diff --git a/chapters/Mathematics.tex b/chapters/Mathematics.tex
index e8a5fdd1cad91c9547aed7241d8e070c27fb338b..3ad2976c47ae6ba72483d0ee6f097d39911a4a14 100644
--- a/chapters/Mathematics.tex
+++ b/chapters/Mathematics.tex
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@
         condition & 鏉′欢 \\
         corollary & 鎺ㄨ \\
         definition & 瀹氫箟 \\
-        proof & 璇佹槑 \\
         example & 渚� \\ 
         lemma & 寮曠悊 \\
+        proof & 璇佹槑 \\
         property & 鎬ц川 \\
         proposition & 鍛介 \\
         remark & 娉ㄨВ \\
         theorem & 瀹氱悊 \\
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/profile/components.sty b/profile/components.sty
index 7b8fdccb108147617f8f5628600d6c5fe6335a79..989454deac482a02624aa78c410cb63d6e4d7e55 100644
--- a/profile/components.sty
+++ b/profile/components.sty
@@ -58,16 +58,111 @@
 % 鏁板鐜
-\newtheorem{theorem}{瀹氱悊}[section] % 鎸� section 缂栧彿
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+    ]{njuthm}
+\renewcommand*{\proofname}{\rm\bf\songti{\oldproofname}} % 淇敼璇佹槑鐜鏍囬
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+	refname={绠楁硶,绠楁硶},
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+	Refname={鍋囪,鍋囪},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=鍏悊,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={鍏悊,鍏悊},
+	Refname={鍏悊,鍏悊},
+	% numberwithin=section,
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+	refname={缁撹,缁撹},
+	Refname={缁撹,缁撹},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=鏉′欢,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={鏉′欢,鏉′欢},
+	Refname={鏉′欢,鏉′欢},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=鎺ㄨ,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={鎺ㄨ,鎺ㄨ},
+	Refname={鎺ㄨ,鎺ㄨ},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=瀹氫箟,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={瀹氫箟,瀹氫箟},
+	Refname={瀹氫箟,瀹氫箟},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+    	name=渚�,
+    	style=njuthm,
+    	refname={渚�,渚媫,
+    	Refname={渚�,渚媫,
+    	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=寮曠悊,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={寮曠悊,寮曠悊},
+	Refname={寮曠悊,寮曠悊},
+	% numberwithin=section,
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+	refname={鎬ц川,鎬ц川},
+	Refname={鎬ц川,鎬ц川},
+	% numberwithin=section,
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+	style=njuthm,
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+	Refname={鍛介,鍛介},
+	% numberwithin=section,
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+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={娉ㄨВ,娉ㄨВ},
+	Refname={娉ㄨВ,娉ㄨВ},
+	% numberwithin=section,
+	name=瀹氱悊,
+	style=njuthm,
+	refname={瀹氱悊,瀹氱悊},
+	Refname={瀹氱悊,瀹氱悊},
+	numberwithin=section,
diff --git a/profile/packages.sty b/profile/packages.sty
index 8828dece146f6832330bc99c670dfb40f0383390..251f2a5b9274da6ab72c7938c8b49482c5ef2df8 100644
--- a/profile/packages.sty
+++ b/profile/packages.sty
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 \RequirePackage{amsmath} % Must be loaded before unicode-math
 \RequirePackage{amsthm} % Mathematical environments
+\RequirePackage{thmtools} % Theorem styles
 \RequirePackage{unicode-math} % Math fonts in xetexorluatex
diff --git a/profile/reference.sty b/profile/reference.sty
index 4421fb8f10714aea157c72eb302db57e1442204e..b993226141081ebaee562bdb270a5674fb94c19c 100644
--- a/profile/reference.sty
+++ b/profile/reference.sty
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@
 % \crefname{subsubsection}{搂}{搂}
+% \crefname{definition}{瀹氫箟}{瀹氫箟}
+% \crefname{axiom}{鍏悊}{鍏悊}
+% \crefname{property}{鎬ц川}{鎬ц川}
+% \crefname{proposition}{鍛介}{鍛介}
+% \crefname{lemma}{寮曠悊}{寮曠悊}
+% \crefname{corollary}{鎺ㄨ}{鎺ㄨ}
+% \crefname{remark}{娉ㄨВ}{娉ㄨВ}
+% \crefname{condition}{鏉′欢}{鏉′欢}
+% \crefname{conclusion}{缁撹}{缁撹}
+% \crefname{assumption}{鍋囪}{鍋囪}