diff --git a/api.py b/api.py
index fd38362b80a343310cb930738affe325cfcd9a51..9850f9d07a51ff77f82621bec270b485eed83653 100755
--- a/api.py
+++ b/api.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ routes = [
     webapp2_extras.routes.PathPrefixRoute(r'/api/apps', [
         webapp2.Route(r'/count',                                    apps.Apps, handler_method='count', methods=['GET']),
         webapp2.Route(r'/<_id>',                                    apps.App,  name='job'),
+        webapp2.Route(r'/<_id>/file',                               apps.App,  handler_method='get_file'),
     webapp2.Route(r'/api/users',                                    users.Users),
     webapp2_extras.routes.PathPrefixRoute(r'/api/users', [
diff --git a/apps.py b/apps.py
index a281d80b0b528ad9aae168cb2980e04c38627a23..bc8c8f8f517568e3f66126b699d422090d9dbe33 100644
--- a/apps.py
+++ b/apps.py
@@ -6,16 +6,59 @@ API request handlers for Apps.
 represents the /nimsapi/apps route
+import os
+import json
 import bson
+import shutil
+import hashlib
 import logging
+import tarfile
+import jsonschema
 log = logging.getLogger('nimsapi.jobs')
+import tempdir as tempfile
 import base
 # TODO: create schemas to verify various json payloads
+    '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
+    'title': 'App',
+    'type': 'object',
+    'properties': {
+        '_id': {
+            'title': 'ID',
+            'type': 'string',
+        },
+        'entrypoint': {  # MR SPECIFIC!!!
+            'title': 'Entrypoint',
+            'type': 'string',
+        },
+        'outputs': {
+            'title': 'Outputs',
+            'type': 'array',
+        },
+        'default': {  # MR SPECIFIC!!!
+            'title': 'Default Application',
+            'type': 'boolean',
+        },
+        'app_type': {
+            'title': 'App Type',
+            'type': 'string',
+        },
+        'inputs': {
+            'title': 'Inputs',
+            'type': 'array',
+        },
+    },
+    'required': ['_id', 'entrypoint', 'outputs', 'default', 'app_type', 'inputs'],
+    'additionalProperties': True
+# TODO: apps should be stored separately from the datasets
+# possible in something similar to 'quarantine', or at a whole different
+# location.  this should also be configurable.
 class Apps(base.RequestHandler):
     """Return information about the all the apps."""
@@ -23,27 +66,61 @@ class Apps(base.RequestHandler):
     def get(self):
         return list(self.app.db.apps.find())
-    # TODO: add post route
     def count(self):
         return self.app.db.apps.count()
+    def post(self):
+        """Create a new App."""
+        # if self.public_request:  # TODO: how to handle auth during bootstrap?
+        #     self.abort(403, 'must be logged in to upload apps')
+        apps_path = self.app.config['apps_path']
+        app_meta = None
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='.tmp', dir=apps_path) as tempdir_path:
+            hash_ = hashlib.sha1()
+            app_temp = os.path.join(tempdir_path, 'temp')
+            with open(app_temp, 'wb') as fd:
+                for chunk in iter(lambda: self.request.body_file.read(2**20), ''):
+                    hash_.update(chunk)
+                    fd.write(chunk)
+            if hash_.hexdigest() != self.request.headers['Content-MD5']:
+                self.abort(400, 'Content-MD5 mismatch.')  # sha1
+            if not tarfile.is_tarfile(app_temp):
+                self.abort(415, 'Only tar files are accepted.')
+            with tarfile.open(app_temp) as tf:
+                for ti in tf:
+                    if ti.name.endswith('description.json'):
+                        app_meta = json.load(tf.extractfile(ti))
+                        break
+            if not app_meta:
+                self.abort(415, 'application tar does not contain description.json')
+            try:
+                jsonschema.validate(app_meta, APP_SCHEMA)
+            except (ValueError, jsonschema.ValidationError) as e:
+                self.abort(400, str(e))
+            name, version = app_meta.get('_id').split(':')
+            app_dir = os.path.join(apps_path, name)
+            app_tar = os.path.join(app_dir, '%s-%s.tar' % (name, version))
+            if not os.path.exists(app_dir):
+                os.makedirs(app_dir)
+            shutil.move(app_temp, app_tar)
+            app_meta.update({'asset_url': 'apps/%s/%s' % (name, version)})
+            app_info = self.app.db.apps.find_and_modify(app_meta.get('_id'), app_meta, new=True, upsert=True)
+            log.debug('Recieved App: %s' % app_info.get('_id'))
-class App(base.RequestHandler):
-    json_schema = {
-        '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
-        'title': 'App',
-        'type': 'object',
-        'properties': {
-            '_id': {
-                'title': 'App ID',
-                'type': 'string',
-            },
-        },
-        'required': ['_id'],
-        'additionalProperties': True,
-    }
+class App(base.RequestHandler):
     def get(self, _id):
-        _id = bson.ObjectId(_id)
+        # TODO: auth? should viewing apps be restricted?
+        return self.app.db.apps.find_one({'_id': _id})
+    def get_file(self, _id):
+        if self.public_request:  # this will most often be a drone request
+            self.abort(403, 'must be logged in to download apps')
+        name, version = _id.split(':')
+        fn = '%s-%s.tar' % (name, version)
+        fp = os.path.join(self.app.config['apps_path'], name, fn)
+        self.response.app_iter = open(fp, 'rb')
+        self.response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(fp))  # must be set after setting app_iter
+        self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+        self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % fn