diff --git a/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/boneyard-formula-pr.rb b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/boneyard-formula-pr.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34156eca3a8563ff2b913a475f6c6ccf83a6efc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Library/Homebrew/dev-cmd/boneyard-formula-pr.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Creates a pull request to boneyard a formula.
+# Usage: brew boneyard-formula-pr [options...] <formula-name>
+# Options:
+#   --dry-run:  Print what would be done rather than doing it.
+require "formula"
+require "utils/json"
+require "fileutils"
+  require "json"
+rescue LoadError
+  puts "Homebrew does not provide Ruby dependencies; install with:"
+  puts "  gem install json"
+  odie "Dependency json is not installed."
+module Homebrew
+  def boneyard_formula_pr
+    formula = ARGV.formulae.first
+    odie "No formula found!" unless formula
+    formula_relpath = formula.path.relative_path_from(formula.tap.path)
+    formula_file = "#{formula.name}.rb"
+    bottle_block = File.read(formula.path).include? "  bottle do"
+    boneyard_tap = Tap.fetch("homebrew", "boneyard")
+    tap_migrations_path = formula.tap.path/"tap_migrations.json"
+    if ARGV.dry_run?
+      puts "brew update"
+      puts "brew tap #{boneyard_tap.name}"
+      puts "cd #{formula.tap.path}"
+      cd formula.tap.path
+      puts "cp #{formula_relpath} #{boneyard_tap.path}"
+      puts "git rm #{formula_relpath}"
+      unless File.exist? tap_migrations_path
+        puts "Creating tap_migrations.json for #{formula.tap.name}"
+        puts "git add #{tap_migrations_path}"
+      end
+      puts "Loading tap_migrations.json"
+      puts "Adding #{formula.name} to tap_migrations.json"
+    else
+      safe_system HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, "update"
+      safe_system HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, "tap", boneyard_tap.name
+      cd formula.tap.path
+      cp formula_relpath, boneyard_tap.formula_dir
+      safe_system "git", "rm", formula_relpath
+      unless File.exist? tap_migrations_path
+        tap_migrations_path.write <<-EOS.undent
+          {
+          }
+        EOS
+        safe_system "git", "add", tap_migrations_path
+      end
+      tap_migrations = Utils::JSON.load(File.read(tap_migrations_path))
+      tap_migrations[formula.name] = boneyard_tap.name
+      tap_migrations = tap_migrations.sort.inject({}) { |a, e| a.merge!(e[0] => e[1]) }
+      tap_migrations_path.atomic_write(JSON.pretty_generate(tap_migrations) + "\n")
+    end
+    unless Formula["hub"].any_version_installed?
+      if ARGV.dry_run?
+        puts "brew install hub"
+      else
+        safe_system HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE, "install", "hub"
+      end
+    end
+    branch = "#{formula.name}-boneyard"
+    if ARGV.dry_run?
+      puts "cd #{formula.tap.path}"
+      puts "git checkout -b #{branch} origin/master"
+      puts "git commit --no-edit --verbose --message=\"#{formula.name}: migrate to boneyard\" -- #{formula_relpath} #{tap_migrations_path.basename}"
+      puts "hub fork --no-remote"
+      puts "hub fork"
+      puts "hub fork (to read $HUB_REMOTE)"
+      puts "git push $HUB_REMOTE #{branch}:#{branch}"
+      puts "hub pull-request -m $'#{formula.name}: migrate to boneyard\\n\\nCreated with `brew boneyard-formula-pr`.'"
+    else
+      cd formula.tap.path
+      safe_system "git", "checkout", "-b", branch, "origin/master"
+      safe_system "git", "commit", "--no-edit", "--verbose",
+        "--message=#{formula.name}: migrate to boneyard",
+        "--", formula_relpath, tap_migrations_path.basename
+      safe_system "hub", "fork", "--no-remote"
+      quiet_system "hub", "fork"
+      remote = Utils.popen_read("hub fork 2>&1")[/fatal: remote (.+) already exists./, 1]
+      odie "cannot get remote from 'hub'!" unless remote
+      safe_system "git", "push", remote, "#{branch}:#{branch}"
+      pr_message = <<-EOS.undent
+        #{formula.name}: migrate to boneyard
+        Created with `brew boneyard-formula-pr`.
+      EOS
+      pr_url = Utils.popen_read("hub", "pull-request", "-m", pr_message).chomp
+    end
+    if ARGV.dry_run?
+      puts "cd #{boneyard_tap.path}"
+      puts "git checkout -b #{branch} origin/master"
+      if bottle_block
+        puts "Removing bottle block"
+      else
+        puts "No bottle block to remove"
+      end
+      puts "git add #{formula_file}"
+      puts "git commit --no-edit --verbose --message=\"#{formula.name}: migrate from #{formula.tap.repo}\" -- #{formula_file}"
+      puts "hub fork --no-remote"
+      puts "hub fork"
+      puts "hub fork (to read $HUB_REMOTE)"
+      puts "git push $HUB_REMOTE #{branch}:#{branch}"
+      puts "hub pull-request --browse -m $'#{formula.name}: migrate from #{formula.tap.repo}\\n\\nGoes together with $PR_URL\\n\\nCreated with `brew boneyard-formula-pr`.'"
+    else
+      cd boneyard_tap.formula_dir
+      safe_system "git", "checkout", "-b", branch, "origin/master"
+      if bottle_block
+        Utils::Inreplace.inreplace formula_file, /  bottle do.+?end\n\n/m, ""
+      end
+      safe_system "git", "add", formula_file
+      safe_system "git", "commit", "--no-edit", "--verbose",
+        "--message=#{formula.name}: migrate from #{formula.tap.repo}",
+        "--", formula_file
+      safe_system "hub", "fork", "--no-remote"
+      quiet_system "hub", "fork"
+      remote = Utils.popen_read("hub fork 2>&1")[/fatal: remote (.+) already exists./, 1]
+      odie "cannot get remote from 'hub'!" unless remote
+      safe_system "git", "push", remote, "#{branch}:#{branch}"
+      safe_system "hub", "pull-request", "--browse", "-m", <<-EOS.undent
+        #{formula.name}: migrate from #{formula.tap.repo}
+        Goes together with #{pr_url}.
+        Created with `brew boneyard-formula-pr`.
+      EOS
+    end
+  end