diff --git a/reaper.py b/reaper.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 81f26c9005c92f4c8a29e241c01c5babe01e6ae4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/reaper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# @author:  Gunnar Schaefer
-apt-get -V install ipython python-virtualenv python-dev dcmtk
-adduser --disabled-password --uid 1000 --gecos "NIMS" nims
-import logging
-import logging.config
-log = logging.getLogger('nimsapi.reaper')
-logging.getLogger('nimsapi.reaper.scu').setLevel(logging.INFO)      # silence SCU logging
-logging.getLogger('nimsdata').setLevel(logging.WARNING)             # silence nimsdata logging
-logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.WARNING)             # silence Requests library logging
-import os
-import re
-import glob
-import json
-import time
-import dicom
-import shutil
-import hashlib
-import tarfile
-import calendar
-import datetime
-import requests
-import scu
-import tempdir as tempfile
-from nimsdata.medimg import nimsdicom
-from nimsdata.medimg import nimspfile
-from nimsdata.medimg import nimsgephysio
-DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
-def hrsize(size):
-    if size < 1000:
-        return '%d%s' % (size, 'B')
-    for suffix in 'KMGTPEZY':
-        size /= 1024.
-        if size < 10.:
-            return '%.1f%s' % (size, suffix)
-        if size < 1000.:
-            return '%.0f%s' % (size, suffix)
-    return '%.0f%s' % (size, 'Y')
-def create_archive(path, content, arcname, **kwargs):
-    def add_to_archive(archive, content, arcname):
-        archive.add(content, arcname, recursive=False)
-        if os.path.isdir(content):
-            for fn in sorted(os.listdir(content), key=lambda fn: not fn.endswith('.json')):
-                add_to_archive(archive, os.path.join(content, fn), os.path.join(arcname, fn))
-    with tarfile.open(path, 'w:gz', **kwargs) as archive:
-        add_to_archive(archive, content, arcname)
-def datetime_encoder(o):
-    if isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
-        if o.utcoffset() is not None:
-            o = o - o.utcoffset()
-        return {"$date": int(calendar.timegm(o.timetuple()) * 1000 + o.microsecond / 1000)}
-    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
-def write_json_file(path, json_document):
-    with open(path, 'w') as json_file:
-        json.dump(json_document, json_file, default=datetime_encoder)
-class Reaper(object):
-    def __init__(self, id_, upload_urls, pat_id, discard_ids, peripheral_data, sleep_time, tempdir, anonymize):
-        self.id_ = id_
-        self.upload_urls = upload_urls
-        self.pat_id = pat_id
-        self.discard_ids = discard_ids
-        self.peripheral_data = peripheral_data
-        self.sleep_time = sleep_time
-        self.tempdir = tempdir
-        self.anonymize = anonymize
-        self.datetime_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.%s.datetime' % self.id_)
-        self.alive = True
-    def halt(self):
-        self.alive = False
-    def get_reference_datetime(self):
-        if os.access(self.datetime_file, os.R_OK):
-            with open(self.datetime_file, 'r') as f:
-                ref_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(f.readline(), DATE_FORMAT + '\n')
-        else:
-            ref_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
-            self.set_reference_datetime(ref_datetime)
-        return ref_datetime
-    def set_reference_datetime(self, new_datetime):
-        with open(self.datetime_file, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(new_datetime.strftime(DATE_FORMAT + '\n'))
-    reference_datetime = property(get_reference_datetime, set_reference_datetime)
-    def retrieve_gephysio(self, name, data_path, reap_path, reap_data, reap_name, log_info):
-        lower_time_bound = reap_data.timestamp + datetime.timedelta(seconds=reap_data.prescribed_duration or 0) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=15)
-        upper_time_bound = lower_time_bound + datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)
-        sleep_time = (upper_time_bound - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()
-        if sleep_time > 0:
-            log.info('Periph data %s waiting for %s for %d seconds' % (log_info, name, sleep_time))
-            time.sleep(sleep_time)
-        while True:
-            try:
-                physio_files = os.listdir(data_path)
-            except OSError:
-                physio_files = []
-            if physio_files:
-                break
-            else:
-                log.warning('Periph data %s %s temporarily unavailable' % (log_info, name))
-                time.sleep(5)
-        physio_tuples = filter(lambda pt: pt[0], [(re.match('.+_%s_([0-9_]{18,20})$' % reap_data.psd_name, pfn), pfn) for pfn in physio_files])
-        physio_tuples = [(datetime.datetime.strptime(pts.group(1), '%m%d%Y%H_%M_%S_%f'), pfn) for pts, pfn in physio_tuples]
-        physio_tuples = filter(lambda pt: lower_time_bound <= pt[0] <= upper_time_bound, physio_tuples)
-        if physio_tuples:
-            log.info('Periph data %s %s found' % (log_info, name))
-            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.tempdir) as tempdir_path:
-                metadata = {
-                        'filetype': nimsgephysio.NIMSGEPhysio.filetype,
-                        'header': {
-                            'group': reap_data.nims_group_id,
-                            'project': reap_data.nims_project,
-                            'session': reap_data.nims_session_id,
-                            'acquisition': reap_data.nims_acquisition_id,
-                            'timestamp': reap_data.nims_timestamp,
-                            },
-                        }
-                physio_reap_path = os.path.join(tempdir_path, reap_name)
-                os.mkdir(physio_reap_path)
-                write_json_file(os.path.join(physio_reap_path, 'metadata.json'), metadata)
-                for pts, pfn in physio_tuples:
-                    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(data_path, pfn), physio_reap_path)
-                create_archive(os.path.join(reap_path, reap_name+'.tgz'), physio_reap_path, reap_name, compresslevel=6)
-        else:
-            log.info('Periph data %s %s not found' % (log_info, name))
-    def retrieve_peripheral_data(self, reap_path, reap_data, reap_name, log_info):
-        for pdn, pdp in self.peripheral_data.iteritems():
-            if pdn in self.peripheral_data_fn_map:
-                self.peripheral_data_fn_map[pdn](self, pdn, pdp, reap_path, reap_data, reap_name+'_'+pdn, log_info)
-            else:
-                log.warning('Periph data %s %s does not exist' % (log_info, pdn))
-    peripheral_data_fn_map = {
-            'gephysio':   retrieve_gephysio
-            }
-    def upload(self, path, log_info):
-        for filename in os.listdir(path):
-            filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
-            log.info('Hashing     %s %s' % (log_info, filename))
-            hash_ = hashlib.sha1()
-            with open(filepath, 'rb') as fd:
-                for chunk in iter(lambda: fd.read(1048577 * hash_.block_size), ''):
-                    hash_.update(chunk)
-            headers = {'User-Agent': 'reaper ' + self.id_, 'Content-MD5': hash_.hexdigest()}
-            for url in self.upload_urls:
-                log.info('Uploading   %s %s [%s] to %s' % (log_info, filename, hrsize(os.path.getsize(filepath)), url))
-                with open(filepath, 'rb') as fd:
-                    try:
-                        start = datetime.datetime.now()
-                        r = requests.put(url + '?filename=%s_%s' % (self.id_, filename), data=fd, headers=headers)
-                        upload_duration = (datetime.datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
-                    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
-                        log.error('Error       %s %s: %s' % (log_info, filename, e))
-                        return False
-                    else:
-                        if r.status_code == 200:
-                            log.debug('Success     %s %s [%s/s]' % (log_info, filename, hrsize(os.path.getsize(filepath)/upload_duration)))
-                        else:
-                            log.warning('Failure     %s %s: %s %s' % (log_info, filename, r.status_code, r.reason))
-                            return False
-        return True
-class DicomReaper(Reaper):
-    def __init__(self, url, arg_str, pat_id, discard_ids, peripheral_data, sleep_time, tempdir, anonymize):
-        self.scu = scu.SCU(*arg_str.split(':'))
-        super(DicomReaper, self).__init__(self.scu.aec, url, pat_id, discard_ids, peripheral_data, sleep_time, tempdir, anonymize)
-    def run(self):
-        monitored_exam = None
-        current_exam_datetime = self.reference_datetime
-        while self.alive:
-            query_params = {
-                    'StudyInstanceUID': '',
-                    'StudyID': '',
-                    'StudyDate': current_exam_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d-'),
-                    'StudyTime': '',
-                    'PatientID': '',
-                    }
-            if self.pat_id:
-                query_params['PatientID'] = self.pat_id
-            outstanding_exams = [self.Exam(self, scu_resp) for scu_resp in self.scu.find(scu.StudyQuery(**query_params))]
-            outstanding_exams = filter(lambda exam: exam.timestamp >= current_exam_datetime, outstanding_exams)
-            outstanding_exams.sort(key=lambda exam: exam.timestamp)
-            if monitored_exam and outstanding_exams and monitored_exam.id_ != outstanding_exams[0].id_:
-                log.warning('Dropping    %s (assumed deleted from scanner)' % monitored_exam)
-                monitored_exam = None
-                continue
-            next_exam = None
-            out_ex_cnt = len(outstanding_exams)
-            if not monitored_exam and out_ex_cnt > 0:
-                next_exam = outstanding_exams[0]
-            elif monitored_exam and out_ex_cnt > 1:
-                if not monitored_exam.needs_reaping:
-                    next_exam = outstanding_exams[1]
-                    out_ex_cnt -= 1 # adjust for conditional sleep below
-            if next_exam:
-                self.reference_datetime = current_exam_datetime = next_exam.timestamp
-                if next_exam.pat_id.strip('/').lower() in self.discard_ids:
-                    log.info('Discarding  %s' % next_exam)
-                    current_exam_datetime += datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
-                    monitored_exam = None
-                else:
-                    log.info('New         %s' % next_exam)
-                    monitored_exam = next_exam
-            success = True
-            if monitored_exam and self.alive:
-                success = monitored_exam.reap()
-            if not success or out_ex_cnt < 2: # sleep, if there is a problem or no queue
-                time.sleep(self.sleep_time)
-    class Exam(object):
-        def __init__(self, reaper, scu_resp):
-            self.reaper = reaper
-            self.id_ = scu_resp.StudyID
-            self.uid = scu_resp.StudyInstanceUID
-            self.pat_id = scu_resp.PatientID
-            self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(scu_resp.StudyDate + scu_resp.StudyTime[:6], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-            self.series_dict = {}
-        def __str__(self):
-            return 'e%s %s [%s]' % (self.id_, self.timestamp, self.pat_id)
-        @property
-        def needs_reaping(self):
-            return any([series.needs_reaping for series in self.series_dict.itervalues()])
-        def reap(self):
-            """An exam must be reaped at least twice, since newly encountered series are not immediately reaped."""
-            query_params = {
-                    'StudyInstanceUID': self.uid,
-                    'SeriesInstanceUID': '',
-                    'SeriesNumber': '',
-                    'SeriesDate': '',
-                    'SeriesTime': '',
-                    'NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances': '',
-                    }
-            success = True
-            new_series = {s.uid: s for s in [self.Series(self, scu_resp) for scu_resp in self.reaper.scu.find(scu.SeriesQuery(**query_params))]}
-            if new_series:
-                for uid in self.series_dict.keys(): # iterate over copy of keys
-                    if uid not in new_series:
-                        log.info('Dropping    %s (assumed deleted from scanner)' % self.series_dict[uid])
-                        del self.series_dict[uid]
-            for series in new_series.itervalues():
-                if not self.reaper.alive: break
-                if series.uid in self.series_dict:
-                    success &= self.series_dict[series.uid].reap(series.image_count)
-                else:
-                    log.info('New         %s' % series)
-                    self.series_dict[series.uid] = series
-            return success
-        class Series(object):
-            def __init__(self, exam, scu_resp):
-                self.reaper = exam.reaper
-                self.exam = exam
-                self.id_ = scu_resp.SeriesNumber
-                self.uid = scu_resp.SeriesInstanceUID
-                if scu_resp.SeriesDate and scu_resp.SeriesTime:
-                    self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(scu_resp.SeriesDate + scu_resp.SeriesTime[:6], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-                else:
-                    self.timestamp = ''
-                self.image_count = int(scu_resp.NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances)
-                self.needs_reaping = True
-                self.fail_count = 0
-                self.log_info = 'e%s s%s' % (self.exam.id_, self.id_)
-            def __str__(self):
-                return '%s [%di] %s' % (self.log_info, self.image_count, self.timestamp)
-            def reap(self, new_image_count):
-                success = False # TODO: maybe this should default to True to avoid unnecessary delays
-                if new_image_count != self.image_count:
-                    self.image_count = new_image_count
-                    self.needs_reaping = True
-                    self.fail_count = 0
-                    log.info('Monitoring  %s' % self)
-                elif self.needs_reaping and self.image_count == 0:
-                    self.needs_reaping = False
-                    log.warning('Ignoring    %s (zero images)' % self)
-                elif self.needs_reaping: # image count has stopped increasing
-                    log.info('Reaping     %s' % self)
-                    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.reaper.tempdir) as tempdir_path:
-                        reap_count = self.reaper.scu.move(scu.SeriesQuery(StudyInstanceUID='', SeriesInstanceUID=self.uid), tempdir_path)
-                        if reap_count == self.image_count:
-                            acq_info_dict = self.split_into_acquisitions(tempdir_path)
-                            for acq_no, acq_info in acq_info_dict.iteritems():
-                                self.reaper.retrieve_peripheral_data(tempdir_path, nimsdicom.NIMSDicom(acq_info[0]), *acq_info[1:])
-                            if self.reaper.upload(tempdir_path, self.log_info):
-                                success = True
-                                self.needs_reaping = False
-                                log.info('Done        %s' % self)
-                        else:
-                            self.fail_count += 1
-                            log.warning('Incomplete  %s, %dr, %df' % (self, reap_count, self.fail_count))
-                            if self.fail_count > 9:
-                                self.needs_reaping = False
-                                log.warning('Abandoning  %s, too many failures' % self)
-                return success
-            def split_into_acquisitions(self, series_path):
-                if self.reaper.anonymize:
-                    log.info('Anonymizing %s' % self)
-                dcm_dict = {}
-                acq_info_dict = {}
-                for filepath in [os.path.join(series_path, filename) for filename in os.listdir(series_path)]:
-                    if self.reaper.anonymize:
-                        self.DicomFile.anonymize(filepath)
-                    dcm = self.DicomFile(filepath)
-                    if os.path.basename(filepath).startswith('(none)'):
-                        new_filepath = filepath.replace('(none)', 'NA')
-                        os.rename(filepath, new_filepath)
-                        filepath = new_filepath
-                    os.utime(filepath, (int(dcm.timestamp.strftime('%s')), int(dcm.timestamp.strftime('%s'))))  # correct timestamps
-                    dcm_dict.setdefault(dcm.acq_no, []).append(filepath)
-                log.info('Compressing %s' % self)
-                for acq_no, acq_paths in dcm_dict.iteritems():
-                    name_prefix = '%s_%s%s' % (self.exam.id_, self.id_, '_'+str(acq_no) if acq_no is not None else '')
-                    dir_name = name_prefix + '_dicoms'
-                    arcdir_path = os.path.join(series_path, dir_name)
-                    dcm = self.DicomFile(acq_paths[0])
-                    os.mkdir(arcdir_path)
-                    for filepath in acq_paths:
-                        os.rename(filepath, '%s.dcm' % os.path.join(arcdir_path, os.path.basename(filepath)))
-                    write_json_file(os.path.join(arcdir_path, 'metadata.json'), {'filetype': nimsdicom.NIMSDicom.filetype})
-                    create_archive(arcdir_path+'.tgz', arcdir_path, dir_name, compresslevel=6)
-                    shutil.rmtree(arcdir_path)
-                    acq_info_dict[acq_no] = (arcdir_path+'.tgz', name_prefix, '%s%s' % (self.log_info, '.'+str(acq_no) if acq_no is not None else ''))
-                return acq_info_dict
-            class DicomFile(object):
-                TAG_PSD_NAME = (0x0019, 0x109c)
-                def __init__(self, filepath):
-                    dcm = dicom.read_file(filepath, stop_before_pixels=True)
-                    study_date = dcm.get('StudyDate')
-                    study_time = dcm.get('StudyTime')
-                    acq_date = dcm.get('AcquisitionDate')
-                    acq_time = dcm.get('AcquisitionTime')
-                    study_datetime = study_date and study_time and datetime.datetime.strptime(study_date + study_time[:6], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-                    acq_datetime = acq_date and acq_time and datetime.datetime.strptime(acq_date + acq_time[:6], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-                    self.timestamp = acq_datetime or study_datetime
-                    self.acq_no = int(dcm.get('AcquisitionNumber', 1)) if dcm.get('Manufacturer').upper() != 'SIEMENS' else None
-                @staticmethod
-                def anonymize(filepath):
-                    dcm = dicom.read_file(filepath, stop_before_pixels=False)
-                    dcm.PatientName = ''
-                    dcm.PatientBirthDate = dcm.PatientBirthDate[:6] + '15' if dcm.PatientBirthDate else ''
-                    dcm.save_as(filepath)
-class PFileReaper(Reaper):
-    def __init__(self, url, data_path, pat_id, discard_ids, peripheral_data, sleep_time, tempdir, anonymize):
-        self.data_glob = os.path.join(data_path, 'P?????.7')
-        id_ = data_path.strip('/').replace('/', '_')
-        super(PFileReaper, self).__init__(id_, url, pat_id, discard_ids, peripheral_data, sleep_time, tempdir, anonymize)
-    def run(self):
-        current_file_datetime = self.reference_datetime
-        monitored_files = {}
-        while self.alive:
-            try:
-                reap_files = [self.ReapPFile(self, p) for p in glob.glob(self.data_glob)]
-                if not reap_files:
-                    raise Warning('No matching files found (or error while checking for files)')
-            except (OSError, Warning) as e:
-                log.warning(e)
-            else:
-                reap_files = sorted(filter(lambda f: f.mod_time >= current_file_datetime, reap_files), key=lambda f: f.mod_time)
-                for rf in reap_files:
-                    rf.parse_pfile()
-                    if rf.pfile is None:
-                        rf.needs_reaping = False
-                        if rf.path not in monitored_files:
-                            log.warning('Skipping    %s (unparsable)' % rf.basename)
-                    elif rf.pfile.patient_id.strip('/').lower() in self.discard_ids:
-                        rf.needs_reaping = False
-                        if rf.path not in monitored_files:
-                            log.info('Discarding  %s' % rf)
-                    elif self.pat_id and not re.match(self.pat_id.replace('*','.*'), rf.pfile.patient_id):
-                        rf.needs_reaping = False
-                        if rf.path not in monitored_files:
-                            log.info('Ignoring    %s' % rf)
-                    elif rf.path not in monitored_files:
-                        log.info('Discovered  %s' % rf)
-                    else:
-                        mf = monitored_files[rf.path]
-                        if mf.needs_reaping and rf.size == mf.size:
-                            if rf.reap(): # returns True, if successful
-                                self.reference_datetime = current_file_datetime = rf.mod_time
-                        elif rf.size == mf.size:
-                            rf.needs_reaping = False
-                        else:
-                            log.info('Monitoring  %s' % rf)
-                monitored_files = dict(zip([rf.path for rf in reap_files], reap_files))
-            if len([rf for rf in monitored_files.itervalues() if rf.needs_reaping and not rf.error]) < 2: # sleep, if there is no queue of files that need reaping
-                time.sleep(self.sleep_time)
-    class ReapPFile(object):
-        def __init__(self, reaper, path):
-            self.reaper = reaper
-            self.path = path
-            self.basename = os.path.basename(path)
-            self.mod_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path))
-            self.size = hrsize(os.path.getsize(path))
-            self.needs_reaping = True
-            self.error = False
-        def __str__(self):
-            return '%s [%s] e%s s%s a%s %s [%s]' % (self.basename, self.size, self.pfile.exam_no, self.pfile.series_no, self.pfile.acq_no, self.mod_time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT), self.pfile.patient_id)
-        def parse_pfile(self):
-            try:
-                self.pfile = nimspfile.NIMSPFile(self.path)
-            except nimspfile.NIMSPFileError:
-                self.pfile = None
-            else:
-                self.name_prefix = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.pfile.exam_no, self.pfile.series_no, self.pfile.acq_no)
-        def is_auxfile(self, filepath):
-            if open(filepath).read(32) == self.pfile.series_uid:
-                return True
-            try:
-                return (nimspfile.NIMSPFile(filepath).series_uid == self.pfile.series_uid)
-            except nimspfile.NIMSPFileError:
-                return False
-        def reap(self):
-            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.reaper.tempdir) as tempdir_path:
-                reap_path = '%s/%s_pfile' % (tempdir_path, self.name_prefix)
-                os.mkdir(reap_path)
-                auxfiles = [(ap, self.basename + '_' + ap.rsplit('_', 1)[-1]) for ap in glob.glob(self.path + '_' + self.pfile.series_uid + '_*')]
-                log.debug('Staging     %s, %s' % (self.basename, ', '.join([af[1] for af in auxfiles])))
-                os.symlink(self.path, os.path.join(reap_path, self.basename))
-                for af in auxfiles:
-                    os.symlink(af[0], os.path.join(reap_path, af[1]))
-                try:
-                    log.info('Reaping.tgz %s [%s%s]' % (self.basename, self.size, ' + %d aux files' % len(auxfiles) if auxfiles else ''))
-                    metadata = {
-                            'filetype': nimspfile.NIMSPFile.filetype,
-                            'header': {
-                                'group': self.pfile.nims_group_id,
-                                'project': self.pfile.nims_project,
-                                'session': self.pfile.nims_session_id,
-                                'acquisition': self.pfile.nims_acquisition_id,
-                                'timestamp': self.pfile.nims_timestamp,
-                                },
-                            }
-                    write_json_file(os.path.join(reap_path, 'metadata.json'), metadata)
-                    create_archive(reap_path+'.tgz', reap_path, os.path.basename(reap_path), dereference=True, compresslevel=4)
-                    shutil.rmtree(reap_path)
-                except (IOError):
-                    self.error = True
-                    log.warning('Error while reaping %s%s' % (self.basename, ' or aux files' if auxfiles else ''))
-                else:
-                    self.reaper.retrieve_peripheral_data(tempdir_path, self.pfile, self.name_prefix, self.basename)
-                    if self.reaper.upload(tempdir_path, self.basename):
-                        self.needs_reaping = False
-                        self.error = False
-                        log.info('Done        %s' % self.basename)
-                    else:
-                        self.error = True
-            return not self.needs_reaping
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    import signal
-    import argparse
-    import ConfigParser
-    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    arg_parser.add_argument('config_file', help='path to config file')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('cls', metavar='class', help='Reaper subclass to use')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('class_args', help='subclass arguments')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-a', '--anonymize', action='store_true', help='anonymize patient name and birthdate')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-d', '--discard', default='discard', help='space-separated list of Patient IDs to discard')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--patid', help='glob for Patient IDs to reap (default: "*")')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--peripheral', nargs=2, action='append', default=[], help='path to peripheral data')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--sleeptime', type=int, default=30, help='time to sleep before checking for new data')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--tempdir', help='directory to use for temporary files')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('-u', '--upload_url', action='append', help='upload URL')
-    args = arg_parser.parse_args()
-    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({'here': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.config_file))})
-    config.read(args.config_file)
-    logging.config.fileConfig(args.config_file, disable_existing_loggers=False)
-    try:
-        reaper_cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], args.cls)
-    except AttributeError:
-        log.error(args.cls + ' is not a valid Reaper class')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    urls = args.upload_url or config.get('nims', 'api_uri').split()
-    reaper = reaper_cls(urls, args.class_args, args.patid, args.discard.split(), dict(args.peripheral), args.sleeptime, args.tempdir, args.anonymize)
-    def term_handler(signum, stack):
-        reaper.halt()
-        log.warning('Received SIGTERM - shutting down...')
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, term_handler)
-    reaper.run()
-    log.warning('Process halted')
diff --git a/scu.py b/scu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e53d167dd3294a06128e9105a117d572ca7c69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# @author:  Reno Bowen
-#           Gunnar Schaefer
-SCU is a module that wraps the findscu and movescu commands, which are part of DCMTK.
-Usage involves the instantiation of an SCU object, which maintains knowledge of the caller and callee (data requester
-and data source, respectively).
-Specific Query objects are constructed (e.g., SeriesQuery, if you intend to search for or move a series) and passed to
-the find() or move() methods of an SCU object.
-import re
-import shlex
-import logging
-import subprocess
-log = logging.getLogger('nimsapi.reaper.scu')
-RESPONSE_RE = re.compile("""
-W: # Dicom-Data-Set
-W: # Used TransferSyntax: (?P<transfer_syntax>.+)
-(?P<dicom_cvs>(W: \(.+\) .+\n){2,})""")
-DICOM_CV_RE = re.compile(""".*\((?P<idx_0>[0-9a-f]{4}),(?P<idx_1>[0-9a-f]{4})\) (?P<type>\w{2}) (?P<value>.+)#[ ]*(?P<length>\d+),[ ]*(?P<n_elems>\d+) (?P<label>\w+)\n""")
-MOVE_OUTPUT_RE = re.compile('.*Completed Suboperations +: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', re.DOTALL)
-class SCU(object):
-    """
-    SCU stores information required to communicate with the scanner during calls to find() and move().
-    Instantiated with the host, port, and aet of the scanner, as well as the aec of the calling machine. Incoming port
-    is optional (default=port).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, port, return_port, aet, aec):
-        self.host = host
-        self.port = port
-        self.return_port = return_port
-        self.aet = aet
-        self.aec = aec
-    def find(self, query):
-        """ Construct a findscu query. Return a list of Response objects. """
-        cmd = 'findscu -v %s' % self.query_string(query)
-        log.debug(cmd)
-        output = ''
-        try:
-            output = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            log.debug(ex)
-            output and self.log.debug(output)
-        if output and re.search('DIMSE Status .* Success', output):
-            return [Response(query.kwargs.keys(), match_obj.groupdict()) for match_obj in RESPONSE_RE.finditer(output)]
-        else:
-            return []
-    def move(self, query, dest_path='.'):
-        """Construct a movescu query. Return the count of images successfully transferred."""
-        cmd = 'movescu -v -od %s --port %s %s' % (dest_path, self.return_port, self.query_string(query))
-        log.debug(cmd)
-        output = ''
-        try:
-            output = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            log.debug(ex)
-            output and log.debug(output)
-        try:
-            img_cnt = int(MOVE_OUTPUT_RE.match(output).group(1))
-        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
-            img_cnt = 0
-        return img_cnt
-    def query_string(self, query):
-        """Convert a query into a string to be appended to a findscu or movescu call."""
-        return '-S -aet %s -aec %s %s %s %s' % (self.aet, self.aec, query, self.host, str(self.port))
-class Query(object):
-    """
-    Query superclass, which accepts a retrieve level (e.g., 'Study') and a series of keyword arguments (e.g.,
-    StudyNumber="500").
-    """
-    def __init__(self, retrieve_level, **kwargs):
-        self.retrieve_level = retrieve_level
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
-    def __str__(self):
-        string = '-k QueryRetrieveLevel="%s"' % self.retrieve_level
-        for key, value in self.kwargs.items():
-            string += ' -k %s="%s"' % (str(key), str(value))
-        return string
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Query<retrieve_level=%s, kwargs=%s>' % (self.retrieve_level, self.kwargs)
-class StudyQuery(Query):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(StudyQuery, self).__init__('STUDY', **kwargs)
-class SeriesQuery(Query):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(SeriesQuery, self).__init__('SERIES', **kwargs)
-class ImageQuery(Query):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(ImageQuery, self).__init__('IMAGE', **kwargs)
-class DicomCV(object):
-    """Detailed DicomCV object."""
-    def __init__(self, dicom_cv_dict):
-        self.idx = (dicom_cv_dict['idx_0'], dicom_cv_dict['idx_1'])
-        self.value = dicom_cv_dict['value'].strip('[]= ')
-        self.length = dicom_cv_dict['length']
-        self.n_elems = dicom_cv_dict['n_elems']
-        self.type_ = dicom_cv_dict['type']
-        self.label = dicom_cv_dict['label']
-class Response(dict):
-    """
-    Dictionary of CVs corresponding to one (of potentially many) responses generated by a findscu call. Supports tab
-    completion of dictionary elements as members.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, requested_cv_names, response_dict):
-        dict.__init__(self)
-        self.transfer_syntax = response_dict['transfer_syntax']
-        self.dicom_cv_list = [DicomCV(match_obj.groupdict()) for match_obj in DICOM_CV_RE.finditer(response_dict['dicom_cvs'])]
-        for cv_name in requested_cv_names:
-            self[cv_name] = None
-        for cv in self.dicom_cv_list:
-            if cv.value != '(no value available)':
-                self[cv.label] = cv.value
-    def __dir__(self):
-        """Return list of dictionary elements for tab completion in utilities like iPython."""
-        return [k for (k, v) in self.items()]
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """Allow access of dictionary elements as members."""
-        if name in self:
-            return self[name]
-        else:
-            log.debug('Response: %s' % self)
-            raise AttributeError, name