foo/bar"], @tap.aliases
-    assert_equal @tap.alias_table, "homebrew/foo/bar" => "homebrew/foo/foo"
-    assert_equal @tap.alias_reverse_table, "homebrew/foo/foo" => ["homebrew/foo/bar"]
-    assert_equal @tap.formula_renames, "oldname" => "foo"
-    assert_equal @tap.tap_migrations, "removed-formula" => "homebrew/foo"
-    assert_equal [@cmd_file], @tap.command_files
-    assert_kind_of Hash, @tap.to_hash
-    assert_equal true, @tap.formula_file?(@formula_file)
-    assert_equal true, @tap.formula_file?("Formula/foo.rb")
-    assert_equal false, @tap.formula_file?("bar.rb")
-    assert_equal false, @tap.formula_file?("Formula/")
-  end
-  def test_remote
-    setup_git_repo
-    assert_equal "", @tap.remote
-    assert_raises(TapUnavailableError) {"Homebrew", "bar").remote }
-    refute_predicate @tap, :custom_remote?
-    services_tap ="Homebrew", "services")
-    services_tap.path.mkpath
- do
-      shutup do
-        system "git", "init"
-        system "git", "remote", "add", "origin", ""
-      end
-    end
-    refute_predicate services_tap, :private?
-  end
-  def test_remote_not_git_repo
-    assert_nil @tap.remote
-  end
-  def test_remote_git_not_available
-    setup_git_repo
-    Utils.stubs(:git_available?).returns(false)
-    assert_nil @tap.remote
-  end
-  def test_git_variant
-    touch @path/"README"
-    setup_git_repo
-    assert_equal "0453e16c8e3fac73104da50927a86221ca0740c2", @tap.git_head
-    assert_equal "0453", @tap.git_short_head
-    assert_match(/\A\d+ .+ ago\Z/, @tap.git_last_commit)
-    assert_equal "2017-01-22", @tap.git_last_commit_date
-  end
-  def test_private_remote
-    skip "HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN is required" unless GitHub.api_credentials
-    assert_predicate @tap, :private?
-  end
-  def test_install_tap_already_tapped_error
-    setup_git_repo
-    already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
-    assert_equal true, already_tapped_tap.installed?
-    assert_raises(TapAlreadyTappedError) { already_tapped_tap.install }
-  end
-  def test_install_tap_remote_match_already_tapped_error
-    setup_git_repo
-    already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
-    assert_equal true, already_tapped_tap.installed?
-    right_remote = @tap.remote
-    assert_raises(TapAlreadyTappedError) { already_tapped_tap.install clone_target: right_remote }
-  end
-  def test_install_tap_remote_mismatch_error
-    setup_git_repo
-    already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
-    touch @tap.path/".git/shallow"
-    assert_equal true, already_tapped_tap.installed?
-    wrong_remote = "#{@tap.remote}-oops"
-    assert_raises(TapRemoteMismatchError) { already_tapped_tap.install clone_target: wrong_remote, full_clone: true }
-  end
-  def test_install_tap_already_unshallow_error
-    setup_git_repo
-    already_tapped_tap ="Homebrew", "foo")
-    assert_raises(TapAlreadyUnshallowError) { already_tapped_tap.install full_clone: true }
-  end
-  def test_uninstall_tap_unavailable_error
-    tap ="Homebrew", "bar")
-    assert_raises(TapUnavailableError) { tap.uninstall }
-  end
-  def test_install_git_error
-    tap ="user", "repo")
-    assert_raises(ErrorDuringExecution) do
-      shutup { tap.install clone_target: "file:///not/existed/remote/url" }
-    end
-    refute_predicate tap, :installed?
-    refute_predicate Tap::TAP_DIRECTORY/"user", :exist?
-  end
-  def test_install_and_uninstall
-    setup_tap_files
-    setup_git_repo
-    tap ="Homebrew", "bar")
-    shutup { tap.install clone_target: @tap.path/".git" }
-    assert_predicate tap, :installed?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/", :file?
-    shutup { tap.uninstall }
-    refute_predicate tap, :installed?
-    refute_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1", :exist?
-    refute_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1", :exist?
-    refute_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd", :exist?
-    refute_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd", :exist?
-    refute_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/", :exist?
-  ensure
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").exist?
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").exist?
-  end
-  def test_link_completions_and_manpages
-    setup_tap_files
-    setup_git_repo
-    tap ="Homebrew", "baz")
-    shutup { tap.install clone_target: @tap.path/".git" }
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1").delete
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd").delete
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd").delete
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/").delete
-    shutup { tap.link_completions_and_manpages }
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/man1/brew-tap-cmd.1", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc/bash_completion.d/brew-tap-cmd", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/zsh/site-functions/_brew-tap-cmd", :file?
-    assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/fish/vendor_completions.d/", :file?
-    shutup { tap.uninstall }
-  ensure
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"etc").exist?
-    (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").rmtree if (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share").exist?
-  end
-  def test_pin_and_unpin
-    refute_predicate @tap, :pinned?
-    assert_raises(TapPinStatusError) { @tap.unpin }
-    assert_predicate @tap, :pinned?
-    assert_raises(TapPinStatusError) { }
-    @tap.unpin
-    refute_predicate @tap, :pinned?
-  end
-  def test_config
-    setup_git_repo
-    assert_nil @tap.config["foo"]
-    @tap.config["foo"] = "bar"
-    assert_equal "bar", @tap.config["foo"]
-    @tap.config["foo"] = nil
-    assert_nil @tap.config["foo"]
-  end
-class CoreTapTest < Homebrew::TestCase
-  include FileUtils
-  def setup
-    super
-    @repo =
-  end
-  def test_attributes
-    assert_equal "Homebrew", @repo.user
-    assert_equal "core", @repo.repo
-    assert_equal "homebrew/core",
-    assert_equal [], @repo.command_files
-    assert_predicate @repo, :installed?
-    refute_predicate @repo, :pinned?
-    assert_predicate @repo, :official?
-    assert_predicate @repo, :core_tap?
-  end
-  def test_forbidden_operations
-    assert_raises(RuntimeError) { @repo.uninstall }
-    assert_raises(RuntimeError) { }
-    assert_raises(RuntimeError) { @repo.unpin }
-  end
-  def test_files
-    @formula_file = @repo.formula_dir/"foo.rb"
-    @formula_file.write <<-EOS.undent
-      class Foo < Formula
-        url ""
-      end
-    EOS
-    @alias_file = @repo.alias_dir/"bar"
-    @alias_file.parent.mkpath
-    ln_s @formula_file, @alias_file
-    assert_equal [@formula_file], @repo.formula_files
-    assert_equal ["foo"], @repo.formula_names
-    assert_equal [@alias_file], @repo.alias_files
-    assert_equal ["bar"], @repo.aliases
-    assert_equal @repo.alias_table, "bar" => "foo"
-    assert_equal @repo.alias_reverse_table, "foo" => ["bar"]
-  end