\ProvidesExplPackage{profile/components}{2021-09-04}{0.1}{NJU Thesis Undergraduate components configuration} % 图表位置调整 \floatsetup[lstlisting]{ % Captions for lstlistings capposition=above,% margins=centering,% floatwidth=\textwidth% } \floatsetup[figure]{ % Captions for figures capposition=bottom,% margins=centering,% floatwidth=\textwidth% } \floatsetup[table]{ % Captions for tables capposition=above,% margins=centering,% floatwidth=\textwidth% } % 代码样式 \lstset{ basicstyle=\ttfamily\linespread{1}\selectfont, keywordstyle=\bfseries,% use bold style for keywords commentstyle=\rmfamily\itshape,% use italic style for comments stringstyle=\ttfamily,% 字符串风格 flexiblecolumns,% ? numbers=left,% left-aligned numbering showspaces=false,% hide markers for spaces showstringspaces=false, captionpos=t,% place the caption at the top % frame=lrtb,% show all four sides of the frame %linewidth=.8\textwidth, % breakatwhitespace=true, breaklines=true, xleftmargin=2em,xrightmargin=2em,% set the width of the code environment } % 图表标题样式 \DeclareCaptionFont{songticap}{\zihao{5}\bf\songti} \captionsetup{ font=small,% labelfont=songticap, textfont=songticap, strut=no,% hypcap=true, % Links point to the top of the figure % indention=0pt, % Suppress indentation % % parindent=0pt, % Suppress space between paragraphs aboveskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the figure and the caption belowskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the caption and the table } % list configuration \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\small$\blacktriangleright$} \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{\textbullet} \setlist[itemize]{noitemsep} \setlist[enumerate]{noitemsep} \setlist[description]{noitemsep}