diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
index c1b29e6dca9835495b95eb79054de9a6c768ffe8..c0c3a43040d3cc33b8fd25fb20ac4633e31f03f8 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
 // This file implements some commonly used argument matchers.  More
 // matchers can be defined by the user implementing the
 // MatcherInterface<T> interface if necessary.
+// See googletest/include/gtest/gtest-matchers.h for the definition of class
+// Matcher, class MatcherInterface, and others.
@@ -77,144 +80,6 @@ namespace testing {
 // ownership management as Matcher objects can now be copied like
 // plain values.
-// MatchResultListener is an abstract class.  Its << operator can be
-// used by a matcher to explain why a value matches or doesn't match.
-// FIXME: add method
-//   bool InterestedInWhy(bool result) const;
-// to indicate whether the listener is interested in why the match
-// result is 'result'.
-class MatchResultListener {
- public:
-  // Creates a listener object with the given underlying ostream.  The
-  // listener does not own the ostream, and does not dereference it
-  // in the constructor or destructor.
-  explicit MatchResultListener(::std::ostream* os) : stream_(os) {}
-  virtual ~MatchResultListener() = 0;  // Makes this class abstract.
-  // Streams x to the underlying ostream; does nothing if the ostream
-  // is NULL.
-  template <typename T>
-  MatchResultListener& operator<<(const T& x) {
-    if (stream_ != nullptr) *stream_ << x;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  // Returns the underlying ostream.
-  ::std::ostream* stream() { return stream_; }
-  // Returns true iff the listener is interested in an explanation of
-  // the match result.  A matcher's MatchAndExplain() method can use
-  // this information to avoid generating the explanation when no one
-  // intends to hear it.
-  bool IsInterested() const { return stream_ != nullptr; }
- private:
-  ::std::ostream* const stream_;
-inline MatchResultListener::~MatchResultListener() {
-// An instance of a subclass of this knows how to describe itself as a
-// matcher.
-class MatcherDescriberInterface {
- public:
-  virtual ~MatcherDescriberInterface() {}
-  // Describes this matcher to an ostream.  The function should print
-  // a verb phrase that describes the property a value matching this
-  // matcher should have.  The subject of the verb phrase is the value
-  // being matched.  For example, the DescribeTo() method of the Gt(7)
-  // matcher prints "is greater than 7".
-  virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const = 0;
-  // Describes the negation of this matcher to an ostream.  For
-  // example, if the description of this matcher is "is greater than
-  // 7", the negated description could be "is not greater than 7".
-  // You are not required to override this when implementing
-  // MatcherInterface, but it is highly advised so that your matcher
-  // can produce good error messages.
-  virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
-    *os << "not (";
-    DescribeTo(os);
-    *os << ")";
-  }
-// The implementation of a matcher.
-template <typename T>
-class MatcherInterface : public MatcherDescriberInterface {
- public:
-  // Returns true iff the matcher matches x; also explains the match
-  // result to 'listener' if necessary (see the next paragraph), in
-  // the form of a non-restrictive relative clause ("which ...",
-  // "whose ...", etc) that describes x.  For example, the
-  // MatchAndExplain() method of the Pointee(...) matcher should
-  // generate an explanation like "which points to ...".
-  //
-  // Implementations of MatchAndExplain() should add an explanation of
-  // the match result *if and only if* they can provide additional
-  // information that's not already present (or not obvious) in the
-  // print-out of x and the matcher's description.  Whether the match
-  // succeeds is not a factor in deciding whether an explanation is
-  // needed, as sometimes the caller needs to print a failure message
-  // when the match succeeds (e.g. when the matcher is used inside
-  // Not()).
-  //
-  // For example, a "has at least 10 elements" matcher should explain
-  // what the actual element count is, regardless of the match result,
-  // as it is useful information to the reader; on the other hand, an
-  // "is empty" matcher probably only needs to explain what the actual
-  // size is when the match fails, as it's redundant to say that the
-  // size is 0 when the value is already known to be empty.
-  //
-  // You should override this method when defining a new matcher.
-  //
-  // It's the responsibility of the caller (Google Mock) to guarantee
-  // that 'listener' is not NULL.  This helps to simplify a matcher's
-  // implementation when it doesn't care about the performance, as it
-  // can talk to 'listener' without checking its validity first.
-  // However, in order to implement dummy listeners efficiently,
-  // listener->stream() may be NULL.
-  virtual bool MatchAndExplain(T x, MatchResultListener* listener) const = 0;
-  // Inherits these methods from MatcherDescriberInterface:
-  //   virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const = 0;
-  //   virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const;
-namespace internal {
-// Converts a MatcherInterface<T> to a MatcherInterface<const T&>.
-template <typename T>
-class MatcherInterfaceAdapter : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- public:
-  explicit MatcherInterfaceAdapter(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl)
-      : impl_(impl) {}
-  virtual ~MatcherInterfaceAdapter() { delete impl_; }
-  virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { impl_->DescribeTo(os); }
-  virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
-    impl_->DescribeNegationTo(os);
-  }
-  virtual bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x,
-                               MatchResultListener* listener) const {
-    return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
-  }
- private:
-  const MatcherInterface<T>* const impl_;
-  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(MatcherInterfaceAdapter);
-}  // namespace internal
 // A match result listener that stores the explanation in a string.
 class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
@@ -232,314 +97,6 @@ class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
-namespace internal {
-struct AnyEq {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a == b; }
-struct AnyNe {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a != b; }
-struct AnyLt {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a < b; }
-struct AnyGt {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a > b; }
-struct AnyLe {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a <= b; }
-struct AnyGe {
-  template <typename A, typename B>
-  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a >= b; }
-// A match result listener that ignores the explanation.
-class DummyMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
- public:
-  DummyMatchResultListener() : MatchResultListener(nullptr) {}
- private:
-  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(DummyMatchResultListener);
-// A match result listener that forwards the explanation to a given
-// ostream.  The difference between this and MatchResultListener is
-// that the former is concrete.
-class StreamMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
- public:
-  explicit StreamMatchResultListener(::std::ostream* os)
-      : MatchResultListener(os) {}
- private:
-  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(StreamMatchResultListener);
-// An internal class for implementing Matcher<T>, which will derive
-// from it.  We put functionalities common to all Matcher<T>
-// specializations here to avoid code duplication.
-template <typename T>
-class MatcherBase {
- public:
-  // Returns true iff the matcher matches x; also explains the match
-  // result to 'listener'.
-  bool MatchAndExplain(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x,
-                       MatchResultListener* listener) const {
-    return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
-  }
-  // Returns true iff this matcher matches x.
-  bool Matches(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x) const {
-    DummyMatchResultListener dummy;
-    return MatchAndExplain(x, &dummy);
-  }
-  // Describes this matcher to an ostream.
-  void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { impl_->DescribeTo(os); }
-  // Describes the negation of this matcher to an ostream.
-  void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
-    impl_->DescribeNegationTo(os);
-  }
-  // Explains why x matches, or doesn't match, the matcher.
-  void ExplainMatchResultTo(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x,
-                            ::std::ostream* os) const {
-    StreamMatchResultListener listener(os);
-    MatchAndExplain(x, &listener);
-  }
-  // Returns the describer for this matcher object; retains ownership
-  // of the describer, which is only guaranteed to be alive when
-  // this matcher object is alive.
-  const MatcherDescriberInterface* GetDescriber() const {
-    return impl_.get();
-  }
- protected:
-  MatcherBase() {}
-  // Constructs a matcher from its implementation.
-  explicit MatcherBase(
-      const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>* impl)
-      : impl_(impl) {}
-  template <typename U>
-  explicit MatcherBase(
-      const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
-      typename internal::EnableIf<
-          !internal::IsSame<U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* =
-          nullptr)
-      : impl_(new internal::MatcherInterfaceAdapter<U>(impl)) {}
-  virtual ~MatcherBase() {}
- private:
-  std::shared_ptr<const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>> impl_;
-}  // namespace internal
-// A Matcher<T> is a copyable and IMMUTABLE (except by assignment)
-// object that can check whether a value of type T matches.  The
-// implementation of Matcher<T> is just a std::shared_ptr to const
-// MatcherInterface<T>.  Don't inherit from Matcher!
-template <typename T>
-class Matcher : public internal::MatcherBase<T> {
- public:
-  // Constructs a null matcher.  Needed for storing Matcher objects in STL
-  // containers.  A default-constructed matcher is not yet initialized.  You
-  // cannot use it until a valid value has been assigned to it.
-  explicit Matcher() {}  // NOLINT
-  // Constructs a matcher from its implementation.
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
-  template <typename U>
-  explicit Matcher(
-      const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
-      typename internal::EnableIf<
-          !internal::IsSame<U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* =
-          nullptr)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
-  // Implicit constructor here allows people to write
-  // EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(5)) instead of EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(Eq(5))) sometimes
-  Matcher(T value);  // NOLINT
-// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
-// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a std::string
-// matcher is expected.
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const std::string&>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const std::string&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a std::string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher<std::string>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase<std::string> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const std::string&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<std::string>(impl) {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<std::string>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<std::string>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
-// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a ::string
-// matcher is expected.
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const ::string&>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const ::string&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a std::string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher< ::string>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase< ::string> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const ::string&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase< ::string>(impl) {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface< ::string>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase< ::string>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a std::string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
-// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a absl::string_view
-// matcher is expected.
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const absl::string_view&>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase<const absl::string_view&> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const absl::string_view&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<const absl::string_view&>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a std::string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to pass absl::string_views directly.
-  Matcher(absl::string_view s);  // NOLINT
-template <>
-class GTEST_API_ Matcher<absl::string_view>
-    : public internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view> {
- public:
-  Matcher() {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const absl::string_view&>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view>(impl) {}
-  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<absl::string_view>* impl)
-      : internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view>(impl) {}
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a std::string object.
-  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
-  // str is a ::string object.
-  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
-#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
-  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
-  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
-  // Allows the user to pass absl::string_views directly.
-  Matcher(absl::string_view s);  // NOLINT
-#endif  // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
-// Prints a matcher in a human-readable format.
-template <typename T>
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matcher<T>& matcher) {
-  matcher.DescribeTo(&os);
-  return os;
 // The PolymorphicMatcher class template makes it easy to implement a
 // polymorphic matcher (i.e. a matcher that can match values of more
 // than one type, e.g. Eq(n) and NotNull()).
@@ -599,18 +156,6 @@ class PolymorphicMatcher {
-// Creates a matcher from its implementation.  This is easier to use
-// than the Matcher<T> constructor as it doesn't require you to
-// explicitly write the template argument, e.g.
-//   MakeMatcher(foo);
-// vs
-//   Matcher<const string&>(foo);
-template <typename T>
-inline Matcher<T> MakeMatcher(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl) {
-  return Matcher<T>(impl);
 // Creates a polymorphic matcher from its implementation.  This is
 // easier to use than the PolymorphicMatcher<Impl> constructor as it
 // doesn't require you to explicitly write the template argument, e.g.
@@ -1043,99 +588,6 @@ class AnythingMatcher {
   operator Matcher<T>() const { return A<T>(); }
-// Implements a matcher that compares a given value with a
-// pre-supplied value using one of the ==, <=, <, etc, operators.  The
-// two values being compared don't have to have the same type.
-// The matcher defined here is polymorphic (for example, Eq(5) can be
-// used to match an int, a short, a double, etc).  Therefore we use
-// a template type conversion operator in the implementation.
-// The following template definition assumes that the Rhs parameter is
-// a "bare" type (i.e. neither 'const T' nor 'T&').
-template <typename D, typename Rhs, typename Op>
-class ComparisonBase {
- public:
-  explicit ComparisonBase(const Rhs& rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
-  template <typename Lhs>
-  operator Matcher<Lhs>() const {
-    return MakeMatcher(new Impl<Lhs>(rhs_));
-  }
- private:
-  template <typename Lhs>
-  class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Lhs> {
-   public:
-    explicit Impl(const Rhs& rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
-    virtual bool MatchAndExplain(
-        Lhs lhs, MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
-      return Op()(lhs, rhs_);
-    }
-    virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
-      *os << D::Desc() << " ";
-      UniversalPrint(rhs_, os);
-    }
-    virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
-      *os << D::NegatedDesc() <<  " ";
-      UniversalPrint(rhs_, os);
-    }
-   private:
-    Rhs rhs_;
-  };
-  Rhs rhs_;
-  GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(ComparisonBase);
-template <typename Rhs>
-class EqMatcher : public ComparisonBase<EqMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyEq> {
- public:
-  explicit EqMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<EqMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyEq>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "is equal to"; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't equal to"; }
-template <typename Rhs>
-class NeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<NeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyNe> {
- public:
-  explicit NeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<NeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyNe>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "isn't equal to"; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "is equal to"; }
-template <typename Rhs>
-class LtMatcher : public ComparisonBase<LtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLt> {
- public:
-  explicit LtMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<LtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLt>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "is <"; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't <"; }
-template <typename Rhs>
-class GtMatcher : public ComparisonBase<GtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGt> {
- public:
-  explicit GtMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<GtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGt>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "is >"; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't >"; }
-template <typename Rhs>
-class LeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<LeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLe> {
- public:
-  explicit LeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<LeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLe>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "is <="; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't <="; }
-template <typename Rhs>
-class GeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<GeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGe> {
- public:
-  explicit GeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
-      : ComparisonBase<GeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGe>(rhs) { }
-  static const char* Desc() { return "is >="; }
-  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't >="; }
 // Implements the polymorphic IsNull() matcher, which matches any raw or smart
 // pointer that is NULL.
 class IsNullMatcher {
@@ -4219,17 +3671,6 @@ inline Matcher<T> A() {
 template <typename T>
 inline Matcher<T> An() { return A<T>(); }
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything equal to x.
-// Note: if the parameter of Eq() were declared as const T&, Eq("foo")
-// wouldn't compile.
-template <typename T>
-inline internal::EqMatcher<T> Eq(T x) { return internal::EqMatcher<T>(x); }
-// Constructs a Matcher<T> from a 'value' of type T.  The constructed
-// matcher matches any value that's equal to 'value'.
-template <typename T>
-Matcher<T>::Matcher(T value) { *this = Eq(value); }
 template <typename T, typename M>
 Matcher<T> internal::MatcherCastImpl<T, M>::CastImpl(
     const M& value,
@@ -4238,51 +3679,6 @@ Matcher<T> internal::MatcherCastImpl<T, M>::CastImpl(
   return Eq(value);
-// Creates a monomorphic matcher that matches anything with type Lhs
-// and equal to rhs.  A user may need to use this instead of Eq(...)
-// in order to resolve an overloading ambiguity.
-// TypedEq<T>(x) is just a convenient short-hand for Matcher<T>(Eq(x))
-// or Matcher<T>(x), but more readable than the latter.
-// We could define similar monomorphic matchers for other comparison
-// operations (e.g. TypedLt, TypedGe, and etc), but decided not to do
-// it yet as those are used much less than Eq() in practice.  A user
-// can always write Matcher<T>(Lt(5)) to be explicit about the type,
-// for example.
-template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-inline Matcher<Lhs> TypedEq(const Rhs& rhs) { return Eq(rhs); }
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything >= x.
-template <typename Rhs>
-inline internal::GeMatcher<Rhs> Ge(Rhs x) {
-  return internal::GeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything > x.
-template <typename Rhs>
-inline internal::GtMatcher<Rhs> Gt(Rhs x) {
-  return internal::GtMatcher<Rhs>(x);
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything <= x.
-template <typename Rhs>
-inline internal::LeMatcher<Rhs> Le(Rhs x) {
-  return internal::LeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything < x.
-template <typename Rhs>
-inline internal::LtMatcher<Rhs> Lt(Rhs x) {
-  return internal::LtMatcher<Rhs>(x);
-// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything != x.
-template <typename Rhs>
-inline internal::NeMatcher<Rhs> Ne(Rhs x) {
-  return internal::NeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
 // Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches any NULL pointer.
 inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::IsNullMatcher > IsNull() {
   return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::IsNullMatcher());
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
index f8ddff15b5c05aed80173b7658e822fba4843d7e..4a3f7af2351ded2cb40ec83389d0f24d1456de9a 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
@@ -42,116 +42,6 @@
 #include <string>
 namespace testing {
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
-  *this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
-  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
-  *this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(std::string(s)); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
-  *this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
-Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
-  *this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
-Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a string whose value is equal to s.
-Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
-  *this = Eq(s);
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
-  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
-// equal to s.
-Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(absl::string_view s) {
-  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const char* s) {
-  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
-// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
-// s.
-Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(absl::string_view s) {
-  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
-#endif  // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
 namespace internal {
 // Returns the description for a matcher defined using the MATCHER*()
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-matchers.h b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-matchers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7edae59308af64adc47f3a4a57725b46ffffa7b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-matchers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// The Google C++ Testing and Mocking Framework (Google Test)
+// This file implements just enough of the matcher interface to allow
+// EXPECT_DEATH and friends to accept a matcher argument.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "testing/base/public/gtest.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend third_party/googletest/googlemock/.*
+// IWYU pragma: friend third_party/googletest/googletest/.*
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h"
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-printers.h"
+    4251 5046 /* class A needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of
+                 class B */
+    /* Symbol involving type with internal linkage not defined */)
+namespace testing {
+// To implement a matcher Foo for type T, define:
+//   1. a class FooMatcherImpl that implements the
+//      MatcherInterface<T> interface, and
+//   2. a factory function that creates a Matcher<T> object from a
+//      FooMatcherImpl*.
+// The two-level delegation design makes it possible to allow a user
+// to write "v" instead of "Eq(v)" where a Matcher is expected, which
+// is impossible if we pass matchers by pointers.  It also eases
+// ownership management as Matcher objects can now be copied like
+// plain values.
+// MatchResultListener is an abstract class.  Its << operator can be
+// used by a matcher to explain why a value matches or doesn't match.
+// FIXME: add method
+//   bool InterestedInWhy(bool result) const;
+// to indicate whether the listener is interested in why the match
+// result is 'result'.
+class MatchResultListener {
+ public:
+  // Creates a listener object with the given underlying ostream.  The
+  // listener does not own the ostream, and does not dereference it
+  // in the constructor or destructor.
+  explicit MatchResultListener(::std::ostream* os) : stream_(os) {}
+  virtual ~MatchResultListener() = 0;  // Makes this class abstract.
+  // Streams x to the underlying ostream; does nothing if the ostream
+  // is NULL.
+  template <typename T>
+  MatchResultListener& operator<<(const T& x) {
+    if (stream_ != nullptr) *stream_ << x;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // Returns the underlying ostream.
+  ::std::ostream* stream() { return stream_; }
+  // Returns true iff the listener is interested in an explanation of
+  // the match result.  A matcher's MatchAndExplain() method can use
+  // this information to avoid generating the explanation when no one
+  // intends to hear it.
+  bool IsInterested() const { return stream_ != nullptr; }
+ private:
+  ::std::ostream* const stream_;
+inline MatchResultListener::~MatchResultListener() {
+// An instance of a subclass of this knows how to describe itself as a
+// matcher.
+class MatcherDescriberInterface {
+ public:
+  virtual ~MatcherDescriberInterface() {}
+  // Describes this matcher to an ostream.  The function should print
+  // a verb phrase that describes the property a value matching this
+  // matcher should have.  The subject of the verb phrase is the value
+  // being matched.  For example, the DescribeTo() method of the Gt(7)
+  // matcher prints "is greater than 7".
+  virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const = 0;
+  // Describes the negation of this matcher to an ostream.  For
+  // example, if the description of this matcher is "is greater than
+  // 7", the negated description could be "is not greater than 7".
+  // You are not required to override this when implementing
+  // MatcherInterface, but it is highly advised so that your matcher
+  // can produce good error messages.
+  virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+    *os << "not (";
+    DescribeTo(os);
+    *os << ")";
+  }
+// The implementation of a matcher.
+template <typename T>
+class MatcherInterface : public MatcherDescriberInterface {
+ public:
+  // Returns true iff the matcher matches x; also explains the match
+  // result to 'listener' if necessary (see the next paragraph), in
+  // the form of a non-restrictive relative clause ("which ...",
+  // "whose ...", etc) that describes x.  For example, the
+  // MatchAndExplain() method of the Pointee(...) matcher should
+  // generate an explanation like "which points to ...".
+  //
+  // Implementations of MatchAndExplain() should add an explanation of
+  // the match result *if and only if* they can provide additional
+  // information that's not already present (or not obvious) in the
+  // print-out of x and the matcher's description.  Whether the match
+  // succeeds is not a factor in deciding whether an explanation is
+  // needed, as sometimes the caller needs to print a failure message
+  // when the match succeeds (e.g. when the matcher is used inside
+  // Not()).
+  //
+  // For example, a "has at least 10 elements" matcher should explain
+  // what the actual element count is, regardless of the match result,
+  // as it is useful information to the reader; on the other hand, an
+  // "is empty" matcher probably only needs to explain what the actual
+  // size is when the match fails, as it's redundant to say that the
+  // size is 0 when the value is already known to be empty.
+  //
+  // You should override this method when defining a new matcher.
+  //
+  // It's the responsibility of the caller (Google Test) to guarantee
+  // that 'listener' is not NULL.  This helps to simplify a matcher's
+  // implementation when it doesn't care about the performance, as it
+  // can talk to 'listener' without checking its validity first.
+  // However, in order to implement dummy listeners efficiently,
+  // listener->stream() may be NULL.
+  virtual bool MatchAndExplain(T x, MatchResultListener* listener) const = 0;
+  // Inherits these methods from MatcherDescriberInterface:
+  //   virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const = 0;
+  //   virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const;
+namespace internal {
+// Converts a MatcherInterface<T> to a MatcherInterface<const T&>.
+template <typename T>
+class MatcherInterfaceAdapter : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
+ public:
+  explicit MatcherInterfaceAdapter(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl)
+      : impl_(impl) {}
+  virtual ~MatcherInterfaceAdapter() { delete impl_; }
+  virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { impl_->DescribeTo(os); }
+  virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+    impl_->DescribeNegationTo(os);
+  }
+  virtual bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x,
+                               MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+    return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
+  }
+ private:
+  const MatcherInterface<T>* const impl_;
+  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(MatcherInterfaceAdapter);
+struct AnyEq {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a == b; }
+struct AnyNe {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a != b; }
+struct AnyLt {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a < b; }
+struct AnyGt {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a > b; }
+struct AnyLe {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a <= b; }
+struct AnyGe {
+  template <typename A, typename B>
+  bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const { return a >= b; }
+// A match result listener that ignores the explanation.
+class DummyMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
+ public:
+  DummyMatchResultListener() : MatchResultListener(nullptr) {}
+ private:
+  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(DummyMatchResultListener);
+// A match result listener that forwards the explanation to a given
+// ostream.  The difference between this and MatchResultListener is
+// that the former is concrete.
+class StreamMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
+ public:
+  explicit StreamMatchResultListener(::std::ostream* os)
+      : MatchResultListener(os) {}
+ private:
+  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(StreamMatchResultListener);
+// An internal class for implementing Matcher<T>, which will derive
+// from it.  We put functionalities common to all Matcher<T>
+// specializations here to avoid code duplication.
+template <typename T>
+class MatcherBase {
+ public:
+  // Returns true iff the matcher matches x; also explains the match
+  // result to 'listener'.
+  bool MatchAndExplain(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x,
+                       MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+    return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
+  }
+  // Returns true iff this matcher matches x.
+  bool Matches(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x) const {
+    DummyMatchResultListener dummy;
+    return MatchAndExplain(x, &dummy);
+  }
+  // Describes this matcher to an ostream.
+  void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { impl_->DescribeTo(os); }
+  // Describes the negation of this matcher to an ostream.
+  void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+    impl_->DescribeNegationTo(os);
+  }
+  // Explains why x matches, or doesn't match, the matcher.
+  void ExplainMatchResultTo(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x,
+                            ::std::ostream* os) const {
+    StreamMatchResultListener listener(os);
+    MatchAndExplain(x, &listener);
+  }
+  // Returns the describer for this matcher object; retains ownership
+  // of the describer, which is only guaranteed to be alive when
+  // this matcher object is alive.
+  const MatcherDescriberInterface* GetDescriber() const {
+    return impl_.get();
+  }
+ protected:
+  MatcherBase() {}
+  // Constructs a matcher from its implementation.
+  explicit MatcherBase(
+      const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>* impl)
+      : impl_(impl) {}
+  template <typename U>
+  explicit MatcherBase(
+      const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
+      typename internal::EnableIf<
+          !internal::IsSame<U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* =
+          nullptr)
+      : impl_(new internal::MatcherInterfaceAdapter<U>(impl)) {}
+  virtual ~MatcherBase() {}
+ private:
+  std::shared_ptr<const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>> impl_;
+}  // namespace internal
+// A Matcher<T> is a copyable and IMMUTABLE (except by assignment)
+// object that can check whether a value of type T matches.  The
+// implementation of Matcher<T> is just a std::shared_ptr to const
+// MatcherInterface<T>.  Don't inherit from Matcher!
+template <typename T>
+class Matcher : public internal::MatcherBase<T> {
+ public:
+  // Constructs a null matcher.  Needed for storing Matcher objects in STL
+  // containers.  A default-constructed matcher is not yet initialized.  You
+  // cannot use it until a valid value has been assigned to it.
+  explicit Matcher() {}  // NOLINT
+  // Constructs a matcher from its implementation.
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
+  template <typename U>
+  explicit Matcher(
+      const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
+      typename internal::EnableIf<
+          !internal::IsSame<U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* =
+          nullptr)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
+  // Implicit constructor here allows people to write
+  // EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(5)) instead of EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(Eq(5))) sometimes
+  Matcher(T value);  // NOLINT
+// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
+// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a std::string
+// matcher is expected.
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const std::string&>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const std::string&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a std::string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher<std::string>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase<std::string> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const std::string&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<std::string>(impl) {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<std::string>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<std::string>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
+// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a ::string
+// matcher is expected.
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const ::string&>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const ::string&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a std::string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher< ::string>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase< ::string> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const ::string&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase< ::string>(impl) {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface< ::string>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase< ::string>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a std::string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
+// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a absl::string_view
+// matcher is expected.
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const absl::string_view&>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase<const absl::string_view&> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const absl::string_view&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<const absl::string_view&>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a std::string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to pass absl::string_views directly.
+  Matcher(absl::string_view s);  // NOLINT
+template <>
+class GTEST_API_ Matcher<absl::string_view>
+    : public internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view> {
+ public:
+  Matcher() {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const absl::string_view&>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view>(impl) {}
+  explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<absl::string_view>* impl)
+      : internal::MatcherBase<absl::string_view>(impl) {}
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a std::string object.
+  Matcher(const std::string& s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
+  // str is a ::string object.
+  Matcher(const ::string& s);  // NOLINT
+#endif                         // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING
+  // Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
+  Matcher(const char* s);  // NOLINT
+  // Allows the user to pass absl::string_views directly.
+  Matcher(absl::string_view s);  // NOLINT
+#endif  // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
+// Prints a matcher in a human-readable format.
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matcher<T>& matcher) {
+  matcher.DescribeTo(&os);
+  return os;
+// Creates a matcher from its implementation.  This is easier to use
+// than the Matcher<T> constructor as it doesn't require you to
+// explicitly write the template argument, e.g.
+//   MakeMatcher(foo);
+// vs
+//   Matcher<const string&>(foo);
+template <typename T>
+inline Matcher<T> MakeMatcher(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl) {
+  return Matcher<T>(impl);
+namespace internal {
+// Implements a matcher that compares a given value with a
+// pre-supplied value using one of the ==, <=, <, etc, operators.  The
+// two values being compared don't have to have the same type.
+// The matcher defined here is polymorphic (for example, Eq(5) can be
+// used to match an int, a short, a double, etc).  Therefore we use
+// a template type conversion operator in the implementation.
+// The following template definition assumes that the Rhs parameter is
+// a "bare" type (i.e. neither 'const T' nor 'T&').
+template <typename D, typename Rhs, typename Op>
+class ComparisonBase {
+ public:
+  explicit ComparisonBase(const Rhs& rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
+  template <typename Lhs>
+  operator Matcher<Lhs>() const {
+    return MakeMatcher(new Impl<Lhs>(rhs_));
+  }
+ private:
+  template <typename Lhs>
+  class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Lhs> {
+   public:
+    explicit Impl(const Rhs& rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
+    virtual bool MatchAndExplain(
+        Lhs lhs, MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
+      return Op()(lhs, rhs_);
+    }
+    virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+      *os << D::Desc() << " ";
+      UniversalPrint(rhs_, os);
+    }
+    virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+      *os << D::NegatedDesc() <<  " ";
+      UniversalPrint(rhs_, os);
+    }
+   private:
+    Rhs rhs_;
+  };
+  Rhs rhs_;
+  GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(ComparisonBase);
+template <typename Rhs>
+class EqMatcher : public ComparisonBase<EqMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyEq> {
+ public:
+  explicit EqMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<EqMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyEq>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "is equal to"; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't equal to"; }
+template <typename Rhs>
+class NeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<NeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyNe> {
+ public:
+  explicit NeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<NeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyNe>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "isn't equal to"; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "is equal to"; }
+template <typename Rhs>
+class LtMatcher : public ComparisonBase<LtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLt> {
+ public:
+  explicit LtMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<LtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLt>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "is <"; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't <"; }
+template <typename Rhs>
+class GtMatcher : public ComparisonBase<GtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGt> {
+ public:
+  explicit GtMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<GtMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGt>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "is >"; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't >"; }
+template <typename Rhs>
+class LeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<LeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLe> {
+ public:
+  explicit LeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<LeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyLe>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "is <="; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't <="; }
+template <typename Rhs>
+class GeMatcher : public ComparisonBase<GeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGe> {
+ public:
+  explicit GeMatcher(const Rhs& rhs)
+      : ComparisonBase<GeMatcher<Rhs>, Rhs, AnyGe>(rhs) { }
+  static const char* Desc() { return "is >="; }
+  static const char* NegatedDesc() { return "isn't >="; }
+}  // namespace internal
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything equal to x.
+// Note: if the parameter of Eq() were declared as const T&, Eq("foo")
+// wouldn't compile.
+template <typename T>
+inline internal::EqMatcher<T> Eq(T x) { return internal::EqMatcher<T>(x); }
+// Constructs a Matcher<T> from a 'value' of type T.  The constructed
+// matcher matches any value that's equal to 'value'.
+template <typename T>
+Matcher<T>::Matcher(T value) { *this = Eq(value); }
+// Creates a monomorphic matcher that matches anything with type Lhs
+// and equal to rhs.  A user may need to use this instead of Eq(...)
+// in order to resolve an overloading ambiguity.
+// TypedEq<T>(x) is just a convenient short-hand for Matcher<T>(Eq(x))
+// or Matcher<T>(x), but more readable than the latter.
+// We could define similar monomorphic matchers for other comparison
+// operations (e.g. TypedLt, TypedGe, and etc), but decided not to do
+// it yet as those are used much less than Eq() in practice.  A user
+// can always write Matcher<T>(Lt(5)) to be explicit about the type,
+// for example.
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+inline Matcher<Lhs> TypedEq(const Rhs& rhs) { return Eq(rhs); }
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything >= x.
+template <typename Rhs>
+inline internal::GeMatcher<Rhs> Ge(Rhs x) {
+  return internal::GeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything > x.
+template <typename Rhs>
+inline internal::GtMatcher<Rhs> Gt(Rhs x) {
+  return internal::GtMatcher<Rhs>(x);
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything <= x.
+template <typename Rhs>
+inline internal::LeMatcher<Rhs> Le(Rhs x) {
+  return internal::LeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything < x.
+template <typename Rhs>
+inline internal::LtMatcher<Rhs> Lt(Rhs x) {
+  return internal::LtMatcher<Rhs>(x);
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches anything != x.
+template <typename Rhs>
+inline internal::NeMatcher<Rhs> Ne(Rhs x) {
+  return internal::NeMatcher<Rhs>(x);
+}  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
index e5979a9c88fe94933688fa37758a376a8343b28e..5076419ce9f6582c90498d44e3d60acc47c5f709 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 #include "gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h"
 #include "gtest/internal/gtest-string.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest-death-test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-matchers.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest-message.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest-param-test.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest-printers.h"
diff --git a/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc b/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc
index b217a18006b0c8bdaf4a9f9b6d06de4fd8ad9eed..ad292905cf381d69eba9008f5196cf6477a56c1a 100644
--- a/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc
+++ b/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "src/gtest.cc"
 #include "src/gtest-death-test.cc"
 #include "src/gtest-filepath.cc"
+#include "src/gtest-matchers.cc"
 #include "src/gtest-port.cc"
 #include "src/gtest-printers.cc"
 #include "src/gtest-test-part.cc"
diff --git a/googletest/src/gtest-matchers.cc b/googletest/src/gtest-matchers.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de275d36df81cb5c29717431319e97ae07cf7e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googletest/src/gtest-matchers.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// The Google C++ Testing and Mocking Framework (Google Test)
+// This file implements just enough of the matcher interface to allow
+// EXPECT_DEATH and friends to accept a matcher argument.
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h"
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-matchers.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace testing {
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
+  *this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
+  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
+  *this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(std::string(s)); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
+  *this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
+Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
+  *this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
+Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a string whose value is equal to s.
+Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
+  *this = Eq(s);
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
+  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a const absl::string_view& whose value is
+// equal to s.
+Matcher<const absl::string_view&>::Matcher(absl::string_view s) {
+  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(const char* s) {
+  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
+// Constructs a matcher that matches a absl::string_view whose value is equal to
+// s.
+Matcher<absl::string_view>::Matcher(absl::string_view s) {
+  *this = Eq(std::string(s));
+#endif  // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
+}  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googletest/test/googletest-death-test-test.cc b/googletest/test/googletest-death-test-test.cc
index a81702c0f33806c4a39adc42d81ce0e4fe157f5f..f92bb1a603ddee2fc6cbdd27d40fa53e3442ee45 100644
--- a/googletest/test/googletest-death-test-test.cc
+++ b/googletest/test/googletest-death-test-test.cc
@@ -499,6 +499,10 @@ TEST_F(TestForDeathTest, AcceptsAnythingConvertibleToRE) {
   const ::string regex_str(regex_c_str);
   EXPECT_DEATH(GlobalFunction(), regex_str);
+  // This one is tricky; a temporary pointer into another temporary.  Reference
+  // lifetime extension of the pointer is not sufficient.
+  EXPECT_DEATH(GlobalFunction(), ::string(regex_c_str).c_str());
@@ -506,6 +510,10 @@ TEST_F(TestForDeathTest, AcceptsAnythingConvertibleToRE) {
   const ::std::string regex_std_str(regex_c_str);
   EXPECT_DEATH(GlobalFunction(), regex_std_str);
+  // This one is tricky; a temporary pointer into another temporary.  Reference
+  // lifetime extension of the pointer is not sufficient.
+  EXPECT_DEATH(GlobalFunction(), ::std::string(regex_c_str).c_str());
 # endif  // !GTEST_USES_PCRE