diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/BeigeMarble.jpg b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/BeigeMarble.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0544046dcd6989d5fa0ef3d4a01ce92e31ddd94b
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/BeigeMarble.jpg differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.mtl b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.mtl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4043ba09fdf70b7dab5ee25479d3088e3587d155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.mtl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Blender MTL File: 'ChessSet.blend'
+# Material Count: 7
+newmtl Filt_004
+Ns 41.176471
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.004884 0.035564 0.005529
+Ks 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000
+Ni 1.500000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+newmtl Lyse_brikker_008
+Ns 41.176471
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
+Ks 0.140000 0.140000 0.140000
+Ni 1.500000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+map_Kd cadyou.com_Sapeli.jpg
+newmtl Material.002
+Ns 96.078431
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.160000 0.160000 0.160000
+Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
+Ni 1.000000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+map_Kd BeigeMarble.jpg
+newmtl Mrke_brikker_004
+Ns 41.176471
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.640000 0.640000 0.640000
+Ks 0.140000 0.140000 0.140000
+Ni 1.500000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+map_Kd Dark_Mahony.jpg
+newmtl Mtl
+Ns 96.078431
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
+Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
+Ni 1.000000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+newmtl Mtl8
+Ns 96.078431
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Ks 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Ni 1.000000
+d 1.000000
+illum 2
+newmtl None
+Ns 0
+Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
+Kd 0.8 0.8 0.8
+Ks 0.8 0.8 0.8
+d 1
+illum 2
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.obj b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..551ea07b304e57e1fadb6fab1d987c5c473f9e3c
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/ChessSetNoAreaLight.obj differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/Dark_Mahony.jpg b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/Dark_Mahony.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2100e1ff75f2d5c91b9ef813fcc48a5000eb580
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/Dark_Mahony.jpg differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/cadyou.com_Sapeli.jpg b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/cadyou.com_Sapeli.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55765bb7e11e1857bf587b46a5070d4250e97946
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/cadyou.com_Sapeli.jpg differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.exr b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.exr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f563d8a61c9f38dd75bb762b858a53dde298977
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.exr differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.tiff b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.tiff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb2e6d40e2e58a2e73e5526641c01150b866c8bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/Data/studio007small.tiff differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_depth.png b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_depth.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9afecf1d5812b2f1384004c9d1acd80c91bd3855
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_depth.png differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_material.png b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_material.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b3244cd2d8686074fc854236bbe8ff7409a5797
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_material.png differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_mesh.png b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_mesh.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fb5a27715a70fa9951b91b5e98327abd41aca17
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_mesh.png differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_radiance.png b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_radiance.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43b7f9ed6b93da34d7137f94ed800177d3cea381
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/ExampleRenders/ChessSet_radiance.png differ
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetMexximpRemodeler.m b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetMexximpRemodeler.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64ee03379cfff0ac902bc95ca2a82f25580364c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetMexximpRemodeler.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function [scene, mappings] = rtb360MexximpRemodeler(scene, mappings, names, conditionValues, conditionNumber)
+% This is an example of how to modify the incoming mexximp scene directly,
+% with a "remodeler" hook funtion.  It modifies the scene struct that will
+% be used during subsequent processing and rendering.
+% The function is called by the batch renderer when needed.  Various
+% parameters are passed in, like the mexximp scene, the native scene, and
+% names and values read from the conditions file.
+%% Place the camera at a good location
+% The following camera location was found by manually moving the camera in
+% the Blender scene and then copying camera values over.
+cameraPosition = [466 -163 286];
+cameraTarget = [39.27 -6.69 11.95];
+cameraUp = [0 0 1];
+% build a lookat for the camera
+cameraTransform = mexximpLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUp);
+% find the camera node
+cameraNodeSelector = strcmp({scene.rootNode.children.name}, 'Camera');
+scene.rootNode.children(cameraNodeSelector).transformation = cameraTransform;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetPBRTRemodeler.m b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetPBRTRemodeler.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0eb1154a7784e15c3f2e7f34ac5fa5050cd63be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbChessSetPBRTRemodeler.m
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+function nativeScene = rtb360PBRTRemodeler(parentScene,nativeScene,mappings,names,conditionValues,conditionNumber)
+% The function is called by the batch renderer when needed.  Various
+% parameters are passed in, like the mexximp scene, the native scene, and
+% names and values read from the conditions file.
+%% Get condition values
+numSamples = rtbGetNamedNumericValue(names, conditionValues, 'pixelSamples', []);
+metadataType = rtbGetNamedValue(names,conditionValues,'metadataType',[]);
+%% Choose integrator and sampler.
+integrator = nativeScene.find('SurfaceIntegrator');
+% Choose integrator strategy according to metadataType
+    integrator.type = 'metadata';
+    integrator.setParameter('strategy','string','depth');
+    integrator.type = 'metadata';
+    integrator.setParameter('strategy','string','material');
+    integrator.type = 'metadata';
+    integrator.setParameter('strategy','string','mesh');
+    integrator.type = 'path';
+    Error('Cannot recognize metadata type.')
+% If we use a metadata integrator, we should change the sampler to make it
+% more efficient.
+sampler = nativeScene.find('Sampler');
+    sampler.type = 'stratified';
+    sampler.setParameter('jitter','bool','false')
+    sampler.setParameter('pixelsamples','integer',8);
+    sampler.setParameter('xsamples','integer',1);
+    sampler.setParameter('ysamples','integer',1);
+    % Change the number of samples according to the conditions
+    sampler.setParameter('pixelsamples', 'integer', numSamples);
+%% Choose a type of camera to render with
+% Use a pinhole camera
+camera =  nativeScene.find('Camera');
+camera.type = 'pinhole';
+camera.setParameter('filmdiag', 'float', 20);
+camera.setParameter('filmdistance', 'float', 20);
+%% Add environment light
+environmentLight = MPbrtElement('LightSource','type','infinite');
+% TODO: Fix PBRT so we can scale this.
+% environmentLight.setParameter('L','rgb',1*[1 1 1])
+%% Add lights
+% % Find the AreaLight mesh element
+% AreaLightElement = nativeScene.world.find('Object','name','LightMaterial');
+% % Promote object to AreaLight
+% rtbMPbrtBlessAsAreaLight(AreaLightElement,nativeScene,'L','D65.spd'); 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbMakeChessSet.m b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbMakeChessSet.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fe71b140d8477d40a205fc25ec6ac2f6132bae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleScenes/ChessSet/rtbMakeChessSet.m
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+%% Render a chess set with different metadata parameters.
+% We render a scene of a chess set along with some "metadata" images. There
+% are four images total:
+% 1. Radiance image
+% 2. Depth map
+% 3. Material map
+% 4. Mesh object map
+% The depth images is the distance between the camera and each object. The
+% material image is an indexed image that corresponds to each unique
+% material. The mesh image is an indexed image that corresponds to each
+% unique mesh (object).
+% When the metadata integrator is used in PBRT, we also output a text file
+% that gives the corresponding index to material/mesh name mapping. This
+% text file is placed in the "renderings" folder in the working folder,
+% along with the rest of the renderer output.
+% Note: For the "mesh index," we output its "primitive index" in PBRT.
+% However, PBRT defines many things in the renderer with the same
+% "primitive" class (e.g. acceleration structures, individual triangles,
+% mesh objects.) Because of these two facts, these mesh indices tend to
+% have very large numbers, potentially in the tens of thousands. To
+% visualize I usually remap these numbers to a only the ones that actually
+% show up in our list of indices. In the future, we can probably make some
+% changes to give mesh objects unique indices instead of sharing the
+% primitive index.
+% WARNING: Be sure to remove the radiometric scale factor when displaying
+% the metadata images. The scale factor is unnecessary (and a bit arbitrary
+% to begin with) since PBRT is configured to output the metadata numbers
+% directly. 
+% Approximate time to render
+% Size = [200x200]
+% Pinhole, 1024 pixel samples
+% Total time = ~300 seconds
+% Trisha Lian
+%% Initialize
+% We must be in the same folder as this script
+[path,name,ext] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
+%% Load scene
+% When exporting as an OBJ Blender, we must keep the coordinate system
+% consistent. Right now I always export with YForward/ZUp and a scaling
+% factor of 1000 (to convert to mm) - if the scene was original in meters.
+% Nonetheless, there seems to still be a right/left flip in the images
+% right now.
+% The following scenefile must be a full path.
+sceneFile = fullfile(path,'Data','ChessSetNoAreaLight.obj');
+[scene, elements] = mexximpCleanImport(sceneFile,...
+    'flipUVs',true,...
+    'imagemagicImage','hblasins/imagemagic-docker',...
+    'toReplace',{'jpg','tiff'},...
+    'targetFormat','exr');
+% Add a camera
+scene = mexximpCentralizeCamera(scene);
+%% Choose batch renderer options.
+hints.imageWidth = 200;
+hints.imageHeight = 200;
+hints.recipeName = 'ChessSet';
+hints.renderer = 'PBRT';
+hints.batchRenderStrategy = RtbAssimpStrategy(hints);
+% This function modifies general scene paraemters
+hints.batchRenderStrategy.remodelPerConditionAfterFunction = @rtbChessSetMexximpRemodeler;
+% This function modifies PBRT specific parameters
+hints.batchRenderStrategy.converter.remodelAfterMappingsFunction = @rtbChessSetPBRTRemodeler;
+% Change the docker container to our version of PBRT-spectral
+hints.batchRenderStrategy.renderer.pbrt.dockerImage = 'vistalab/pbrt-v2-spectral';
+%% Copy environment map over to working folder
+resourceFolder = rtbWorkingFolder( ...
+    'folderName', 'resources',...
+    'hints', hints);
+envMapPath = 'Data/studio007small.exr';
+copyfile(envMapPath, resourceFolder); % Copy to main recipe folder
+%% Write conditions and generate scene files
+% We will render four images. 
+metadataType = {'depth','material','mesh','radiance'};
+nConditions = length(metadataType);
+pixelSamples = ones(1,nConditions).*1024;
+% Place all condition variables in a giant cell matrix
+names = {'pixelSamples','metadataType'};
+values = cell(nConditions, numel(names));
+values(:,1) = num2cell(pixelSamples,1);
+values(:,2) = metadataType;
+% Write the parameters in a conditions file.
+conditionsFile = 'ChessSetConditions.txt';
+conditionsPath = fullfile(resourceFolder, conditionsFile);
+rtbWriteConditionsFile(conditionsPath, names, values);
+% Make the PBRT scene file.
+nativeSceneFiles = rtbMakeSceneFiles(scene,'hints', hints,'conditionsFile',conditionsPath);
+%% Render!
+radianceDataFiles = rtbBatchRender(nativeSceneFiles, ...
+    'hints', hints);
+%% View as an OI
+renderingsFolder = rtbWorkingFolder( ...
+    'folderName', 'renderings',...
+    'hints', hints);
+% Load in rendered data
+for i = 1:nConditions
+    imageData = load(radianceDataFiles{i});
+    % Get rid of the radiometric scale factor
+    % If we don't do this, it will interfere with the metadata output,
+    % since those values do not need to be scaled. 
+    photons = imageData.multispectralImage./imageData.radiometricScaleFactor; 
+    % Name the OI according to which metadata we rendered
+    oiName = sprintf('%s_%s',hints.recipeName,metadataType{i});
+    % We will display each image differently depending on what type of data
+    % it contains.
+    if(strcmp(metadataType{i},'radiance'))
+        %%% ---Radiance Image--- %%%
+        % Create an oi
+        oi = oiCreate;
+        oi = initDefaultSpectrum(oi);
+        oi = oiSet(oi, 'photons', single(photons).*imageData.radiometricScaleFactor);
+        oi = oiSet(oi,'name',oiName);
+        % Show the oi
+        vcAddAndSelectObject(oi);
+        % Save oi
+        save(fullfile(renderingsFolder,oiName),'oi');
+        % Save an RGB image
+        rgb = oiGet(oi,'rgb');
+        imwrite(rgb,sprintf('%s.png',oiName),'png');
+    elseif(strcmp(metadataType{i},'depth'))
+        %%% ---Depth Image--- %%%
+        depthMap = photons(:,:,1); 
+        fig1 = imagesc(depthMap); colorbar; colormap(flipud(gray));
+        axis image; axis off;
+        title('Depth Map')
+        saveas(fig1,oiName,'png')
+    elseif(strcmp(metadataType{i},'material'))
+        %%% ---Material Image--- %%%
+        materialData = photons(:,:,1);
+        fig2 = imagesc(materialData); colormap default;
+        axis image; axis off;
+        title('Material Index')
+        saveas(fig2,oiName,'png')
+    elseif(strcmp(metadataType{i},'mesh'))
+        %%% ---Mesh Image--- %%%
+        % Let's remap the mesh image indicides to be more easily viewed.
+        % (See note on the top of this script).
+        % This, however, means it will not correspond to the metadata text
+        % file output for the mesh. One should use the actual meshData mat
+        % for that. 
+        meshData = photons(:,:,1);
+        uniqueValues = unique(meshData(:));
+        remap = 1:length(uniqueValues);
+        for j = 1:length(uniqueValues)
+            curI = (meshData == uniqueValues(j));
+            meshData(curI) = remap(j);
+        end
+        fig3 = imagesc(meshData);colormap default;
+        axis image; axis off;
+        title('Mesh Index')
+        saveas(fig3,oiName,'png')
+    else
+    end
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/CrytekSponza/rtbMakeCrytekSponza.m b/ExampleScenes/CrytekSponza/rtbMakeCrytekSponza.m
index 28b371ce8f2472230de78ff6a3580d103b6b0693..5b107116930ec0d0427561da8b4eb9be29fd2304 100644
--- a/ExampleScenes/CrytekSponza/rtbMakeCrytekSponza.m
+++ b/ExampleScenes/CrytekSponza/rtbMakeCrytekSponza.m
@@ -43,13 +43,16 @@ cd(path);
 % When exporting as an OBJ Blender, we must keep the coordinate system
 % consistent. Nonetheless, there seems to still be a right/left flip in the
 % images right now.
-sceneFile = 'Data/scaledCrytek.obj';
+% The following scenefile must be a full path.
+sceneFile = fullfile(path,'Data','scaledCrytek.obj');
 % The import will convert the JPG texture files into EXR format if
 % necessary.
 [scene, elements] = mexximpCleanImport(sceneFile,...
-    'toReplace',{'jpg','png'},...
+    'imagemagicImage','hblasins/imagemagic-docker',...
+    'toReplace',{'jpg','tiff'},...
 %% Add a camera and move it to a starting position
@@ -68,10 +71,8 @@ cameraNodeSelector = strcmp(scene.cameras.name, {scene.rootNode.children.name});
 scene.rootNode.children(cameraNodeSelector).transformation = cameraTransform;
 %% Choose batch renderer options.
-hints.imageWidth = 600;
-hints.imageHeight = 400;
-% hints.imageWidth = 144;
-% hints.imageHeight = 88;
+hints.imageWidth = 144;
+hints.imageHeight = 88;
 hints.recipeName = 'rtbMakeCrytek';
 hints.renderer = 'PBRT';
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ rtbWriteSpectrumFile(wls, spd, fullfile(rtbWorkingFolder('hints', hints),'D65.sp
 nConditions = 3;
-pixelSamples = ones(1,nConditions).*4096;
+pixelSamples = ones(1,nConditions).*1024;
 lightRotateAxis = [1 0 0;...
                    1 0 0;...
                    1 0 0]';
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.mtl b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.mtl
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.mtl
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.mtl
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.obj b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.obj
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.obj
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/crytekSmall.obj
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.exr b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.exr
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.exr
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.exr
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.exr b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.exr
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.exr
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.exr
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_mask.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_spec.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_spec.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_spec.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_plant_spec.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.exr b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.exr
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.exr
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.exr
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.exr b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.exr
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.exr
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.exr
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_bump.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_spec.png b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_spec.png
similarity index 100%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_spec.png
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/Data/vase_round_spec.png
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/maskAndBumpTest.m b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/opacityAndBumpTest.m
similarity index 94%
rename from ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/maskAndBumpTest.m
rename to ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/opacityAndBumpTest.m
index 044860ff2f59037e246c8ede323dba6538308762..6b1b00af56fad6104e5e032b0842dbf78cae7ed8 100644
--- a/ExampleScenes/MakeMaskAndBumpTest/maskAndBumpTest.m
+++ b/ExampleScenes/OpacityAndBumpTest/opacityAndBumpTest.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 %% Render a vase to test mask and bump textures.
-% For testing purposes.
+% This vase is from the Crytek scene. It has opacity and bump textures. 
 %% Choose batch renderer options.
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/dgauss.50mm.dat b/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/dgauss.50mm.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9f3f849a7102460c4a50af77855c02dea6fb2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/dgauss.50mm.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# D-GAUSS F/2 22deg HFOV			
+# US patent 2,673,491 Tronnier"			
+# Moden Lens Design, p.312"			
+# Scaled to 50 mm from 100 mm
+#    focal length (in mm)     
+#    radius	 axpos	N	aperture
+29.475	3.76	1.67	25.2
+84.83	0.12	1	25.2
+19.275	4.025	1.67	23
+40.77	3.275	1.699	23
+12.75	5.705	1	18
+0	4.5	0	17.1
+-14.495	1.18	1.603	17
+40.77	6.065	1.658	20
+-20.385	0.19	1	20
+437.065	3.22	1.717	20
+-39.73	0	1	20
diff --git a/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/rtbMakeSponzaAtrium.m b/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/rtbMakeSponzaAtrium.m
index 9d1fc618c466f8ca170fbdfd99412a88dcae4480..102c582365fd2ebcdd770fdc5014a5b6efbf93e9 100644
--- a/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/rtbMakeSponzaAtrium.m
+++ b/ExampleScenes/SponzaAtrium/rtbMakeSponzaAtrium.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 % Size = [400x270]
 %   Condition 3 (only) --> 1024 pixel samples
-% Total Time: ~300 seconds
+% Total Time: ~400 seconds
 % Size = [150x100]
 %   Condition 1 --> (4096 pixel samples)
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ cd(path);
 %% Load scene
-sponzaFile = 'Data/SponzaScaled-YForwardZUp.obj';
-[scene, elements] = mexximpCleanImport(sponzaFile,...
+% The following scenefile must be a full path.
+sceneFile = fullfile(path,'Data','SponzaScaled-YForwardZUp.obj');
+[scene, elements] = mexximpCleanImport(sceneFile,...
-    'toReplace',{'jpg'},...
+    'toReplace',{'jpg','tiff'},...
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ nativeSceneFiles = rtbMakeSceneFiles(scene,'hints', hints,'conditionsFile',condi
 %% Move lens file into resource folder.
 % TODO: Any chance we can do this automatically?
-rtbRoot = rtbsRootPath();
-lensFilePath = fullfile(rtbRoot,'SharedData','dgauss.50mm.dat');
+% rtbRoot = rtbsRootPath();
+% lensFilePath = fullfile(rtbRoot,'SharedData','dgauss.50mm.dat');
+lensFilePath = fullfile(path,'dgauss.50mm.dat'); 
 copyfile(lensFilePath, rtbWorkingFolder('hints', hints)); % Copy to main recipe folder (not Resources)
 %% Render!