diff --git a/api/handlers/containerhandler.py b/api/handlers/containerhandler.py
index 2ccb3d98ad02818e30af27db5ef3110e3e3b6db2..cf6d76c7f5f41dbbdcca48605f276ee40c1e20b6 100644
--- a/api/handlers/containerhandler.py
+++ b/api/handlers/containerhandler.py
@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ class ContainerHandler(base.RequestHandler):
         # Stateful closure to remove search duplicates
         # Eventually, this code should not call Queue.search and should instead do its own work.
         def match_ids(x):
-            should_add = str(x['_id']) in match_ids.unique_job_ids
+            in_set = str(x['_id']) in match_ids.unique_job_ids
-            return should_add
+            return not in_set
         match_ids.unique_job_ids = set()
         results = filter(match_ids, results)
diff --git a/test/integration_tests/python/test_jobs.py b/test/integration_tests/python/test_jobs.py
index 570ed190e23229b459011e0dd846cb701ef988dc..875296f0645224863aea1f9c67e2d3a033f0fbab 100644
--- a/test/integration_tests/python/test_jobs.py
+++ b/test/integration_tests/python/test_jobs.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ def test_jobs_access(as_user):
 def test_jobs(data_builder, default_payload, as_public, as_user, as_admin, as_root, api_db, file_form):
+    # Dupe of test_queue.py
     gear_doc = default_payload['gear']['gear']
     gear_doc['inputs'] = {
         'dicom': {
diff --git a/test/integration_tests/python/test_queue.py b/test/integration_tests/python/test_queue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65e2351bccf4d609eb64721b18622f37c4c5a9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration_tests/python/test_queue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+def test_queue_search(data_builder, default_payload, as_admin, file_form):
+    # Dupe of test_jobs.py
+    gear_doc = default_payload['gear']['gear']
+    gear_doc['inputs'] = {
+        'dicom': {
+            'base': 'file'
+        }
+    }
+    gear = data_builder.create_gear(gear=gear_doc, category='utility')
+    project = data_builder.create_project()
+    session = data_builder.create_session()
+    acquisition = data_builder.create_acquisition()
+    assert as_admin.post('/acquisitions/' + acquisition + '/files', files=file_form('test.zip')).ok
+    job_data = {
+        'gear_id': gear,
+        'inputs': {
+            'dicom': {
+                'type': 'acquisition',
+                'id': acquisition,
+                'name': 'test.zip'
+            }
+        },
+        'config': { 'two-digit multiple of ten': 20 },
+        'destination': {
+            'type': 'acquisition',
+            'id': acquisition
+        },
+        'tags': [ 'test-tag' ]
+    }
+    r = as_admin.post('/jobs/add', json=job_data)
+    assert r.ok
+    utility_id = r.json()['_id']
+    r = as_admin.get('/sessions/' + session + '/jobs?join=gears')
+    assert r.ok
+    assert(any(x['id'] == utility_id for x in r.json()['jobs']))
+    ana_gear_id = data_builder.create_gear(gear=gear_doc, category='analysis')
+    job_data['gear_id'] = ana_gear_id
+    r = as_admin.post('/jobs/add', json=job_data)
+    assert r.ok
+    ana_id = r.json()['_id']
+    r = as_admin.get('/sessions/' + session + '/jobs?join=gears')
+    assert r.ok
+    assert(any(x['id'] == utility_id for x in r.json()['jobs']))
+    assert(any(x['id'] == ana_id     for x in r.json()['jobs']))