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Niu Liu / Timing-CRF vs Gaia-CRF and VLBI-CRF
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Systematics and accuracy of VLBI astrometry
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Tongzhou Ji / Qt SR860 Monitor
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterA simple monitor for Stanford Research SR860 in Python and Qt.
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NJU LUG / NJU Mirror Frontend
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterA Vue frontend for NJU Open Source Software Mirror.
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Iori Ichinose / nil2bot
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laternil2bot: a qq bot based on Nonebot2 framework
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Niu Liu / icrf-axis-stability
MIT LicenseEstimate the axis stability of the ICRF3 catalog
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Codes used in the paper "The overall properties of Gaia DR1 reference frame"
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Estimate the internal accuracy of the VLBI catalogs
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Comparison of the multi-frequency position of extra-galactic sources
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This project has transferred to https://github.com/xumi1993/bqmail
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