import bson import json import pytz import os.path import tarfile import datetime import cStringIO from .web import base from . import config from . import util from . import validators import os from .dao.containerutil import pluralize log = config.log def _filter_check(property_filter, property_values): minus = set(property_filter.get('-', [])) plus = set(property_filter.get('+', [])) if not minus.isdisjoint(property_values): return False if plus and plus.isdisjoint(property_values): return False return True def _append_targets(targets, container, prefix, total_size, total_cnt, optional, data_path, filters): for f in container.get('files', []): if filters: filtered = True for filter_ in filters: type_as_list = [f['type']] if f.get('type') else [] if ( _filter_check(filter_.get('tags', {}), f.get('tags', [])) and _filter_check(filter_.get('types', {}), type_as_list) ): filtered = False break if filtered: continue if optional or not f.get('optional', False): filepath = os.path.join(data_path, util.path_from_hash(f['hash'])) if os.path.exists(filepath): # silently skip missing files targets.append((filepath, prefix + '/' + f['name'], f['size'])) total_size += f['size'] total_cnt += 1 return total_size, total_cnt def symlinkarchivestream(ticket, data_path): for filepath, arcpath, _ in ticket['target']: t = tarfile.TarInfo(name=arcpath) t.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE t.linkname = os.path.relpath(filepath, data_path) yield t.tobuf() stream = cStringIO.StringIO() with'w|', fileobj=stream) as _: pass yield stream.getvalue() # get tar stream trailer stream.close() def archivestream(ticket): BLOCKSIZE = 512 CHUNKSIZE = 2**20 # stream files in 1MB chunks stream = cStringIO.StringIO() with'w|', fileobj=stream) as archive: for filepath, arcpath, _ in ticket['target']: yield archive.gettarinfo(filepath, arcpath).tobuf() with open(filepath, 'rb') as fd: chunk = '' for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''): # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop yield chunk if len(chunk) % BLOCKSIZE != 0: yield (BLOCKSIZE - (len(chunk) % BLOCKSIZE)) * b'\0' yield stream.getvalue() # get tar stream trailer stream.close() class Download(base.RequestHandler): def _bulk_preflight_archivestream(self, file_refs): data_path = config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path') arc_prefix = self.get_param('prefix', 'scitran') file_cnt = 0 total_size = 0 targets = [] for fref in file_refs: cont_id = fref.get('container_id', '') filename = fref.get('filename', '') cont_name = fref.get('container_name','') if cont_name not in ['project', 'session', 'acquisition', 'analysis']: self.abort(400, 'Bulk download only supports files in projects, sessions, analyses and acquisitions') cont_name = pluralize(fref.get('container_name','')) file_obj = None try: # Try to find the file reference in the database (filtering on user permissions) bid = bson.ObjectId(cont_id) query = {'_id': bid} if not self.superuser_request: query['permissions._id'] = self.uid file_obj = config.db[cont_name].find_one( query, {'files': { '$elemMatch': { 'name': filename }} })['files'][0] except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # self.abort(404, 'File {} on Container {} {} not found'.format(filename, cont_name, cont_id)) # silently skip missing files/files user does not have access to continue filepath = os.path.join(data_path, util.path_from_hash(file_obj['hash'])) if os.path.exists(filepath): # silently skip missing files targets.append((filepath, cont_name+'/'+cont_id+'/'+file_obj['name'], file_obj['size'])) total_size += file_obj['size'] file_cnt += 1 if len(targets) > 0: filename = arc_prefix + '_ '+datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.tar' ticket = util.download_ticket(self.request.client_addr, 'batch', targets, filename, total_size) config.db.downloads.insert_one(ticket) return {'ticket': ticket['_id'], 'file_cnt': file_cnt, 'size': total_size} else: self.abort(404, 'No files requested could be found') def _preflight_archivestream(self, req_spec, collection=None): data_path = config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path') arc_prefix = self.get_param('prefix', 'scitran') file_cnt = 0 total_size = 0 targets = [] filename = None used_subpaths = {} base_query = {} if not self.superuser_request: base_query['permissions._id'] = self.uid for item in req_spec['nodes']: item_id = bson.ObjectId(item['_id']) base_query['_id'] = item_id if item['level'] == 'project': project = config.db.projects.find_one(base_query, ['group', 'label', 'files']) if not project: # silently skip missing objects/objects user does not have access to continue prefix = '/'.join([arc_prefix, project['group'], project['label']]) total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, project, prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) sessions = config.db.sessions.find({'project': item_id}, ['label', 'files', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone', 'subject']) session_dict = {session['_id']: session for session in sessions} acquisitions = config.db.acquisitions.find({'session': {'$in': session_dict.keys()}}, ['label', 'files', 'session', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone']) session_prefixes = {} subject_dict = {} subject_prefixes = {} for session in session_dict.itervalues(): if session.get('subject'): code = session['subject'].get('code', 'unknown_subject') # This is bad and we should try to combine these somehow, # or at least make sure we get all the files subject_dict[code] = session['subject'] for code, subject in subject_dict.iteritems(): subject_prefix = prefix + '/' + self._path_from_container(subject, used_subpaths, project['_id']) subject_prefixes[code] = subject_prefix total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, subject, subject_prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) for session in session_dict.itervalues(): subject_code = session['subject'].get('code', 'unknown_subject') subject = subject_dict[subject_code] session_prefix = subject_prefixes[subject_code] + '/' + self._path_from_container(session, used_subpaths, subject_code) session_prefixes[session['_id']] = session_prefix total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, session, session_prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) for acq in acquisitions: session = session_dict[acq['session']] acq_prefix = session_prefixes[session['_id']] + '/' + self._path_from_container(acq, used_subpaths, session['_id']) total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, acq, acq_prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) elif item['level'] == 'session': session = config.db.sessions.find_one(base_query, ['project', 'label', 'files', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone', 'subject']) if not session: # silently skip missing objects/objects user does not have access to continue project = config.db.projects.find_one({'_id': session['project']}, ['group', 'label']) subject = session.get('subject', {'code': 'unknown_subject'}) if not subject.get('code'): subject['code'] = 'unknown_subject' prefix = project['group'] + '/' + project['label'] + '/' + self._path_from_container(subject, used_subpaths, project['_id']) + '/' + self._path_from_container(session, used_subpaths, project['_id']) total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, session, prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) # If the param `collection` holding a collection id is not None, filter out acquisitions that are not in the collection a_query = {'session': item_id} if collection: a_query['collections'] = bson.ObjectId(collection) acquisitions = config.db.acquisitions.find(a_query, ['label', 'files', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone']) for acq in acquisitions: acq_prefix = prefix + '/' + self._path_from_container(acq, used_subpaths, session['_id']) total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, acq, acq_prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) elif item['level'] == 'acquisition': acq = config.db.acquisitions.find_one(base_query, ['session', 'label', 'files', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone']) if not acq: # silently skip missing objects/objects user does not have access to continue session = config.db.sessions.find_one({'_id': acq['session']}, ['project', 'label', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'timezone', 'subject']) subject = session.get('subject', {'code': 'unknown_subject'}) if not subject.get('code'): subject['code'] = 'unknown_subject' project = config.db.projects.find_one({'_id': session['project']}, ['group', 'label']) prefix = project['group'] + '/' + project['label'] + '/' + self._path_from_container(subject, used_subpaths, project['_id']) + '/' + self._path_from_container(session, used_subpaths, project['_id']) + '/' + self._path_from_container(acq, used_subpaths, session['_id']) total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, acq, prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) elif item['level'] == 'analysis': analysis = config.db.analyses.find_one(base_query, ['parent', 'label', 'files', 'uid', 'timestamp']) if not analysis: # silently skip missing objects/objects user does not have access to continue prefix = self._path_from_container(analysis, used_subpaths, util.sanitize_string_to_filename(analysis['label'])) filename = 'analysis_' + util.sanitize_string_to_filename(analysis['label']) + '.tar' total_size, file_cnt = _append_targets(targets, analysis, prefix, total_size, file_cnt, req_spec['optional'], data_path, req_spec.get('filters')) if len(targets) > 0: log.debug(json.dumps(targets, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) if not filename: filename = arc_prefix + '_' + datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.tar' ticket = util.download_ticket(self.request.client_addr, 'batch', targets, filename, total_size) config.db.downloads.insert_one(ticket) return {'ticket': ticket['_id'], 'file_cnt': file_cnt, 'size': total_size, 'filename': filename} else: self.abort(404, 'No requested containers could be found') def _path_from_container(self, container, used_subpaths, parent_id): def _find_new_path(path, list_used_subpaths): """from the input path finds a path that hasn't been used""" path = str(path).replace('/', '_') if path not in list_used_subpaths: return path i = 0 while True: modified_path = path + '_' + str(i) if modified_path not in list_used_subpaths: return modified_path i += 1 path = None if not path and container.get('label'): path = container['label'] if not path and container.get('timestamp'): timezone = container.get('timezone') if timezone: path = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(container['timestamp']).astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') else: path = container['timestamp'].strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') if not path and container.get('uid'): path = container['uid'] if not path and container.get('code'): path = container['code'] if not path: path = 'untitled' path = _find_new_path(path, used_subpaths.get(parent_id, [])) used_subpaths[parent_id] = used_subpaths.get(parent_id, []) + [path] return path def download(self): """Download files or create a download ticket""" ticket_id = self.get_param('ticket') if ticket_id: ticket = config.db.downloads.find_one({'_id': ticket_id}) if not ticket: self.abort(404, 'no such ticket') if ticket['ip'] != self.request.client_addr: self.abort(400, 'ticket not for this source IP') if self.get_param('symlinks'): self.response.app_iter = symlinkarchivestream(ticket, config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path')) else: self.response.app_iter = archivestream(ticket) self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + str(ticket['filename']) for project_id in ticket['projects']: config.db.projects.update_one({'_id': project_id}, {'$inc': {'counter': 1}}) else: req_spec = self.request.json_body if self.is_true('bulk'): return self._bulk_preflight_archivestream(req_spec.get('files', [])) else: payload_schema_uri = validators.schema_uri('input', 'download.json') validator = validators.from_schema_path(payload_schema_uri) validator(req_spec, 'POST') log.debug(json.dumps(req_spec, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) return self._preflight_archivestream(req_spec, collection=self.get_param('collection'))